Kawasaki Concours Forum

Mish mash => Open Forum => Topic started by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 12:10:47 PM

Title: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 12:10:47 PM
This is interesting...

http://www.burlingamepezmuseum.com/bannedtoy/index.html (http://www.burlingamepezmuseum.com/bannedtoy/index.html)

Number one banned toy of all time.

1.   Atomic Energy Laboratory

In 1951, A.C. Gilbert, inventor of the ERECTOR set, released the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. Using real radioactive materials, one could witness mist trails created by particles of ionizing radiation.

The set included four Uranium-bearing ore samples, and originally sold for $49.50. (I wonder how much one of these would be worth now?   ;) )



I wonder why they would ban such a cool toy?    :o

I had a chemistry set and an erector set when I was a kid. I guess I missed out on this one by a few years.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 12:13:21 PM
2. Lawn Darts
Heavily weighted and solid metal, Lawn Darts can pierce whatever they strike! Lawn darts have been responsible for over 7,000 injuries. On December 19, 1988, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned lawn darts from sale in the United States.


Kids can't have any fun anymore. 

I still have a set of Jarts out in the garage.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: B.D.F. on November 08, 2013, 12:48:31 PM
I would vote for the neutron emitter that David Hahn built. On the one hand it could be labeled a failure because he was actually trying to build a breeder reactor for the neighborhood (!) but on the other hand, using nothing but hand tools and clever materials procurement he did manage to create a neutron gun of sufficient radiation that his mother's house, where he did all of his atomic work, was declared an EPA Superfund site. Oh yeah, and he got a merit badge from the Boy Scouts in Atomic Energy too. Not too bad.

http://harpers.org/archive/1998/11/the-radioactive-boy-scout/1/ (http://harpers.org/archive/1998/11/the-radioactive-boy-scout/1/)

Now that there is a toy!

Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: stevewfl on November 08, 2013, 01:02:10 PM
Lawn darts were great (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j180/stevewfl/bigthumb.gif)
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: VirginiaJim on November 08, 2013, 01:08:21 PM
We used to throw regular darts at each other when I was growing up.  That lasted until I got one stuck in my thumb.  Didn't have the armored gloves then.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: sherob on November 08, 2013, 01:15:39 PM
BB Gun fights... that was the schizz!!!!  Find an old abandoned house, a couple of us inside to repel... a couple to storm...  ;D  Then the old Roman Candle and garbage can lid fights at night.  8)

Ahhhh... youth.  :thumbs:
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: MrPepsi on November 08, 2013, 01:37:26 PM
BB Gun fights... that was the schizz!!!!  Find an old abandoned house, a couple of us inside to repel... a couple to storm...  ;D 

Did this, oh those were the days.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: MrPepsi on November 08, 2013, 01:40:22 PM
Holy crap I had the Battlestar Gallactic missle launcher.
Todally forgot about it until I saw this.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 01:41:03 PM
We used to throw regular darts at each other when I was growing up.  That lasted until I got one stuck in my thumb.  Didn't have the armored gloves then.

Only babies used regular darts...

Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 01:43:41 PM
I would vote for the neutron emitter that David Hahn built. On the one hand it could be labeled a failure because he was actually trying to build a breeder reactor for the neighborhood (!) but on the other hand, using nothing but hand tools and clever materials procurement he did manage to create a neutron gun of sufficient radiation that his mother's house, where he did all of his atomic work, was declared an EPA Superfund site. Oh yeah, and he got a merit badge from the Boy Scouts in Atomic Energy too. Not too bad.

http://harpers.org/archive/1998/11/the-radioactive-boy-scout/1/ (http://harpers.org/archive/1998/11/the-radioactive-boy-scout/1/)

Now that there is a toy!


Long read but VERY interesting! That made my dabbling in explosives back in the day look like child's play.    ;)

Thanks for the post Brian.    :thumbs:
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 08, 2013, 01:44:25 PM
Holy crap I had the Battlestar Gallactic missle launcher.
Todally forgot about it until I saw this.

You're lucky that you lived to tell the tale Brent!    ;)
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Strawboss on November 08, 2013, 01:47:10 PM
We used to go down to the frozen river in winter with a hatchet, walk out on the ice that wasn't quite frozen over to the other side, and chop off a huge chunk with us on it, instant iceberg, Ohio style! The river wasn't deep and it wasn't fast moving, we'd drift maybe a quarter mile. Stupid. But fun.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: rhhall on November 08, 2013, 02:07:10 PM
Always fun until someone loses an eye. :battle: :cannon:
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: B.D.F. on November 08, 2013, 02:56:09 PM
Sure, you did not like it then but what about now- I bet it helps you hold onto the handlebars, right?

Wait, which way does it stick through you thumb....


We used to throw regular darts at each other when I was growing up.  That lasted until I got one stuck in my thumb.  Didn't have the armored gloves then.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: B.D.F. on November 08, 2013, 03:02:35 PM
That guy is one of my heroes. Well, not one of my regular heroes but one of my most favored 'warped' heroes!

There is another article I read about him that went into much greater detail about the neutron emitter he made. It was diabolically efficient and effective.

But most of all, he used a lot of aluminum foil and duct tape and who among us does not respect that? Notice he even taped the tool box containing the emitter closed with duct tape? Now that right there is just cool....

The most recent photos of him show a lot of really nasty red 'thingies' all over his face and neck. He would not submit to actual testing but the symptoms point to a huge dose of ionizing radiation absorption. He could probably be a dentist now and not even bother stepping behind the wall to snap the X-ray.... for that matter, he would probably not even need an X-ray machine.


Long read but VERY interesting! That made my dabbling in explosives back in the day look like child's play.    ;)

Thanks for the post Brian.    :thumbs:
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Stasch on November 08, 2013, 03:03:03 PM
Jr. High science club after school.

Access to the chemical storage area.  Elements are obtained, gunpowder is mixed.

A bottle is exploded using an electrical cord to detonate it.

It all fun and games until someone gets hurt . . . . .

Then it gets hilarious.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Two Skies on November 08, 2013, 03:10:06 PM
You know, it's amazing that any of us middle aged & older guys here in the U.S. survived our childhoods... with the things people freak about these days, the term 'milk toast' comes to mind!

Thanks for the read!
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: VirginiaJim on November 08, 2013, 03:33:59 PM
Jr. High science club after school.

Access to the chemical storage area.  Elements are obtained, gunpowder is mixed.

A bottle is exploded using an electrical cord to detonate it.

It all fun and games until someone gets hurt . . . . .

Then it gets hilarious.

I laugh in your general direction at your gunpowder.  We used HCL, aluminum foil and glass quart bottles.  That lasted until I got a glass shard in the corner of my eye and second degree acid burns on my butt.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: sherob on November 08, 2013, 03:39:02 PM
You know, it's amazing that any of us middle aged & older guys here in the U.S. survived our childhoods...

+1  The things we did while growing up in HI... the restricted areas we used to get in to... we'd be shot today!   :o
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: VirginiaJim on November 08, 2013, 03:40:20 PM
Yep, been there as well on the AF bases we lived on.  Can't tell you how many times I got nabbed by the APs.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: sherob on November 08, 2013, 03:42:26 PM
Had to watch out for the blue lights on Wheeler and Hickam AFB... LOL!!!!
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: DeansZG on November 08, 2013, 03:55:39 PM

  Played w/ those lawn darts ( Jarts ) all the time growing up, especially during camping trips w/ the family & my cousins & their famlies......UNTIL....... us kids decided to play Jart dodge-em!  My cousin & I were tossing them to our younger siblings across a shallow dry creek bed......WHEN.... my younger brother didn't get out of the way fast enough.....AND IT LODGED IN HIS SIDE, under his arm!!   ::)   I was yelling for him to stop, so I could remove it....but NO....he ran right to our parents, w/ the jart still hanging from his side.

 Didn't get to play w/ those jarts for a long, long time.....  Yes, he still has a scar about the size of a dime from it.... 44 yrs. later ;D
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: B.D.F. on November 08, 2013, 04:05:17 PM
Where the hell were you putting the quart bottles Jim? And how did you get an injury to your eye and your butt at the same time? I think we're going to need a picture of you before we can continue this discussion....


I laugh in your general direction at your gunpowder.  We used HCL, aluminum foil and glass quart bottles.  That lasted until I got a glass shard in the corner of my eye and second degree acid burns on my butt.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Nosmo on November 08, 2013, 06:34:40 PM
The bicycle still gets my vote for causing the most childhood injuries.  Every one I had did its best to try to kill me.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Stasch on November 08, 2013, 06:49:51 PM
The bicycle still gets my vote for causing the most childhood injuries.  Every one I had did its best to try to kill me.

So of course, the next logical step was to move up to heavier, faster, motorized 2 wheelers!   :stirpot:
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: VirginiaJim on November 08, 2013, 07:48:12 PM
Where the hell were you putting the quart bottles Jim? And how did you get an injury to your eye and your butt at the same time? I think we're going to need a picture of you before we can continue this discussion....


Carried the acid in my back pocket...it leaked.  The glass shard penetrated our bunker...made out of garbage cans.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 09, 2013, 05:27:25 AM
Jr. High science club after school.

Access to the chemical storage area.  Elements are obtained, gunpowder is mixed.

A bottle is exploded using an electrical cord to detonate it.

It all fun and games until someone gets hurt . . . . .

Then it gets hilarious.


Um, I may or may not have tested out one of my 'creations' on my neighbor's mailbox. I admit to nothing.   8) 
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Scaffolder on November 09, 2013, 05:46:51 AM
What mailbox?

The most dangerous thing I played with as a kid was Magicians Flash Powder. All I can say is OMG! When you put a bunch of this in a 16 oz. soda bottle through a long speed wick in it, and then wrap it up with a half inch of duct tape, you have something wild. I placed the first one of these at the base of a 6-7' thick tree. When we lit it we ran fast. It took that tree down like it was nothing. It was dark out, the blast was so bright (like a flash from a camera) I can still see it like it happened yesterday. If we looked at it, we'd probably all be blind. Oh memories! The things you could buy from a liquidator. There were a couple more experiments, but this is all I'll say.
Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Conrad on November 09, 2013, 05:56:31 AM
What mailbox?

Title: Re: Top ten banned toys.
Post by: Scaffolder on November 09, 2013, 06:03:27 AM
B.B. gun wars were the best! With the occasional Wrist-Rocket thrown into the mix.
Here is the crime scene. We had so much fun in these woods.
http://trails.org/our-trails/fore-river-sanctuary/ (http://trails.org/our-trails/fore-river-sanctuary/)