Author Topic: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.  (Read 4010 times)

Offline timsatx

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A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« on: November 08, 2013, 11:11:44 AM »
A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland. Man shoots intruder at 2am, gets charged with murder

US Air Force Tech Sgt. Matt Pinkerton shot an intruder in his home on September 13th just before 2am.

That is not in question.

Yet somehow, in Maryland, where Castle Doctrine does not exist by statute but rather only by case law, Sgt. Pinkerton is being charged with 2nd degree murder.

The intruder, Kendall Green, had reportedly been harassing Matt’s wife, Jessica.  Green had been a friend who helped Jessica when her brother was in a coma after being involved in a accident while Matt was overseas.

All evidence points to Jessica only maintaining a friendship with Green yet when he pushed for more she ended the friendship completely.

Jessica has stated:

    "Green had texted me sometime in July or August saying that he missed the kids, and Matt didn’t deserve us and that he deserved a chance. He wanted more.”

Which brings us to an early Sunday morning where Matt and Jessica were entertaining another couple one of whom was Matt’s brother Mike.  Green showed up shortly before 2am demanding to see Jessica.  Matt refused to let him in and closed the door on him then turned to return to his wife and guests.  It was at that time that Green kicked in the front door and stormed into the house.

Matt, who had retrieved his Glock 17 when he first heard someone outside (not unreasonable when he wasn’t expecting anyone at 2 in the morning) still had it on him when Green busted in the front door and came at him.  Matt fired once from 10 to 15 feet away and when Green continued toward him fired again.

Mike Pinkerton, one of the guests recalls the incident:

    “He (Green) kept coming forward so Matt fired. He rocked backwards and took another step forward at which time Matt took his second shot. He stumbled backwards and fell out the door onto the porch.”

    “When the shots were fired Jessica called 911.  Matt spoke to the operator; he removed the clip from his gun and the bullet in the chamber. Police arrived within five minutes.”

So what did Matt do wrong when a crazed man broke in his front door at 2am and was after his wife?  To me, nothing.  Yet according to the state of Maryland, Matt should have called 911 first and waited for the police.

That isn’t some glib, pro gun caricature of the how when seconds count cops are minutes away.  This is the reason he is being charged with murder.  It doesn’t help that on top of the lack of a Castle Doctrine Statute the  Assistant State’s Attorney, Glen Neubauer, is an rabid anti gunner himself.

Besides maintaining the ridiculous notion that calling 911 while a crazed intruder just smashed his way into your house is the only legal option, Neubauer also claims that  even the act of grabbing the gun in the first place is “bizarre behavior in itself.”

Getting a means of protection when an unexpected person comes to you door in the middle of the night is bizarre behavior?  I always took it for common sense.

But Neubauer’s stance just goes to show the institutional anti-gun sentiment that is running rampant in Maryland right now and unfortunately Sgt. Pinkerton has to bear the burden of their politics.

Because even if (hopefully when) Pinkerton is exonerated the legal costs alone will dramatically impact his and his family’s lives.  They have all ready spent $25,000 on legal fees while taking a loan out for another $25,ooo to get Matt released on bond.

This is a case which shouldn’t even be going to trial since the courts have previously set up common law principles in this matter.

The Court of Appeals of Maryland ruled the following in the case of Baltimore Transit Co. v. Faulkner:

    The law of self-defense justifies an act done in the reasonable belief of immediate danger. If an injury was done by a defendant in justifiable self-defense, he can neither be punished criminally nor held responsible for damages in a civil action. . . . One who seeks to justify an assault on the ground that he acted in self-defense must show that he used no more force than the exigency reasonably demanded. The belief of a defendant in an action for assault that the plaintiff intended to do him bodily harm cannot support a plea of self-defense unless it was such a belief as a person of average prudence would entertain under similar circumstances.

So, let us look take a look at the situation from Matt’s perspective.

At 2am a man who has an unhealthy fascination with his wife and has harassed her previously breaks in the front door and charges toward you and your wife.

I think it the UNREASONABLE thing would be to go for the phone and call 911.  Matt shouldn’t have to wait to be shot at or stabbed before he is allowed to defend himself with his firearm.

The moment Green busted in the front door and came at the Pinkertons was the moment that he crossed a line and Matt was morally and legally justified in shooting him.

Of course, to someone like Neubauer who thinks it bizarre to grab a gun in the middle of the night to answer the door, I guess it’s no wonder that he cannot fathom a person defending them self at all.  Hence the reason he will pursue this gross miscarriage of justice.

Just another reason why states like Maryland NEED a Castle Doctrine Statute rather than implied case law.  With Castle Doctine in place the State Attorney would have a much more difficult time crucifying an innocent man who was simply defending his family and friends.

I hope for a quick resolution and exoneration for Sgt. Pinkerton and his family.

This is when having additional protection like the Texas Law Shield would come in real handy.

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 11:39:13 AM »
Government needs victims. Victims need government. If you refuse to be a victim you're a danger to the government.

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2013, 12:07:18 PM »
In a really left- handed way, the authorities in their zealous pursuit of the 'law' might have done the guy (the shooter) a favor....

About 35 years ago, there was a guy who owned an electronics and gun shop in a rather poor section of town (yeah, I know that is a weird combination but it worked for him). After being broken into and having multiple guns stolen three times, the owner took to sleeping in the back room of the store for a while. Sure enough, another break in but this time the perpetrators were not as subtle as the previous burglars who just smashed through a window, grabbed everything they could and ran.... nope, this guy drove a car through the store front. So the.... well, let's call him the 'visitor' and the proprietor meet near the front of the car, now in the middle of the store and Don (owner) suggests he cease and desist. But of course the visitor is having none of that and we all know what comes next: gunshot wounds to the chest. The visitor is pronounced at the scene, and the owner is arrested and charged (wait for it....) with first- degree murder. Yep, because he chose to stay in his own place of business overnight, it was considered both pre- meditated as well as 'lying- in- wait'. They actually went to trial and there was quite a lot of concern but in the end, the jury would not find him guilty because of the severity of the charges. They might have been more open to manslaughter but not first degree murder.

So maybe in this case something similar will happen?


A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland. Man shoots intruder at 2am, gets charged with murder


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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2013, 04:06:16 PM »

  Wonder how A.G. Neubauer would have reacted if the same situation would have happened at his place of residence?  What a f**kin' moron!
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Offline Snibbor

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2013, 10:28:22 PM »
  Wonder how A.G. Neubauer would have reacted if the same situation would have happened at his place of residence?  What a f**kin' moron!

The only way this kind of BS will ever end is if guys like Neubauer stop "wondering" how they would react and start "finding out".  I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just sayin.....

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2013, 07:37:59 AM »
Amazing how we are becoming what we founded this country to get away from.
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Offline basmntdweller

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2013, 12:50:19 PM »
Cases like this is where I think the NRA and similar groups should assist either financially or help with in-house legal staff. Individuals like this guy shouldn't have to be the only ones footing the bill for their defense against asinine prosecutors and laws that essentially bypass 2nd amendment rights.
Not trying to be racist or anything but the ACLU and the NAACP and the rest of the talking heads are always jumping in at the first mention of a certain issues and they get results more often than not. The NRA and NAGR and the like should be jumping in just the same.

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Offline zsiska

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2013, 03:33:03 AM »
So what did Matt do wrong when a crazed man broke in his front door at 2am and was after his wife? 

The first thing he did wrong was to move to Maryland.  Sorry to anybody on here that lives there, but the entire state is a dump that we could all do without.

Offline jworth

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2013, 10:09:04 AM »
As sad as this story is, what's more disturbing is that it seems to be getting no traction in popular media.  That's truly unfortunate. 

Offline timsatx

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2013, 10:34:40 AM »
Besides living in Maryland and the fact that this is a BS suit, as I mentioned, having additional protection like the Texas Law Shield (or US Shield for their out of state option if you travel) would really be worth it to cover the expenses of trials like this. Unfortunately for this particular program they do not yet have an option for Maryland yet, but again this would only be if you are from Texas traveling to the other states.

Currently they cover:

Alabama    Arizona    Arkansas
Colorado    Florida    Georgia
Indiana    Louisiana    Mississippi
New Mexico    Oklahoma    Tennessee

There may be other plans that are available for other locations.

Offline phildobaggins

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2013, 10:50:56 AM »
The few times I've gotten into an altercation with people trying to get into my crappy apartments or breaking into cars when I lived in bad parts of socal I always just ran at them in my undies. Nothing scarier than a 6 and a half foot 300lb ginger screaming while running directly at you in tighty whites.

Offline basmntdweller

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2013, 10:59:48 AM »
Might be scary for them, but as a spectator, it would be hilarious!

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Re: A man’s home is his castle, except in Maryland.
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2013, 11:10:38 AM »
But in all seriousness I would have done the same or worse. If someone breaks into my place and my wife is home I'll probably react violently. No body knows how they will react until they are put in awful situations. Unfortunately I have more fight than flight which isn't a good thing. But in cases like this more of a fight response will probably save you. In situations where someone takes your parking spot at the mall a fight response is pretty gH3y. We are mammals.