Author Topic: I need to vent about this......  (Read 15524 times)

Offline sas mayhem

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I need to vent about this......
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:02:33 PM »
  I got a little upset today from what I saw on my way home from work.  I was on the interstate cruising at 75 mph, as I come up to an on ramp I noticed another motorcyclist coming down. So I checked my mirrors signaled and went into the left lane, giving the bike rider a clear shot to come on.
  As a rider the first thing I look at is riding gear.  He had a skull helmet, T-shirt, cargo pants shorts and flip flops.  I’m a firm believer in ATGATT, but that is his decision.   All of that made my nod my head but what really got my goat was his passenger ……  a 5 year old (if that) sitting on the base of the gas tank and her feet positioned on either side and behind  of the gas cap  >:( . I thought what the hell.  I was at a loss for words gang.  She looked over to me and smiled as I pull next to them. That when I noticed that she was wearing Barbie sandals and pink Barbie foam helmet????  :o  Then they sped off …..Remember I was do 75. 
I’m still fuming about it, when I got home a told my girlfriend and said,” If I had my headset synced to my phone I would have called the police”.   Would that have taking it too far?  I mean I’ve done it to a drunken driver that was weaving in front of me when I’ve been in my car.  Get that idiot a reality check.

Your thoughts please


PS. my phone is now synced to my headset.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 05:35:33 PM by sas mayhem »
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Offline Tom J.

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 05:18:20 PM »
I don't even like seeing kids in cars without their seatbelts on.
I don't like seeing people driving with dogs on their laps.
I don't like seeing kids going down the freeway in the back of a pick-up.
-Still 75+ mph with a little kid on the gas tank??  What a G.D.D.A !!!!
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Offline Pfloydgad

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 07:52:11 PM »
Not sure how long you have been riding, but as you get older, you will see that this is still something that some people just don't get.
I don't want to preach, but human nature is human nature, and the only real difference between us and some certain primates is that we learned to talk. That didn't mean we all learned common sense.
Try to look at it as a learning experience, you'll learn to not get to upset with the human species, it really won't help.
And for all of us, please ride safe and smart.
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Offline GPz1100

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 08:47:38 PM »
not defending the guy at all...
way back when my daughter was 4 or 5, she started riding on the tank. course it was only up and down the driveway or in front of the house. we lived at the end of a road. now, in her twenties she won't ride without a helmet.

Offline booger

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 08:58:43 PM »
not defending the guy at all...
way back when my daughter was 4 or 5, she started riding on the tank. course it was only up and down the driveway or in front of the house. we lived at the end of a road. now, in her twenties she won't ride without a helmet.

My son, when he was 3-4 years old  (now 32), rode approx 1700 miles on the gas tank on my '84 Sportster.  All putting around the neighborhood, at less than 15 mph, with a helmet on.  Safe?  probably not.  Fun?  Hell yes.  Highway at 75 mph.  Hell no.

And I never let him own or ride a motorcycle after that.

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 09:30:07 PM »
   "The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it."
                        E.W. Howe

People are stupid.  Riding a motorcycle does not tend to make them any smarter.  Unfortunately, the children are the ones who end up paying the price.
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Offline ZG

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 09:50:46 PM »
When I was younger you could ride in Washington without a helmet (I live in Oregon), in highschool we used to always go ride there just so we could ride without a helmet, crazy stupid speeds too... Looking back on it now I think how stupid we were, but at that tiime in my life it never crossed my mind as being stupid, just fun.
This obviously isn't the same as putting a child in danger, but my only point is that maybe in his mind he wasn't being stupid, maturity and thought process you know...
To the op, you can't let other people's stupidity frustrate you, I know it's hard... I rarely watch the news anymore other than for the weather because of exactly this.  ;)

Offline lt1

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2011, 11:56:54 PM »
How dare someone make a decision regarding the welfare of their own child?  The unmitigated gall!
While I may, and do, agree with your assessment of the wisdom of his actions, it really isn't any of your (or my) business.  Should I call the police or CPS or any government agency or official because I don't like the way you raise your kid?  What if you let them watch the wrong show, or read the wrong book, or go to the wrong church, or eat the wrong food, or play with the wrong toys, or live in the wrong neighborhood, or whatever - the list is infinite. 

Teach correct principles.  Let the people govern themselves.  Freedom is better than coercion, even if "we" are "smarter" than "them" and "know" what is "best" for "them".
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Offline zsiska

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2011, 03:59:42 AM »
How dare someone make a decision regarding the welfare of their own child?  The unmitigated gall!
While I may, and do, agree with your assessment of the wisdom of his actions, it really isn't any of your (or my) business.  Should I call the police or CPS or any government agency or official because I don't like the way you raise your kid?  What if you let them watch the wrong show, or read the wrong book, or go to the wrong church, or eat the wrong food, or play with the wrong toys, or live in the wrong neighborhood, or whatever - the list is infinite. 

Teach correct principles.  Let the people govern themselves.  Freedom is better than coercion, even if "we" are "smarter" than "them" and "know" what is "best" for "them".

I do agree that the guy in the OP was not acting in the best way, but I also feel that the statement quoted above is correct.  You know how many times I have spanked my kids at the grocery store or Walmart or whereever in public and I have had people tell me they were calling social services or the police on me.  F U.  They are my kids so mind your own business. They are lucky that they didn't have to call the cops on me for beating them after saying that to me.  And let me say I spank my kids, I don't beat them.  I got the crap beat out of me as a kid and I deserved every one of them.  And that is when the kid could come out bruised and it was oh well he/she was bad and they deserved it.  I will say that it probably helped me be a better person.  After you get a beating once for something you sure as hell don't do it again. You find something new and hope you get away with it.

Another example:  Guns can be dangerous and aren't meant for kids.  But my 5 year old son shoots with me.  I hear people complain all the time that he is to young to hold and shoot that pistol (maybe they are jealous because for a 5 year old he shoots better than some of them).  Now my sister will not even allow my nephew to have toy guns, water guns, cap guns, etc.  But she doesn't say a word about my kid shooting and I respectively don't say anything about how anal she is about my nephew not having anything gun related at all.   

Anyway my point is that I am not going to tell you how or what to do to or with your kids.  I feel bad for the kids, but it isn't my place.  And my kids ride with me on the tank but they are in gear and it is never out of our neighborhood or any faster than about 25.   

Offline throb

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2011, 04:04:05 AM »
it really isn't any of your (or my) business.

  That's what's so sad these days.  People too lazy or apathetic to watch out for their fellow man.  The notion that we are not each other's keepers is, IMHO, a good part of why this society has become so blatently violent and selfish.  If I choose to paint my house/car/bike purple with pink zebra stripes, that's none of your business.  If I choose to endanger the life of a small child, it had better damn well be evryone's business! 
  Does a 5 year old have the balance and coordination to stay on that bike if the driver has to make an abrupt manuever?  If they did crash and the child was hurt or killed, what would the hue and outcry be then?  OHHH, who could we find to blame??
  Comparing letting your child watch a certain TV show vs. placing them on a MC at 75+ mph is ludicrous at best.  I wish Ron did have the means to call the police on that idiot! 
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Offline zsiska

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2011, 04:12:27 AM »
  OHHH, who could we find to blame??

I disagree.  This to me is where the problem lies.  Who can we blame?  Blame the idiot putting their kid on the bike and hauling ass. 

It is none of his business to call.  While I agree the child was not in the safest position, you could say the same about anything.  Would you put your kids on an airplane or to the ocean to swim?  The plane could wreck or they could be swept out and drowned, but you probably don't say you are calling the cops on the parents for that.  So unless I witness a child in "real" danger (getting beaten senseless, raped, etc.) it is not my place to dictate how you raise your kid.

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2011, 04:25:33 AM »
OHHH, who could we find to blame??

  In case you missed it, that was my apparently failed attempt at sarcasm.  I know fully well who would be at fault, problem is there seems to be too many people looking for someone else to blame.  And in case you weren't aware, many states have laws regarding passenger placement and mandatory use of proper protective head gear for minor passengers, both for good reason.  I'm not certain about NC, but I really have no desire to figure it out either.
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Offline T Cro ®

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2011, 05:00:19 AM »
Boils down to this; what requirements does the state mandate for the child and the motorcycle? If no laws are being broken then IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS to interfere. You can be shocked and angered all you want but it is not for you to decide how the child is being treated if there is no legal threshold being crossed. Once that legal threshold is crossed then I would have no issue with it being reported to the appropriate venue. My personnel threshold is at least as much protection as I am wearing and that will always be well above the legal limit and feet must fit soundly on the foot-pegs.

Sorry kiddies until then Grandpa will only give you rides in the sidecar within our dead-ended neighborhood; but I will do it without safety gear as I CAN control the situation in MY neighborhood.
Tony P. Crochet
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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2011, 05:38:31 AM »
  If I choose to paint my house/car/bike purple with pink zebra stripes, that's none of your business.  If I choose to endanger the life of a small child, it had better damn well be evryone's business! 
Makes sense to me. However my Google-fu seems to suggest that the only laws in S.C. (concerning motorcycle safety) are: goggles for all, and helmet under 21. most other states seem to agree. So although the child's "Barbie helmet" probably wasn't legal, and the lack of gear on both of them would suggest poor judgement on the part of the operator, and the excessive speed,  the Q: is would you propose to "chase/tail" him till the LEOs get there?
You could call in his plate if you got it, but what do you think the odds are that someone will actually be in the right place at the right time to catch the idiot?
Maybe worth the try, but I'd limit my expectations to the benefit of a good facepalm.
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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2011, 05:55:23 AM »
Now that i am older i have mixed emotions on this subject.  I have very fond memories of zipping down the highway perched on the gas tank of my fathers Honda 500Four.  Was it safe? Hell no; but at the time i was king of the world.  Hell once in a while he would let me touch the handlebars ???
I am ATGATT now.  I try not to preach about safety; would I let my granddaughter ride with me like that? NO, it sure was fun though :o
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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2011, 06:14:45 AM »
My son rode all over the midwest with me when he was 3 years old and up.  We went to Springfield and Peoria often for the flat track and TT races.   I had made a wrap around seat where the sides nearly touched my back, brackets to put passenger pegs high enough where he could actually use them. I even had a headrest where he often laid back and napped.    I bought a DOT approved helmet to fit his little head and finished it off with SCOTT youth goggles.  The boots and leather jacket, and gloves were marginal but functional.  (Bates doesn't make leather gear for preschoolers)   I actually was pulled over a few times by Police officers who wanted to inspect the system, and they were all at least approving if not impressed.   If you want to take your kid with you, at least love them enough to do it right.

Motorcycles quickly became old hat with my boy.  I remember one day I told him to get his helmet and I would take him to school.  He replyed " Can't we just take the station wagon like everyone else?"

I like motorcycles and firearms, he like fast cars and archery,  where did I go wrong?   ;D
Yep, still riding the old one

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2011, 06:41:10 AM »
T-Cro had the interesting question, was he breaking the Law?  Being as SAS is in NC I can asnwer that, YES, all riders must be on the seat as intended.  If the girl could not reach the pegs on the back where she should have been seated, then she is too young to ride.  The Barbie helmet is not legal as it is not DOT approved, then again I'm sure the Dad wasn't either.  And yes child welfare would have been notified had the bike been found and stopped. 

On to personal opinions, you want to ride around in the neighborhood like described above, fine, I don't like it but go ahead, on the road at 75+ assume the worst will happen and be smart.  SAS, had you called you would have indeed done the right thing, you want to ride without proper gear fine, you want to toss a small child on a bike without gear, not so much.  17 years in law enforcement, I've seen enough dead kids to last a life time, the majority of which were from car accidents without the proper restraints, it can happen to you and yours.    And yes I let my children ride with me, but only when they have ATGATT, even in the neighborhood.
...and a good time was had by all.

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2011, 07:09:24 AM »
Maybe you were mistaken and it was his midget girlfriend who loves Barbie?

But if not, it would have made me mad also mate.  I think people care too little about others these days and I would have had the same conversation with myself inside my helmet that you did in yours.  Beside, I would not have thought that was even legal?

Watch out for wombats on country roads at night!

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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2011, 07:35:14 AM »
  I got a little upset today from what I saw on my way home from work.  I was on the interstate cruising at 75 mph, as I come up to an on ramp I noticed another motorcyclist coming down. So I checked my mirrors signaled and went into the left lane, giving the bike rider a clear shot to come on.
  As a rider the first thing I look at is riding gear.  He had a skull helmet, T-shirt, cargo pants shorts and flip flops.  I’m a firm believer in ATGATT, but that is his decision.   All of that made my nod my head but what really got my goat was his passenger ……  a 5 year old (if that) sitting on the base of the gas tank and her feet positioned on either side and behind  of the gas cap  >:( . I thought what the hell.  I was at a loss for words gang.  She looked over to me and smiled as I pull next to them. That when I noticed that she was wearing Barbie sandals and pink Barbie foam helmet????  :o  Then they sped off …..Remember I was do 75. 
I’m still fuming about it, when I got home a told my girlfriend and said,” If I had my headset synced to my phone I would have called the police”.   Would that have taking it too far?  I mean I’ve done it to a drunken driver that was weaving in front of me when I’ve been in my car.  Get that idiot a reality check.

Your thoughts please


PS. my phone is now synced to my headset.

IMO your initial instinct is spot on... what he chooses to wear is his business, but when he endangers another, it becomes our business... I wish you would have memorized his plate and called him in anyway...

IIRR, In CO it is against the law to ride any passenger that cannot reach the foot pegs...
`09 ZG-1400
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Re: I need to vent about this......
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2011, 09:40:11 AM »
Some good comments.  Even respectful.  Cool.

I do not equate legal with moral or wise.  They can be the same, but often are not.  Many legal actions are "bad", while many illegals actions are not.

As to watching shows not harming children:  Once Hitler controlled the media, (many of) the children raised watching, reading, hearing, learning his message grew up to willingly participate in the horrors on Nazi Germany.  IMO, that is much worse that falling off a motorcycle.

As to caring, it is bold to suggest that minding one's own business is tantamount to being uncaring.  I thought that should have been clear in my first post, but apparently it was not.  Many laws have been proposed and enacted in the name of caring that only served to restrict legitamate freedoms.  Every one of us every day "endangers" ourself as well as others.  Merely having running water and electricity in our homes is a risk.  Driving a car, we endanger a huge number of people almost every time we get on a city street or highway.  Same with bikes, perhaps more danger to ourself and less to others than a car, but the same principle is effective.  The world seems to have plenty of caring people who want to take away our cars, motorcycles, knives, guns, trampolines, lawn darts, bb guns, etc.

If you really care, should you have cps take your neighbor's kids away if he buys a trampoline?  No, being caring and being a busybody are not the same thing.

Again, teach correct principles and let people govern themselves.
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