Author Topic: Jasper, Ice Fields Parkway, Labour Day Trip  (Read 1648 times)

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Jasper, Ice Fields Parkway, Labour Day Trip
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:00:23 PM »
Came back last night from a nice 2 day trip.  Just over 1000kms in total.  Left Edmonton Saturday morning and rode to Hinton, AB.  Visited Hinton, did some nature walks, and spent the night there.  Next morning left and rode to Jasper, AB.  A cool 5C morning, so sweatshirt, jacket liner and all vents on the jacket and helmet closed!  But in a testament to the Connie's fairing and protection, was still rather comfortable.  After spending the morning visiting Jasper, it was South on the Ice Fields Parkway.  A small detour onto the 93A inside the park, small, tight, twisty with switchbacks up the mountain, and down!!!  I think of that whole ride, I only saw one third of the sights!!  The rest of the time was watching for wildlife, turns in the road, and people driving and stopping at the most innopportune times, so they can photograph the wildlife!!  A huge bull elk, and a couple of bighorn sheep on the side of the road, and a couple of bears in the river.  Took quite a while to make it thru the park, stopping every 15 kms to take pictures!!  Came out of the park and back to Edmonton on highways 11 East, 22 North, 39 East, 60 North and back on the 16 East.  I mention the roads as the route is incredible, smooth, scenic, and fast!  Not busy, but any traffic encountered is easily passed!!!  Of course it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, the Connie performed flawlessy!  Upshift, downshift, accelerate, decelerate.  A truly great trip.  Can't wait to do another!!  All pics are here: