Author Topic: What are you watching?  (Read 387474 times)

Offline Conrad

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #240 on: January 03, 2015, 12:16:13 PM »
Yeah, I think we are three episodes into that one. Not bad, lots of nudity (always a plus although even that cannot save a truly horrible series IME) but the blind guy beating Polo with Kung Fu is a little too much like.... well, Kung Fu. It is like they stapled the pages of Caine and Master Po into the Marco Polo scripts. Not bad, just that we've seen it all already.

Now if this new Mongol blind guy turned into a green digital stream of numbers like on The Matrix, I think we'd have something.  :rotflmao:


Wait...    ;)
Northern Illinois   Silverdammit '08 C-14 ABS

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #241 on: January 05, 2015, 07:52:37 AM »
Marco Polo on Netflix. Good stuff!

Anyone else? The blind Kung Fu master who has been teaching Marco is a seriously bad SOB!   :o

Watched all of season 1. Liked it a lot. Got me wondering more about the real story of Marco Polo. Like was he really influential in the court of Kublai Khan. Did he actually introduce the trebuchet to China? And did he really invent a swimming pool game?  ;D

Offline Conrad

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #242 on: January 06, 2015, 09:29:52 AM »
Yeah, I think we are three episodes into that one. Not bad, lots of nudity (always a plus although even that cannot save a truly horrible series IME) but the blind guy beating Polo with Kung Fu is a little too much like.... well, Kung Fu. It is like they stapled the pages of Caine and Master Po into the Marco Polo scripts. Not bad, just that we've seen it all already.

Now if this new Mongol blind guy turned into a green digital stream of numbers like on The Matrix, I think we'd have something.  :rotflmao:


You're right about the nudity Brian. In the case of this show, the nudity is a plus and the show would still be good without it. But with all the nude young Asian women having sex left and right with Kublai Khan how can one go wrong? Fortunately for us viewers, the Khan isn't shown naked! 
Northern Illinois   Silverdammit '08 C-14 ABS

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #243 on: January 06, 2015, 09:57:47 AM »
Watched all of season 1. Liked it a lot. Got me wondering more about the real story of Marco Polo. Like was he really influential in the court of Kublai Khan. Did he actually introduce the trebuchet to China? And did he really invent a swimming pool game?  ;D

I think that the game came about when Marco and the blind Kung Fu master went swimming with a bunch of nude Asian women...    :P

In the middle 13th century the influence of the Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan stretched from the borders of Poland in the West to the Yellow Sea in the East. Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis, became ruler of the empire in 1260 and proceeded to consolidate his power by relinquishing the Mongol conquests outside China establishing his capital at the site of modern-day Beijing.

Nicolo Polo and his brother Maffeo were Venetian merchants and the equivalent of today's entrepreneurs. In 1260 the brothers traveled overland to the Mongol capital and remained in the Khan's court until their return to Venice in 1269. In 1271, the merchants again made the hazardous journey to Kublai Khan's court this time taking Nicolo's seventeen-year-old son Marco with them. It took 3 1/2 years for the adventurers to reach their destination. They stayed with the Khan for 17 years and then endured a three-year return journey to Venice where they arrived in 1295. Marco Polo immediately impressed the Khan with his intelligence and knowledge of language and was soon providing invaluable service as the Khan's emissary and political adviser. Marco Polo's description of his travels aroused the interest of Medieval Europe in the Orient and later inspired Christopher Columbus to search for a Western sea route that ultimately led to the discovery of America.

A Great Battle

In 1287 Marco Polo accompanied Kublai Khan and his army on an expedition to destroy the forces of the Khan's uncle and rival Nayan. Nayan had gathered an army of 300,000 with the intent of wresting power from his nephew. Alerted to the threat, Kublai quickly marched north at the head of a force of some 460,000 troops surprising the usurper, as he and his army lay encamped in a shallow valley. We join Marco's story in the early morning as Kublai Khan looks down on his enemy in the valley below:

"What shall I say about it? When day had well broken, there was the Kaan with all his host upon a hill overlooking the plain where Nayan lay in his tent, in all security, without the slightest thought of any one coming thither to do him hurt. In fact, this confidence of his was such that he kept no vedettes whether in front or in rear; for he knew nothing of the coming of the Great Kaan, Owing to all the approaches having been completely occupied as I told you. Moreover, the place was in a remote wilderness, more than thirty marches from the Court, though the Kaan had made the distance in twenty, so eager was he to come to battle with Nayan.

And what shall I tell you next? The Kaan was there on the hill, mounted on a great wooden bartizan, (a wooden defensive tower) which was borne by four well-trained elephants, and over him was hoisted his standard, so high aloft that it could be seen from all sides. His troops were ordered in battles of 30,000 men apiece; and a great part of the horsemen had each a foot-soldier armed with a lance set on the crupper behind him (for it was thus that the foot-men were disposed of); and the whole plain seemed to be covered with his forces. So it was thus that the Great Kaan's army was arrayed for battle.

When Nayan and his people saw what had happened, they were sorely confounded, and rushed in haste to arms. Nevertheless they made them ready in good style and formed their troops in an orderly manner. And when all were in battle array on both sides as I have told you, and nothing remained but to fall to blows, then might you have heard a sound arise of many instruments of various music, and of the voices of the whole of the two hosts loudly singing. For this is a custom of the Tartars, that before they join battle they all unite in singing and playing on a certain two-stringed instrument of theirs, a thing right pleasant to hear. And so they continue in their array of battle, singing and playing in this pleasing manner, until the great Naccara (giant battle drums) of the Prince is heard to sound. As soon as that begins to sound the fight also begins on both sides; and in no case before the Prince's Naccara sounds dare any commence fighting.

So then, as they were thus singing and playing, though ordered and ready for battle, the great Naccara of the Great Khan began to sound. And that of Nayan also began to sound. And thenceforward the din of battle began to be heard loudly from this side and from that. And they rushed to work so doughtily with their bows and their maces, with their lances and swords, and with the arblasts of the footmen, that it was a wondrous sight to see. Now might you behold such flights of arrows from this side and from that, that the whole heaven was canopied with them and they fell like rain. Now might you see on this side and on that full many a cavalier and men-at-arms fall slain, insomuch that the whole field seemed covered with them. From this side and from that such cries arose from the crowds of the wounded and dying that had God thundered, you would not have heard Him! For fierce and furious was the battle, and quarter there was none given.

But why should I make a long story of it? You must know that it was the most parlous and fierce and fearful battle that ever has been fought in our day. Nor have there ever been such forces in the field in actual fight, especially of horsemen, as were then engaged - for, taking both sides, there were not fewer than 760,000 horsemen, a mighty force! and that without reckoning the footmen, who were also very numerous. The battle endured with various fortune on this side and on that from morning till noon. But at the last, by God's pleasure and the right that was on his side, the Great Khan had the victory, and Nayan lost the battle and was utterly routed. For the army of the Great Kaan performed such feats of arms that Nayan and his host could stand against them no longer, so they turned and fled. But this availed nothing for Nayan; for he and all the barons with him were taken prisoners, and had to surrender to the Kaan with all their arms.

Now you must know that Nayan was a baptized Christian, and bore the cross on his banner; but this nought availed him, seeing how grievously he had done amiss in rebelling against his Lord. For he was the Great Kaan's liegeman, and was bound to hold his lands of him like all his ancestors before him."

Northern Illinois   Silverdammit '08 C-14 ABS

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Offline Conrad

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #244 on: January 06, 2015, 10:02:45 AM »
Watched all of season 1. Liked it a lot. Got me wondering more about the real story of Marco Polo. Like was he really influential in the court of Kublai Khan. Did he actually introduce the trebuchet to China? And did he really invent a swimming pool game?  ;D

It was also during this turbulent period that the Mongol war-machine steamrolled across cultures and civilisations. This relentless expansion of the Mongol empire helped cross-pollinate technologies and ideas across the entire width of the Eurasian continent. In the west, a Mongol assault across the Sajo River in Hungary on the 11th of April A.D. 1241, was preceded by a rolling-barrage by seven large trebuchets. In the east, the first documented use of hinged counterweighted trebuchets in Song dynasty China was recorded in A.D. 1273, during the Mongol siege of Xiangyang and Fancheng. The Mongols incorporated Engineers and artisans from their conquered lands, and carried them along on their campaigns. At Xiangyang and Fancheng, the Mongols brought in from their newly conquered lands of the Middle East two Persian Engineers, Ala-ud-Din and Isma'il who constructed the first hinged counterweight trebuchets in China for use against the Song defenders. This account runs counter to the writings of the Italian traveler Marco Polo, who claimed that it was his family who aided the Mongols at Xiangyang with their designs of hinged counterweight trebuchets.
Northern Illinois   Silverdammit '08 C-14 ABS

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #245 on: January 06, 2015, 11:04:04 AM »
It does seem like the story of Marco Polo is more or less historically close enough to accurate. For me personally, the much more fascinating story is Kublai Khan, who sent emissaries all over the [known] world asking for the most learned men of each region to come to his court and present their views, especially on religion but general philosophy as well. This is very briefly shown in the first episode where the monk(s) traveling with the Polo party depart and / or are killed; in reality, Khan did meet at least one representative of the church of Rome and was extremely disappointed that they (the church) had responded so poorly to what he thought was a great opportunity he offered to spread their knowledge, and perhaps religion, to new areas of the world. The Khan empire was really quite fascinating during Kublai's rule.

The other side of that story involving Polo is a bit more convoluted and as I remember, a lot of the knowledge he brought back to Italy was actually written down by a cell- mate and is interlaced with fanciful stories.


Watched all of season 1. Liked it a lot. Got me wondering more about the real story of Marco Polo. Like was he really influential in the court of Kublai Khan. Did he actually introduce the trebuchet to China? And did he really invent a swimming pool game?  ;D
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #246 on: January 06, 2015, 11:10:26 AM »
And that was the true gift of the man- he had a vision and partially executed the mixing of cultures and peoples. Not to the extent that Alexander did, nor perhaps with quite so much grand intent for all humans but still, one of the few people to ever do much in that regard in all of our history. Extremely few successful conquerors in history ever had the intention to make any people other than their own, and often enough not even them, benefit through their conquests.


It was also during this turbulent period that the Mongol war-machine steamrolled across cultures and civilisations. This relentless expansion of the Mongol empire helped cross-pollinate technologies and ideas across the entire width of the Eurasian continent.

The Mongols incorporated Engineers and artisans from their conquered lands, and carried them along on their campaigns.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline Rhino

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #247 on: January 06, 2015, 11:50:50 AM »
I think that the game came about when Marco and the blind Kung Fu master went swimming with a bunch of nude Asian women...    :P

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #248 on: January 06, 2015, 01:18:44 PM »
Yeah, and blind Kung- Fu master kept saying he could not tell the women apart from their voices so he had to come up with a different way to identify them....


I think that the game came about when Marco and the blind Kung Fu master went swimming with a bunch of nude Asian women...    :P


Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline RFH87_Connie

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #249 on: January 06, 2015, 01:38:40 PM »
Just started watching 'The Fall'. So far (first episode) it seems pretty good although as an American it is a little difficult to follow the intricacies of the interaction of the locals (Northern Ireland) with each other and the English person assigned to help them with an investigation. Also a little surprised at the very mild accents of the Irish actors and actresses: I guess I expected them to all speak like those people in the Irish Spring commercials.  ;D  But the overall show is good and reminds me a lot of 'The Killing'.

We watched it too and liked it.  A new season is coming out soon I think.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #250 on: January 06, 2015, 02:58:49 PM »
Second season is out and complete. Not sure if there is going to be a season 3 or not. ??


We watched it too and liked it.  A new season is coming out soon I think.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline RFH87_Connie

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #251 on: January 07, 2015, 05:41:30 AM »
It doesn't start on Netflix until January 16th.  With it's high ratings, I would hope to see more seasons - but there is no word yet that I can find.
“I can truly say I had rather be at home at Mount Vernon with a friend or two about me, than to be attended at the seat of government by the officers of State and the representatives of every power of Europe.” - George Washington

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #252 on: January 08, 2015, 05:43:32 AM »
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy yesterday. More entertaining than I expected.

I watched this for the first time over the weekend and again yesterday.

This is a GREAT movie! I can't remember the last movie that I watched that was this much fun! I missed some of the humor the first time but caught it the second go 'round. If you haven't seen this movie you really need to!

Love it!   :thumbs: 
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #253 on: January 08, 2015, 06:02:18 AM »
I am Groot.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #254 on: January 08, 2015, 06:48:16 AM »
I am Groot.

Best role ever for Vin Diesel.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #255 on: January 08, 2015, 06:49:50 AM »
Started watching "The Fall" on Netflix after seeing it mentioned here. Intense! I like it! Also good role for Agent Scully even if the accent comes and goes.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #256 on: January 08, 2015, 07:40:24 AM »
She kept it well hidden on the X-Files.  I thought that she was American until I saw her on Graham Norton one night.  I was totally surprised.  Now I have to watch that series.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #257 on: January 08, 2015, 09:44:40 AM »
Well first off, she is an American by definition (born in Chicago). As far as the speech, she is bidialectal (Extra Easy Boys! It ain't even what you are thinking!) having split her childhood between the UK and the US. But certainly in 'The Fall' she uses a UK accent.

And I am disappointed in the Irish accent used by the rest of the cast; as they are really Irish, I assume it is accurate enough but it is not nearly as strong as I think of an Irish Brogue. Perhaps the Northern Ireland accent differs a lot from an Irish accent?

The show itself is really very good. No idea yet if there will be a third or more seasons to the show yet though. The main actor is also the guy who is going to star in the 'Fifty shades of Grey' movie(s) so will probably become far too much in demand for other work than to return to a relatively small TV series anyway.


She kept it well hidden on the X-Files.  I thought that she was American until I saw her on Graham Norton one night.  I was totally surprised.  Now I have to watch that series.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline Conrad

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #258 on: January 08, 2015, 10:44:04 AM »
Best role ever for Vin Diesel.

You can call his acting 'wooden' without being negative at all.   :)

sorry, someone had to say it.
Northern Illinois   Silverdammit '08 C-14 ABS

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #259 on: January 08, 2015, 05:46:07 PM »
I'm able to record movies digitally at work and view them anytime in the future. Here are some of the ones I've seen in the last two weeks. I watch a lot of old stuff, things from my childhood and things I've always wanted to see.

Days of Wine and Roses-powerful movie
The Thin Man
Mr. Roberts
Ensign Pulver
The Gunfighter
The War Lover
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
My Fair Lady
Dressed to Kill-40's version with Basil Rathbone
Submarine Command
Johnny Belinda
Miracle on 34th Street-1947 version
The Third Man

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