Author Topic: My SWAT encounter  (Read 1281 times)

Offline Y0ssarian

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My SWAT encounter
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:27:44 PM »
   Well...just got back from a SWAT - Situation With A Tailgaiter. Heh; fooled ya!

   It's pretty rare for it to be in the 50's around here in December (unless you're talking about "inches of snow", and I'm not kidding) so I took it as an opportunity to go for a short ride, up to the store and back. Since I wasn't cold, I took a longer loop road around the neighborhood. Almost as soon as I got on the loop, a guy in a light-blue Subaru starts following a bit close...not terrible, but something to be aware of. There are two stop signs in a row about 1/3 of the way along, and when I slow for the first he tightens right up on me. So I do a full-legal two-foot-down stop, just to kind of let him know he's annoying me.
   Now he's right on me, for the 80 yards up to the second stop sign.
   So I did a full-legal two-foot-down stop with a 2-second "delay". The second stop sign is where the loop road turns left, and initially after the turn I thought he was gone; I checked my left mirror and didn't see him. When I checked my right mirror, I saw he was about 18 inches off my back tire. As I accelerated away from the stop sign I gave him about two seconds to back off, and that was it; I stopped accelerating at 15 MPH and left it there. He didn't budge. He stayed between 18 to 12 inches off my back tire for the next mile; at one point he turned his high-beams on. I waved. He tried to pass me once in the oncoming lane; I wicked it up and kept him behind me until oncoming traffic forced him back...then I slowed down again. I felt bad for the people behind him though; if they weren't there I'd have slowed him to a crawl!
   Anywho, we get to the light on the "main drag"; he lines up in the right lane, and me in the left. He rolled his window down and tried to yell something, but i was too busy laughing maniacally in his face to understand/care what it was he was trying to say. He roared off, later than he would have been if his anus wasn't the part doing the thinking.
   So I was sitting at the light still chuckling to myself and listening to the tunes when the woman who was behind Dickus Maximus pulls up, rolls her window down and says something to me. I paused the tunes and said "Excuse me?"
   "Was he tailgating you?"
   "Yes Ma'am; he was on me all the way from Cherry Tree."
   "Well you did exactly what I would have done; good for you!"

   Didn't see that coming!

   "Well thank you Ma'am; it really means a lot that you said that. You drive safe, now!"

   I think the sheer width of the Conc14 with the bags on (I always keep them on) makes for a big visual impression, and I notice fewer problems from the rear. YMMV, IANAL, the Surgeon General has determined that pissing off imbeciles driving 3800 pound vehicles while relying on leather and fiberglass to save you is "contra-indicated".
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 05:00:28 PM by Y0ssarian »
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