Author Topic: 2008 Reflashed ECU and filter and new PR2s and V&H CSOne & Nolan N-104  (Read 1496 times)

Offline NautiOne

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Did that get your attention ?      I've made all these changes since my last 'good Sunday ride'.   I wanted to feel the dramatic effects of all of these mods simultaneously [perhaps to avoid any singular regrets].  I must say .... dude !

While my ECU was off at Guhl's being flashed, I took the time to change the stock Kawi air filter element (after 14k miles).  Since I am a fair-weather rider and intentionally avoid dirt roads and such, the filter wasn't all too badly fouled.  But as you know, if you take the time to even get to the filter, you really have to change it out !  >:(    I stayed with the OEM type.

So between the slip-on, the clean filter, and the ECU flash, my C14 can now breathe !  My impression is that the 'magic' kicks in around 3800 RPMs and up .... [Fred's formula flash with Flies opening sooner].  It runs up so nicely in first and second gear, that 3rd and 4th feel like they really never existed before - and a heavily-burdened 5th gear is but a pipe dream ! For the first time ever, I'll have to actually watch for redline [before I could always 'feel when it gets near], since the mid-curve runup is so smooth, I can get to 11,000 with rapid momentum.  While I feel some members on this forum exaggerate when they say you have to re-learn how to ride the bike, I'd say it's a bit more subtle.   What I detect most is that I can rely on the throttle more at lower RPMs and don't have to feather off the clutch as much.  It is far more natural to my moderate riding style, but much more responsive. I'll have to report any fuel economy changes a bit later after a few tanks.  (I get 41.5 mpg most regularly).

My prior pair of tires were also PR2s.  And coming off the BT021's were dramatic.  So this is the first time I've ever had identical tire replacements on any of my bikes.   I believe it is a testament to Michelin that the contrast (worn-to-fresh) was so smooth. I run at 42 psi F&R.   I elected to change them out (early) due to warranty replacement of TPS and a rear-tire puncture/plug.

Since I have worn a Nolan N102 helmet the past 6 years, I was easily sold on the features of the new.  A couple notes:
-  the thicker padding I hope will compress in due time - I attribute most noise reduction to inside VPS versus exterior - While I believed the venting system(s) on the N-102 helped it "exhaust" the pure BTUs of South Louisiana heat and humidity, I can actually FEEL flow and cooling of the N-104's design.  I really dislike the 35 mph slam-down of the new visor at smallest opening. Nolan or someone should find a fix/mod for that.  I'd also like the sunshade to drop a bit lower to my nose, perhaps a replacement size will be available oneday.   The silver metallic visor I opted for is actually optically better (less distortion) than the clear one it came with.  Overall, I'd say this helmet 'is a keeper'. But clearly my expectations were a bit high.   I'm torn about whether to get the B4 communication system (mostly for tunes), and while I am certainly no audiophile - I am picky about in-ear headets sound quality - I'd love to hear from any of you about the speaker quality of Nolan's B4.  I can't seem to get specs on the frequency response or sensitivity or distortion.

Now maybe I should plan a trip to the 2012 COG rally ...

"Now, bring me that horizon"

Offline jqram35

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Thanks for the report considering an ECU reflash myself. I am in South MS can't be too far from you! We should hook up some time. Ride South LA all the time with a buddy from Metaire.