Kawasaki Concours Forum

Mish mash => Open Forum => Topic started by: Damn Potholes on May 11, 2012, 05:50:23 AM

Title: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Damn Potholes on May 11, 2012, 05:50:23 AM
It was one of those times when you look back and know that you knew better, that you"ve told other people not to do it but you got lazy and did it anyways.  Last night I was drilling backrests for endless hours and decided I"d rather wear gloves than have them coated in oil.  In addition, our son finally went to sleep so the air compressor had to be turned off so no air to blow away the shavings.  I for some reason that it would be a good idea to sweep them away with my finger...and then we went to the ambulatory.

The drill bit grabbed the glove and started wrapping my finger around it.  I grabbed my hand and tried ripping the glove but it didnt work so I had to let go to turn it off.  Thats when it started tearing me a new one.  15 stitches and tendon damage later.

...and yes, those bits in red on the bottom of the drill bit is me.



Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: tweeter55 on May 11, 2012, 06:08:37 AM
Looks nasty.  In the fall of '74' I caught my class ring on a bolt while jumping out of a grain truck. PULLED the meat off the bone clear down to the knuckle.  Trust me, I can feel your pain right now.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: snarf on May 11, 2012, 07:20:15 AM
Ugh  :pukeface: I witnessed a very similar incident in my machine shop.  After that I started putting foot swithes on all the equipment that requires two hand operation. Step on the sw drill press turns on, left off and the press turns off.
What person really needs in this instance is a rectal Emergency stop switch.  I have found from previous personal experience that  the muscles in you a$$ clench WAY before your brain has a chance to say OH SH!T

I tried to stop my table saw with my thumb. Didnt work out so well for me either
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Boomer on May 11, 2012, 08:18:41 AM
Chain drive bikes are also dangerous.
A friend was lubing his chain with the bike on the centrestand and the motor running in 1st.
You can see what is coming can't ya......
The chain started to drip lube onto his driveway so he went to catch the drip with a rag.
A fraction of a second later the bike is on it's side and he is minus half a finger.
So, these days, when he plays Charades, he holds up his hands and everyone shouts "9½ Weeks".  ;D

I like the sound of that rectal emergency stop button. <ROTFLOL>
It would need to be a TimeStop button though.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Caffeinated on May 11, 2012, 08:45:10 AM
 :yikes: :doublepuke:
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 11, 2012, 08:52:04 AM
Wow, that sucks! I'm sorry to hear about your mishap. Thanks for posting, it's always a good reminder not to get complacent when using power tools. No matter how experienced you are with them.

I have a story too about a bad decision with a band saw, you can imagine how that went...  :o
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: snarf on May 11, 2012, 08:59:41 AM
Wow, that sucks! I'm sorry to hear about your mishap. Thanks for posting, it's always a good reminder not to get complacent when using power tools. No matter how experienced you are with them.

I have a story too about a bad decision with a band saw, you can imagine how that went...  :o
Pics or it didnt happen LOL
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 11, 2012, 10:22:37 AM
Pics or it didnt happen LOL

Well, this happened MANY moons ago when I was a teen and in Junior Achievement. I almost cut the lil finger off of my left hand using a poorly maintained band saw, it was close, the blade went partially through the bone. I don't have any pics of the injury (cameras weren't invented yet back then lol) but I sure still have the scar and the nerve damage!
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Damn Potholes on May 11, 2012, 10:43:01 AM
Owww.  What have I started.  I had the doctor wait to wrap it till I got a picture.  I knew you guys would enjoy it. 

I don"t know if you guys remember Tool Time but Tim Allen should have lost all his digits by the end of the series.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 11, 2012, 10:58:04 AM
Heck yeah I remember Tool Time, there's a couple of things that I remember better than others...    :P



More power!!!!
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: MAN OF BLUES on May 11, 2012, 12:19:54 PM
Pics or it didnt happen LOL

I just ran across this one, I digitized it and the color got futzed up, but you get the jist of it....

yeah, thats my leg, and the chainsaw, and I stiched it up while my pals watched...using a needle and red cotton thread..... so you guys going to the emergency room for sterile stiches are all wussies...... 8)

(http://inlinethumb17.webshots.com/48848/2376588560015463693S600x600Q85.jpg) (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2376588560015463693ehazCs)
(http://inlinethumb07.webshots.com/33926/2420735940015463693S600x600Q85.jpg) (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2420735940015463693dOKVNn)
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: sherob on May 11, 2012, 12:31:46 PM
*OUCH*  Glad it wasn't worse.  I had Woodshop in HS when I lived in Hawaii.  I was taking a test, heard a *bong* on the glass window... looked up and saw a blood stain on it.  A friend of mine was using a stationary router... took his thumb right off, flung it across the room and hit the window. 

That was just one of many lost digits in Woodshop... geez!  :o
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Nosmo on May 11, 2012, 12:47:06 PM
Ya got off lucky, man.  NEVER wear gloves around power tools, they always get caught somehow. 

A couple of years ago I was testing out my brand-new Makita PowerPlane, and got my left hand down below the base to "guide" it along the baord, and managed to plane off the fingerprints of three fingers.  Brand-new carbide knives at 33,000 RPM,  Never felt a thing.  Same fingers are in the pics below, Memorial Day, two years ago.  A little string hanging from the cuff of my work coat got into my table saw blade, sucked my hand over the top and got those same three fingers, down to the bone on the index and middle.  Didn't hurt a bit until I was 1/2 way to the hospital.  The ER doc said it was the LEAST damage he'd  ever seen from a table saw.

finger pics below:

Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Damn Potholes on May 11, 2012, 12:54:45 PM
Man of Blues is a freakin' animal.  Remind me to never get in a brawl with that man.  He'd take all you can dish then tie up his wounds with the laces from his work boots laughing the whole time.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 11, 2012, 12:56:25 PM
I just ran across this one, I digitized it and the color got futzed up, but you get the jist of it....

yeah, thats my leg, and the chainsaw, and I stiched it up while my pals watched...using a needle and red cotton thread..... so you guys going to the emergency room for sterile stiches are all wussies...... 8)

There you go Rich! That's what a real man does, stitch himself up. Either that or just rub some dirt on it to squelch the bleeding till you finish up with the saw.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 11, 2012, 12:57:28 PM
Ya got off lucky, man.  NEVER wear gloves around power tools, they always get caught somehow. 

A couple of years ago I was testing out my brand-new Makita PowerPlane, and got my left hand down below the base to "guide" it along the baord, and managed to plane off the fingerprints of three fingers.  Brand-new carbide knives at 33,000 RPM,  Never felt a thing.  Same fingers are in the pics below, Memorial Day, two years ago.  A little string hanging from the cuff of my work coat got into my table saw blade, sucked my hand over the top and got those same three fingers, down to the bone on the index and middle.  Didn't hurt a bit until I was 1/2 way to the hospital.  The ER doc said it was the LEAST damage he'd  ever seen from a table saw.

finger pics below:

Just reading that made me cringe!
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: VirginiaJim on May 11, 2012, 06:24:03 PM
I stuck an ice pick through my finger and didn't handle it well at the emergency room.  My wife was wondering where all the screaming was coming from....  Afterwards I asked the doc if I could play the piano afterwards.  He said sure, it wasn't that bad.  I said good cause I could never play one before...  I don't handle pain well.  Meds on the other hand, I do fine with.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: DeansZG on May 11, 2012, 09:27:37 PM
Looks nasty.  In the fall of '74' I caught my class ring on a bolt while jumping out of a grain truck. PULLED the meat off the bone clear down to the knuckle.  Trust me, I can feel your pain right now.

ALMOST did the same thing 30+ yrs ago, only with the wedding ring finger.... Good thing my feet were able to touch the ground & I was able to "unhook" my finger off the bolt. Took darn near two weeks until I was able to remove the ring the normal way. :o
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Damn Potholes on May 12, 2012, 05:32:56 AM
I stuck an ice pick through my finger and didn't handle it well at the emergency room.  My wife was wondering where all the screaming was coming from....  Afterwards I asked the doc if I could play the piano afterwards.  He said sure, it wasn't that bad.  I said good cause I could never play one before...  I don't handle pain well.  Meds on the other hand, I do fine with.

You're not the only one.  The nurse was actually making fun of me because I refused to watch the stitching process.  I told her its in everyone's best interest that I look at the curtain for the duration.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: VirginiaJim on May 12, 2012, 06:36:00 AM
I was actually told I could stop screaming as they had it out....  My wife was ashamed of me, but then she has a higher pain threshold than me.   I tend to be overly dramatic in those situations.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 12, 2012, 07:07:01 PM
I was actually told I could stop screaming as they had it out....  My wife was ashamed of me, but then she has a higher pain threshold than me.   I tend to be overly dramatic in those situations.

Knowing you, she would have to have a higher pain threshold wouldn't she?    ;)
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: MAN OF BLUES on May 13, 2012, 12:37:38 PM
There you go Rich! That's what a real man does, stitch himself up. Either that or just rub some dirt on it to squelch the bleeding till you finish up with the saw.

You don't know how close to Correct that statement IS..... :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

the scenario took place at my old deer camp/farm in southern Ohio, Noble county...out in the boonies. We were about 45 minutes from the nearest place to get medical intervention.
We'ed been cutting Firewood for almost 8 hours prior to the incident, and we already had cut and hauled 5 truck loads of logs per man, between 6 of us working ....so after 30 truckloads, around 5ish I was pretty freaking t'ard. :'(
I got a bit lazy cutting an overhead limb, and brought the ProMac610 with the 20" bar down on my knee....just sharpened the chain.......about 3 teeth whacked a hole in my jeans, and I just set the saw down and began to freak, because my pals saw it happen.....didn't bleed right away, and I rolled up my pants to look....ewwwwwwwwwwwww....it wasn't a "cut" it was a "groove"...no flesh, clean as a whistle... :yikes:
my pals were ready to rush me off, but there was NO WAY I was not getting my 5 loads of wood, so, with a roll of black electrical tape, and couple McDonalds napkins salvaged from the truck, I taped it up, and we loaded the last 5 loads.......heheheheh 8)
We got back to the house, and I asked one of the guys to retrieve a full bottle of Tanqueray Gin I had on the shelf.....for medicinal purposes....he pulled off the cap, and handed it to me and I had to take a pull on it to make sure it was the "highest' quality.....f'ing guys in my deer camp had already drank the Gin, and filled the bottle with water.......argggggggggggggggggg. So those stiches went in sans sedatives.....
One of the guys freaked out watching me stitch, and blew lunch right in front of me, :doublepuke: all in all the rest of my pals found it worth watching, and took me to the bar, forced the owner to slip me glasses of Wild Turkey for a couple hours, and picked up the tab... :chugbeer: :chugbeer: :hail:
I went to my docter about 5 days later, and asked him if he wanted to re-stich it, but he said, "no, good job, leave them in for a couple more days...looks good.....I really like the RED Thread...classy".... :thumbs:
My emergency medical kit now contains almost 100 assorted sutures, and associated equipment for "remote emergencies"....actually I've had 3 people ask me to stich them up in the last 20 years, after watching that.

oh, the guy that  :doublepuke: :doublepuke:

went out the next day and bought these:

 :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: OCK913 on May 13, 2012, 01:40:56 PM
15 stitches and tendon damage later.

I dont know what kind of tendon damage you may have had, but if you actually severed it..... take it seriously. Trust me! In a work related incident (thank God it was workers comp) I had a tendon get torn loose from where it attaches to the bone at the tip of my pinky finger. I was trying to get a drunk handcuffed (not as easy as it may sound) and during the "altercation" my finger got bent completely backwards. The tendon apparently couldnt stretch that far and tore loose. It was pulled so tight when it snapped that it retracted back into the palm of my hand. You will see in the picture how far down they cut and then used the equivalent of a crochet hook to fish it out. So far, I have had 2 surgeries and there is a third one coming up in a couple months. If that one doesnt fix it, I may opt to have it removed. In order to keep this concise I will just reiterate how serious something as simple as tendon damage can be. I never thought that in this day and age, when a person can have organs transplanted from another body, that my little pinky finger could not be repaired back to normal.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 14, 2012, 04:50:39 AM
I dont know what kind of tendon damage you may have had, but if you actually severed it..... take it seriously. Trust me! In a work related incident (thank God it was workers comp) I had a tendon get torn loose from where it attaches to the bone at the tip of my pinky finger. I was trying to get a drunk handcuffed (not as easy as it may sound) and during the "altercation" my finger got bent completely backwards. The tendon apparently couldnt stretch that far and tore loose. It was pulled so tight when it snapped that it retracted back into the palm of my hand. You will see in the picture how far down they cut and then used the equivalent of a crochet hook to fish it out. So far, I have had 2 surgeries and there is a third one coming up in a couple months. If that one doesnt fix it, I may opt to have it removed. In order to keep this concise I will just reiterate how serious something as simple as tendon damage can be. I never thought that in this day and age, when a person can have organs transplanted from another body, that my little pinky finger could not be repaired back to normal.

Wow! I hope that you heal up right and proper and get to keep that finger where it belongs.
Title: Re: How much damage can a drill press do to a finger?
Post by: Conrad on May 14, 2012, 04:54:25 AM
Hey Rich, were those assless chaps?    :o

Years ago a friend and neighbor of mine did the same thing that you did with his chain saw. He took a nice clean groove out of his leg but didn't want to go to the ER. He came down to our house for help. We tried to get him to go see the doc but he refused. It was VERY ugly but we fixed him up as best we could and sent him on his way after a few drinks, for medicinal purpose only of course.