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Mish mash => Open Forum => Topic started by: Klavdy on March 19, 2012, 03:25:04 AM

Post by: Klavdy on March 19, 2012, 03:25:04 AM
Here's another article on Australian Police attitudes towards motorcyclists by Mr Boris Mihailovic,first published in A.M.C.N(Australian Motorcycle News)and reposted here with his permission.
You can get in touch with him at amcn@acpmagazines.com.au or www.bikeme.tv (http://www.bikeme.tv)


Following on from my last column where I made the observation that the police have failed, epically and miserably, in the way they deal with motorcyclists, I would now like you all to consider the implications of the infamous “Attitude Test” we are all subjected to each time we are pulled over.
What’s that? You haven’t heard of this test? You must be new.
The Attitude Test is what the police subject every one of us to the second we have been blue-lighted to the side of the road. The police themselves openly (albeit privately) admit to the existence of the Attitude Test – and I do wonder if any of the cops reading this will be brave enough to come forward and admit, in print and with their name attached, that this is indeed the case.

Because this test is very important. Everything that happens after you have been stopped on the side of the road by the Highway Patrol is a direct result of you passing or failing this Attitude Test.
If your offence has been downgraded to less than 20km/h over the posted limit even though you were banging along at 130km/h, then you have passed the attitude test. You ate the required amount of ****, grovelled at the feet of the policeman and appeared, in his opinion, suitably contrite and chastened.
If, on the other hand, you got done for every kilometre over the limit that you were doing, got defected for your pipes, rego holder and tail tidy, and have been issued with enough fines to buy yourself a brace of top-end Las vegas hookers and a pound of blow, then you have manifestly failed the Attitude Test.

Cool, huh?
Apparently, there exists an iron-clad view in our various police forces that your attitude to being pulled over (often for no reason whatsoever) directly affects what happens next. There is no mention of their attitude. It is as if they are somehow beyond displaying common courtesy and good manners to someone who has breached some aspect of the Motor Traffic Act. After all, you’ve pulled me over for a licence check, or that noxious bullshit known as a Random Breath Test (which we all know is not random and is not remotely connected with the chance that I’ve improbably imbibed alcohol at seven in the morning on the Snowy Mountains Highway) – it’s not like I’ve just robbed a bank or murdered a family.

Is it so wrong to expect you to call me “Sir”? Is it unrealistic to anticipate some manners and courtesy from you? Why is it that police in every other First World country are unfailingly polite to the people they are dealing with, and you pack of paramilitary zealots seem to think that we, the public you are sworn to protect, have to pass some kind of bullshit Attitude Test on the side of the road for some chickenshit statutory offence? Show me where this is legislated. Direct me to the section of the Motor Traffic Act that declares I have to whimper like a cur at the feet of its master because you’ve got nothing better to do than check to see if my licence is current.

And then you, your commanding generals, and your disgusting Police Unions have the unmitigated gall to demand ever more coercive powers, because for reasons that are somehow lost on you intellectual giants, the public thinks you’re all nothing but a pack of capering power-mad fascists, and refuses to co-operate with you.
I know for a fact that the general duties cops try very hard to distance themselves from the shaved apes in the Highway Patrol, referring to them as “cockroaches”. And it is also a fact that general duties police are, for the most part, quite reasonable and well-mannered in their interactions with the public. But the trouble is that most people do not differentiate between the Highway Patrol and the general duties crowd. All it takes is for Joe Ulysses to have a few negative experiences with some jumped-up stormtrooper in his candy-coloured V8 and you can bet big dollars that that same Joe will not be very forthcoming when the cops are looking for help in finding some real bad guys.

Can you see how all this works?
But never let it be said that I offer no solution to this distressing state of affairs. I’m all for an Attitude Test. But how about you, the Highway Patrol officer, pass my Attitude Test? How about you call me “Sir” instead of “Boris”? We are not mates and we certainly aren’t ever going to be on some mutual first-name thing, are we? Cut the totalitarian master-slave bullshit out of your dealings with motorcyclists. Save it for your missus or your police ****-ups, where you all sway around and bemoan your lot in life and the scum you have to police.
Remember that that scum pays for you to exist, and that scum expects its police to be professional, polite and well-mannered.
And don’t tell me that is too much to ask.
Post by: valkmc on March 19, 2012, 10:21:27 AM
WOW I believe a reality check is needed......there are a lot of jerks (used not to offend) in the world and as a police officer you meet many on the side of the road. If you are speeding, have loud pipes or driving like sh**t, you get what you deserve!!!! Two police officers killed here last month, both by jerks in a vehicle.
Post by: Klavdy on March 19, 2012, 10:53:24 AM
The OP is specifically referring to Australia and Australian Highway Patrol enforcement.
Not general duties cops and certainly not other countries cops.
Post by: Stasch on March 19, 2012, 02:26:43 PM
I realize the OP is in another country, but there are certain universal truths that apply.

Since you know all these things ahead of time, it would seem prudent to conduct yourself accordingly. 

Not to be rude, but you do indeed sound like you have attitudes already, just waiting to display themselves in a situation.  That's a recipe for bad things to occur for you, turning a relatively minor interaction into major issues very quickly.

An old U.S. saying is that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.  It can get as bad as you want or let it be with your response(s).  You are 100% in control of that. 

If you want to try and stick it to the man, go for it.  'The Man' doesn't care.  The system is well . . . 'The System' - a cold bureaucracy well suited to escalate to whatever level you choose to dictate, sometimes with long term results and always expensive . . . . . for you. 

You will NEVER win at this, you will always lose.  When an LEO is finished interacting with you at whatever level, that's the end of it for them, but not for you.  They write up some paperwork and you are off their radar. 

There'll be another along shortly and they're focused on that.

The 'failure of police' you refer to, may just be the rules that they have to follow.  They're normal people like you and me, except I don't have to drive out into my 'office' with the possibility of physical harm occuring without warning. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't like them waiting around a corner behind a bush or a sign waiting to catch me speeding. 

But I know this risk ahead of time.  So its up to me to respond accordingly and not speed.  If I do and get called on it, its my fault.  Then its up to me to not escalate the situation.  I've been pulled over about 6 times in the last 12 years on a bike - always because I was speeding or shall I say 'exceeding the limit'.

I was always polite, helmet off, hands in clear view and didn't deny or try to act like I had no idea why I was pulled over.  I didn't get a ticket in ANY of those cases.  Maybe I'm lucky, but if I had met the LEO with an attitude, I can guarantee you I would have each and every time.

Don't forget they're also the ones who at a moment's notice will be on their way, risking their own safety running hot if you crash or are in a dangerous situation to which they are summoned.  And they don't even know who you are, they will just be doing their job.

MY $.02.
Post by: Klavdy on March 19, 2012, 07:14:11 PM
The various Australian Hwy Patrols do not need a reason to pull over any motorist.
They actively target normal, law abiding citizens for no other reason than riding a motorcycle.
You do not have to be speeding, have loud pipes, cross double lines etc.
You do not have to be doing anything that draws attention or obviously breaches any law
They do not need a reason to pull you over.
The sheer contempt and hatred displayed by them in their interactions with the public is incredible, even their  fellow general duties police cannot stand them.
I have ridden extensively in the U.S (Europe, Britain, New Zealand as well) and have been deservedly pulled over a couple of times and been treated with courtesy by professional police officers.
The situation in Australia is ludicrous, the Hwy Patrol treat the people as an enemy.
Post by: Stasch on March 20, 2012, 07:31:12 AM
The various Australian Hwy Patrols do not need a reason to pull over any motorist.

Could be politicians making those decisions that the police must carry out?  Politicians have a way of making things unreasonable. 

Our county jails are full of what they call 'dead beat' dads who didn't pay child support or are behind on it.  While you're in there your driver's license is suspended, requiring thousands of dollars to put back in good standing.

Spend just 90 days in jail and you in an impossible situation to pay anything.

You've probably lost your job, and perhaps where you live.  This is all mandated by politicians to the entire justice system, who are left with no latitude, including the officers who have to bring the guy in.

The jails are filled with no room to hold deserving offenders who get turned back out in a matter of hours.

Any change will have to start at the top where it originates.