Kawasaki Concours Forum

The C-14, aka Kawasaki Concours-14, the new one :) => The Bike - C14/GTR 1400 => Topic started by: ninjawarrior1400 on November 09, 2013, 01:36:02 PM

Title: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: ninjawarrior1400 on November 09, 2013, 01:36:02 PM
Where can I see a copy of the Drop Test Video done by CHP on the C-14 for the MC Enterprises Canyon Cages, the newer more narrow bars?

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RBX QB on November 09, 2013, 02:25:01 PM
I've seen the drops on LEO bars, but never seen one for the Canyon Cages. And I think those bars were a different manufacturer, and the video was posted by the builders of the LEO bikes.

I kind of doubt there is one of the MCE Canyons, as that kind of momentum could easily roll the bike onto the mirrors. These cages don't have the same level of protection as the LEO bars.

There are pics from the build (on this forum) of the mock-up bike set on its side, but it was never dropped.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 09, 2013, 03:16:27 PM
I kind of doubt there is one of the MCE Canyons, as that kind of momentum could easily roll the bike onto the mirrors. These cages don't have the same level of protection as the LEO bars.

A static drop will not have enough to roll the bike, especially if you also have the rear bars, also (those will fight any roll potential).  But not something I would want to do on my bike!
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RBX QB on November 09, 2013, 03:40:48 PM
A static drop will not have enough to roll the bike, especially if you also have the rear bars, also (those will fight any roll potential).  But not something I would want to do on my bike!

I dunno... a loaded bike with a full tank? I think it would just need to roll onto the rectangular bit to get the mirrors. How about if I up the ante and say it static falls downhill?  ;D

ZG has lots of replacement panels sitting around, maybe he'll film something for us.

I found the vid of the LEO drop (Probity Cycles)... Probity Cycle Inc. Kawasaki Concours 1400 ENFORCER DROP TEST (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7iiHGfekuc#ws). It's a Gen 1, and a different bar design than MCE's LEO bars. I get chills every time I see it hit the ground.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 09, 2013, 04:56:28 PM
I dunno... a loaded bike with a full tank? I think it would just need to roll onto the rectangular bit to get the mirrors.

I am very confident it wouldn't with the rear bars also present.  Not a static fall (on a level surface).  I have already "tested" a mostly static fall (attempted to help it not fall, but any attempt is not very helpful when you have really short legs) and had no rollover- not even close.

How about if I up the ante and say it static falls downhill?  ;D

That is where it gets interesting.  Often things are not so simple as a static fall on a level surface...

ZG has lots of replacement panels sitting around, maybe he'll film something for us.

He has Top Blocks and no rears.  That combination is far more likely to roll over in any similar comparison.  Just geometry and physics
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RBX QB on November 09, 2013, 05:43:22 PM
... I have already "tested" a mostly static fall (attempted to help it not fall, but any attempt is not very helpful when you have really short legs) and had no rollover- not even close.

Ah... the (reluctant) assisted static drop. I did one of those last year... rocked a little, but not close to rolling onto the flat spot of the Canyon Cage.

I've been Googling for drop info on the Canyons, but all I find are our stories on this forum... and none of us immortalized it with video.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 09, 2013, 10:05:47 PM
I've been Googling for drop info on the Canyons, but all I find are our stories on this forum... and none of us immortalized it with video.

Well, unless it was intentional, there is very little chance of it being on video.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: ninjawarrior1400 on November 10, 2013, 07:46:21 AM
I would hope that MC Enterprises would do a consumer video and post it as a good selling point to further enhance the credibility of what their Canyon  Cages will and will not do.  I guess i saw the LE test an was impressed with that, but did not realize that the Canyon Cagers were a different unit.
My error....but if anyone has one to post would be happy to see it.

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 10, 2013, 08:40:15 AM
I would hope that MC Enterprises would do a consumer video and post it as a good selling point to further enhance the credibility of what their Canyon  Cages will and will not do.

I bet if you volunteer your bike to them, they will be happy to make the videos :)
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: ZG on November 10, 2013, 08:48:11 AM

ZG has lots of replacement panels sitting around, maybe he'll film something for us.

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: BobK on November 11, 2013, 06:12:40 AM
I just joined the forum as I'm picking up a used 2011 on Friday so I have been looking through the forums for useful information which I have already found a lot of here. I also have a 2005 Goldwing that has fallen over a couple of times ( once it starts 800+ pounds is hard to stop) and they have very similar bars as Canyon has designed and the goldwing just simply comes to rest on the bars with zero damage to anything else.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: Sgt Mac on November 11, 2013, 07:58:31 AM
I was hit from the side at a traffic circle, the bike went down with quite a bit more force than a static drop and did not roll. No damage to plastics and worth every penny spent on them.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 11, 2013, 03:49:24 PM
I just joined the forum as I'm picking up a used 2011 on Friday so I have been looking through the forums for useful information which I have already found a lot of here. I also have a 2005 Goldwing that has fallen over a couple of times ( once it starts 800+ pounds is hard to stop) and they have very similar bars as Canyon has designed and the goldwing just simply comes to rest on the bars with zero damage to anything else.

I think the biggest difference is that the Concours falls WAY over on the Canyons, much further than the Goldwing (if my estimates from photos, videos, and experience are accurate) (there is more clearance on the Concours).  So although the Concours doesn't weigh as much, it is probably even harder to get back up.   I couldn't do it.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: Son of Pappy on November 11, 2013, 04:11:39 PM
I would hope that MC Enterprises would do a consumer video and post it as a good selling point to further enhance the credibility of what their Canyon  Cages will and will not do.  I guess i saw the LE test an was impressed with that, but did not realize that the Canyon Cagers were a different unit.
My error....but if anyone has one to post would be happy to see it.

Enhance their credibility?  GTFOOH.  I bet you're the kind of person that wants to see a human wear a bullet proof vest for "credibility".  I guess you missed the small thread during the design phase.  Ryan and his crew have all the "cred" they need.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: sf bay rider on November 11, 2013, 04:32:31 PM
I have a set of Gen 1 "Bathroom Bars" on my motor. Best $515.00 I, ever spent.
I have tipped the bike over a few times. Some steel wool and black color spray paint.
Good as new.  The tuperware is still looking good.  Paid for and running. Just the way I
like it!

More as things develop.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RBX QB on November 11, 2013, 04:41:10 PM
I have a set of Gen 1 "Bathroom Bars" on my motor. Best $515.00 I, ever spent.
I have tipped the bike over a few times. Some steel wool and black color spray paint.
Good as new.  The tuperware is still looking good.  Paid for and running. Just the way I
like it!

More as things develop.

Several of us have done that test with our Canyons... same happy result.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 11, 2013, 05:19:45 PM
Several of us have done that test with our Canyons... same happy result.

Except I opted for chrome  ::)

Fortunately, the touch-down scrapes/blemishes are not really in visible areas and somehow didn't seem to go through the plating.  I cleaned the two with alcohol and bought some clear nail polish and touched over them just to make sure.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RyanMCEnterprises on November 13, 2013, 04:03:33 PM
I suppose it's time for me to chime in here! First off, I really appreciate the positive feedback from those of you with our products. It makes me happy to know that you guys dig our guards and they've done a sufficient job of protecting your bikes. Anyway, the LEO bars from the drop video on YouTube and the Canyon Cages are both made by us. However, there are a few other companies out there that make similar products for the LE bikes. We sell a ton of the LEO bars to companies that build bikes for various law enforcement agencies around the country.

Concours Tip Over (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0xVzKUoHJk#)

As far as protection goes, the LE Guards do offer a bit more protection at high speeds because they stick further out and extend higher on the bike. However, our Canyon Cages allow for much more aggressive lean angles while still offering a great amount of protection, especially during no-to-low speed tip-overs which is what they were specifically designed for. Additionally, the Canyon Cages are much better suited for clamp-on highway pegs. Every wreck at speed is different and there are tons of factors that come into play so it's extremely difficult to create a product that protects against them all. We've heard from quite a few customers that had pretty hairy wrecks that the Canyon Cages performed well beyond expectation but, as I said, every situation is a bit different. Check out the photo below. This was a guy who recently ordered some replacement pieces after a crash on a track with our guards installed. In this case, the bike did roll over the guard and ding the mirror and there was one other very small scuff but his final tab was around $500 for repairs, if I remember correctly. Without the guards, his bike very well could have been totaled and certainly would have been much more costly to repair. For him, the guards paid for themselves probably two or three times over on that one incident.

(http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g43/rnvanquish/IMG_7553_zpsbb1717a0.jpg) (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/rnvanquish/media/IMG_7553_zpsbb1717a0.jpg.html)

Unfortunately I don't have any drop test videos for you guys with the Canyon Cages installed as we haven't been able to get our hands on a bike we're allowed to drop since we designed the Canyon Cages but I'm hoping we'll be able to film one in the near future. However, a customer did film a short video showcasing how steady the bike rests on the Canyon Cages when it goes over. It's much more difficult than people assume and takes quite a bit of force to roll over that initial hit point. In the video, the guy laid his bike over and let it rest on the guards.  He then pushed the bike passed the initial hit point and released it which caused the bike to spring right back up onto the guards. This gives you an idea of how steady it rests on the guards once it hits the ground.

Concours Canyon Cage Contact Point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsCd6I6iGU#)

I hope this helps answer any questions you guys had regarding the level of protection offered by our Canyon Cages. If any of you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask! I know the video I linked isn't quite as good as an actual drop test video but it's all I have for now. As I said, we certainly plan on filming one once we have a chance to bring in a bike we can actually drop. Once we have a chance to shoot a true drop test video, I'll be sure to upload it here for you guys. I know the Canyon Cages will perform just fine because the drop test will essentially be a static drop and perhaps a slow-moving tip-over (which the Canyon Cages work wonders for) but it'll certainly be a nice thing to show people that are on the fence about ordering them.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: Son of Pappy on November 13, 2013, 05:22:10 PM
 ::) Proof positive that MCE stands in front of, alongside, and behind their product.

Thanks Ryan
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: phoneman on November 13, 2013, 05:23:21 PM
   I could have used your cages about 30 minutes ago.

   Pulled into the driveway, Kicked out the side stand ( at least I thought I did ), and started to lean the bike over.

   And over she went--slowly and painfully.  Scratched the left mirror, the heat deflector, and the lower cowling a little.  Even got a little scratch on the left side fairing.

   Just a warning for you guys that might not already know--when this heavy beotch starts going over there ain't much you're gonna do to stop her.  And I'm a pretty strong guy.

   And yeah I'm kinda pissed about it.  I can't remember ever dropping a bike just trying to park.

   Funny how easy it was to pick back up.  I did say I was pissed didn't I ?

   Canyon Cages--good.   Laying bike down on grass--not too bad.  Laying bike down on concrete driveway--very bad.

   It will probably be funny tomorrow.  Or maybe in a week or two.  Dadgummit.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RyanMCEnterprises on November 13, 2013, 05:41:24 PM
::) Proof positive that MCE stands in front of, alongside, and behind their product.

Thanks Ryan

You're very welcome!

   I could have used your cages about 30 minutes ago.

   Pulled into the driveway, Kicked out the side stand ( at least I thought I did ), and started to lean the bike over.

   And over she went--slowly and painfully.  Scratched the left mirror, the heat deflector, and the lower cowling a little.  Even got a little scratch on the left side fairing.

   Just a warning for you guys that might not already know--when this heavy beotch starts going over there ain't much you're gonna do to stop her.  And I'm a pretty strong guy.

   And yeah I'm kinda pissed about it.  I can't remember ever dropping a bike just trying to park.

   Funny how easy it was to pick back up.  I did say I was pissed didn't I ?

   Canyon Cages--good.   Laying bike down on grass--not too bad.  Laying bike down on concrete driveway--very bad.

   It will probably be funny tomorrow.  Or maybe in a week or two.  Dadgummit.

Awww man, that is a bummer! I'm sorry to hear that. I agree with you, though the Concours definitely isn't going to be stopped once it starts going over. It's just too damn heavy. If you decide to protect your baby from further damage and would like a set don't hesitate to call the office during normal business hours or shoot me an email directly.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: phoneman on November 13, 2013, 05:55:32 PM
  Thanks Ryan.  Been looking at getting some of your Canyon Cages since I bought the bike.

  Would have been a lot better story to tell about how the Cages protected all my shiny plastic.  I guess I'll be looking to take a few pieces to the bodyshop to be repainted and a few pieces will get replaced.

  Expect an order soon.  Procrastination will get you every time.  I can almost laugh about it now.  Not quite--but almost.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RBX QB on November 13, 2013, 07:14:09 PM
  Thanks Ryan.  Been looking at getting some of your Canyon Cages since I bought the bike.

  Would have been a lot better story to tell about how the Cages protected all my shiny plastic.  I guess I'll be looking to take a few pieces to the bodyshop to be repainted and a few pieces will get replaced.

  Expect an order soon.  Procrastination will get you every time.  I can almost laugh about it now.  Not quite--but almost.

It's amazing how quickly your mind can go from "oh, crap" to "oh, well"... A stiff drink helps that process.

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 13, 2013, 07:53:49 PM
Check out the photo below. This was a guy who recently ordered some replacement pieces after a crash on a track with our guards installed.

That is an incredible photo
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: ZG on November 13, 2013, 08:16:20 PM
I guess I'll be looking to take a few pieces to the bodyshop to be repainted and a few pieces will get replaced.

If memory serves correctly you have a black 09 right pm? What bodywork pieces do you need? PM me, I might have what you need brutha...  :-\

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RyanMCEnterprises on November 14, 2013, 08:40:04 AM
  Thanks Ryan.  Been looking at getting some of your Canyon Cages since I bought the bike.

  Would have been a lot better story to tell about how the Cages protected all my shiny plastic.  I guess I'll be looking to take a few pieces to the bodyshop to be repainted and a few pieces will get replaced.

  Expect an order soon.  Procrastination will get you every time.  I can almost laugh about it now.  Not quite--but almost.

Sounds good! Whenever you're ready to order you can either call the office via our toll free number, email me directly, or shoot me a PM here on the forum and we'll get you set up.

That is an incredible photo

Isn't it, though?! I thought the same thing when I first saw it. Whoever the photographer was certainly did a great job.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 14, 2013, 04:21:59 PM
Isn't it, though?! I thought the same thing when I first saw it. Whoever the photographer was certainly did a great job.

After a zillion clicks so you can see it at a decent size, you realize it is a gen 2, and there are droplets of water spraying all over.  And it looks like the bike is sliding on the rear bags bar, totally protecting the muffler.  I bet *HE* is glad he left the rear bars on when he took the bags off :)
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RyanMCEnterprises on November 14, 2013, 04:48:41 PM
After a zillion clicks so you can see it at a decent size, you realize it is a gen 2, and there are droplets of water spraying all over.  And it looks like the bike is sliding on the rear bags bar, totally protecting the muffler.  I bet *HE* is glad he left the rear bars on when he took the bags off :)

The photo was originally small on your screen? That's strange. Is it like that for everyone else? It appears as a relatively large-sized photo on mine. I uploaded the large original that was sent to me on Photobucket and used that to link the photo in the post. Not sure why it showed up so small for you. The fact that you can see the water droplets being thrown up by the front tire (I assume by the front tire) is incredible and the rear guards are indeed in contact with the ground. However, the front tire and Canyon Cage is actually off the ground in the photo. I'm still amazed someone managed to capture the moment.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: ninjawarrior1400 on November 14, 2013, 11:13:18 PM
Just got my Canyon Cages installed today...they are very strong, robust, and very well made...fitting is top notch.  I have lots more confidence now in having added protection not afforded by the stock bike.

Hope I never have to use or see them used!  Thanks Ryan for a well made product, hopefully your Cages will save lots of Connie owners thousands of dollars, as more riders install theirs in months and years to come.

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: Conrad on November 15, 2013, 04:57:26 AM
The photo was originally small on your screen? That's strange. Is it like that for everyone else? It appears as a relatively large-sized photo on mine. I uploaded the large original that was sent to me on Photobucket and used that to link the photo in the post. Not sure why it showed up so small for you. The fact that you can see the water droplets being thrown up by the front tire (I assume by the front tire) is incredible and the rear guards are indeed in contact with the ground. However, the front tire and Canyon Cage is actually off the ground in the photo. I'm still amazed someone managed to capture the moment.

It's a good size without clicking on my screen. I figured that they were riding in the rain since he has his rain suit on...
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: Conniesaki on November 15, 2013, 07:12:46 PM
The photo was originally small on your screen? That's strange. Is it like that for everyone else? It appears as a relatively large-sized photo on mine. I uploaded the large original that was sent to me on Photobucket and used that to link the photo in the post. Not sure why it showed up so small for you. The fact that you can see the water droplets being thrown up by the front tire (I assume by the front tire) is incredible and the rear guards are indeed in contact with the ground. However, the front tire and Canyon Cage is actually off the ground in the photo. I'm still amazed someone managed to capture the moment.

The pic is big for me. I'm viewing it on a PC using Firefox.

I just wonder how the rider fared??

Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: RyanMCEnterprises on November 16, 2013, 11:55:30 AM
I'm glad to hear you like them, ninja! The increased confidence you mentioned is practically an invaluable bonus to the protection of the bike offered by such a product that most people don't realize until they install the guards. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you never have to use them as well but at least you know you have a set of guards that will do the trick in the unfortunate event of a tip-over.

As far as how the rider faired, he did sustain some pretty serious injuries. According to his email, he was going about 40-50mph and ended up breaking 5 ribs and got a pretty bad contusion. Sounds pretty bad, and it is, but seems to me that at that speed it could have easily been much worse.
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: rocknrod on November 17, 2013, 05:12:06 PM
drop test deans camera 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWBr-vsycBk#)
Title: Re: MC Enterprises Canyon Cages Drop test video...??
Post by: maxtog on November 17, 2013, 07:09:36 PM

Yep, I believe we have seen that before.  Some experiment someone was working on.  Never seemed to go anywhere, though.  Same thing with that guy who was working on a Top Blocks clone... just disappeared.