Kawasaki Concours Forum

The C-14, aka Kawasaki Concours-14, the new one :) => Accessories and modifications - C14/GTR 1400 => Topic started by: ZG on September 24, 2013, 11:36:29 PM

Title: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 24, 2013, 11:36:29 PM

I just bought the TPX 2.0 radar/laser detector, arrived today!  :) :thumbs:

http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/adaptiv_store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=180 (http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/adaptiv_store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=180)

I'm thinking about adding their laser jammer, anyone using this and have any feedback?  :-\

http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/adaptiv_store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70&products_id=221 (http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/adaptiv_store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70&products_id=221)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Gumby on September 25, 2013, 08:26:32 AM
You're gonna stick $800 into radar equipment? (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/tomdvaughan/emoticons/HEADSHAKEFAST.gif) (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/tomdvaughan/media/emoticons/HEADSHAKEFAST.gif.html)

Has the radar detector done you wrong yet? (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/tomdvaughan/emoticons/fv-green-dunno.gif) (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/tomdvaughan/media/emoticons/fv-green-dunno.gif.html)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Son of Pappy on September 25, 2013, 09:21:27 AM
Jay, you do know that radar/laser is a secondary means of identifying speed?  I like seeing others keep the economy afloat one farkle at a time, but in this case?
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Gumby on September 25, 2013, 09:29:20 AM
Jay, you do know that radar/laser is a secondary means of identifying speed?  I like seeing others keep the economy afloat one farkle at a time, but in this case?
Ok, I'll bite. What's the first? I would guess line of site and a judgement call on the officers part.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on September 25, 2013, 09:53:07 AM
Love my Passport Escort 9500x. I never leave home without it. By no means ticket proof but has saved me more then enough to offset the cost.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 10:22:57 AM
You're gonna stick $800 into radar equipment? (http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll112/tomdvaughan/emoticons/HEADSHAKEFAST.gif) (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/tomdvaughan/media/emoticons/HEADSHAKEFAST.gif.html)

I know it's not cheap, but my thoughts were if it saves you once from a big ticket it pretty much pays for itself, any other future saves you come out ahead... kinda like tip over protection. ;) :-\

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Son of Pappy on September 25, 2013, 10:45:38 AM
Ok, I'll bite. What's the first? I would guess line of site and a judgement call on the officers part.
An officers visual.  Before they are certified to use the radar they are required to accurately "estimate" speed.  I have worked, ridden, and trained with a fair amount of LEOs from a large variety of departments over the years.  What detector users have in their favor is the lazy officers who rely on the radar for info.
Fellow riders are the best form of detection, a simple tap on top of the helmet to an oncoming rider works great, even better is a CB radio set on the local truckers channel as they tend to call out sightings, all though recently not so much as they are prone to travelling at the posted speed due to tracking and all that kinda stuff.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on September 25, 2013, 11:35:14 AM
An officers visual.  Before they are certified to use the radar they are required to accurately "estimate" speed.  I have worked, ridden, and trained with a fair amount of LEOs from a large variety of departments over the years.  What detector users have in their favor is the lazy officers who rely on the radar for info.
Fellow riders are the best form of detection, a simple tap on top of the helmet to an oncoming rider works great, even better is a CB radio set on the local truckers channel as they tend to call out sightings, all though recently not so much as they are prone to travelling at the posted speed due to tracking and all that kinda stuff.

Yes but they still need radar, laser or stop watch to prove it in court. 99% today are radar or laser. Every ticket in my entire life (40+ years of driving) has been radar. So if you can detect it and slow down before he locks onto you, it will save you a ticket. Laser detection on the other hand is just to let you know you've been tagged. But I get about 500 real KA band detections for every laser so I don't feel the need for the TPX jammer. I don't go around speeding all the time. I've had maybe 5 tickets in my life. But with a bike like this it is VERY easy to exceed in a heart beat. I've had one ticket since buying the C14 in April 2010. Then I got the Passport and it has saved me maybe 4 or 5 times. Well worth it.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: OregonLAN on September 25, 2013, 11:53:58 AM
I'm not trying to poo poo on your post, but radar detectors and jammers offer very little protection against speeding tickets unless you're following other vehicles. Most modern day radar and laser guns are instant on/off. Typically the only warning you receive from a detector is after you've been tagged. Radar and laser signals travel at the speed of light (or thereabouts); it takes miliseconds to compute your speed on modern equipment. Also, jammers are only effective in 100% ideal conditions. They need to be positioned so that the frequency they emit is sent directly back to the laser gun. If the angle is slightly off, the frequency is slightly different or the officer targets an alternate portion of your vehicle (side, top or back), you are basically screwed.

I owned a nice radar detector once. The officer that pulled me over let me know that I would have received a warning if I didn't have a detector in my windshield.

I haven't had any speeding tickets in 12 years. Not because I don't speed, but because I'm smart about where I speed...   
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 12:02:38 PM
Well I guess once again I get to be the guinea pig it seems, I just ordered it, supposed to arrive tomorrow...  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Son of Pappy on September 25, 2013, 12:03:21 PM
Myth is they need the radar, fact is officers write the ticket and electronic assistance is not required.  Yes, a good lawyer will in all likelyhood beat the charge on some technicality, but that would be some weakness on the officers part.

What I would like is a current LEO to chime in, give their experience first hand.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 12:12:41 PM
Most modern day radar and laser guns are instant on/off. Typically the only warning you receive from a detector is after you've been tagged. Radar and laser signals travel at the speed of light (or thereabouts); it takes miliseconds to compute your speed on modern equipment. Also, jammers are only effective in 100% ideal conditions. They need to be positioned so that the frequency they emit is sent directly back to the laser gun. If the angle is slightly off, the frequency is slightly different or the officer targets an alternate portion of your vehicle (side, top or back), you are basically screwed.
[size=78%]  [/size]

The reason for the jammer is that once you are "tagged" as you mention above it would typically be too late, what the jammer does is block (error) that first tag reading, allowing you to see the laser tagged light go off and slow down (this jammer from TPX also has an auto off function so once it jams the first tagging it turns off) then when the LEO tags you again it works for him but by then you've hopefully already slowed down...

When LEO's tag you with laser they have to hit it off a license plate or headlight in order to get a reading back, it won't work if they tag you from the side etc. The jammer mounts directly below your headlight, which blocks the signal on the first reading.

Here's some more info, pics, and vids, etc... It's a pretty cool product IMO.  8)

http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer (http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer)

http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/ (http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: mvjr1904 on September 25, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
If there is any form of radar, laser, speed trap in the general area, your detection device should pick it up, regardless if you are the target or the vehicle to your front or side is the target. Worse, if its you and it's probably too late once your device goes off. A radar signal from a bank or store can set it off also.

Point to remember, if your device goes off and it never went off on that same stretch of road before...... "Something" is in the area, slow down and try to identify the source of the detection.

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: OregonLAN on September 25, 2013, 12:49:48 PM

The reason for the jammer is that once you are "tagged" as you mention above it would typically be too late, what the jammer does is block (error) that first tag reading, allowing you to see the laser tagged light go off and slow down (this jammer from TPX also has an auto off function so once it jams the first tagging it turns off) then when the LEO tags you again it works for him but by then you've hopefully already slowed down...

When LEO's tag you with laser they have to hit it off a license plate or headlight in order to get a reading back, it won't work if they tag you from the side etc. The jammer mounts directly below your headlight, which blocks the signal on the first reading.

Here's some more info, pics, and vids, etc... It's a pretty cool product IMO.  8)

http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer (http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer)

http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/ (http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/)

Actually, all they need is a flat/reflective surface to use Lidar. Most officers are trained to use the license plate or headlights as these areas work best. Automatic targeting Lidar will commonly lock onto the license plate, headlights, marker lights or reflectors.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on September 25, 2013, 12:51:14 PM
Yep, you got it Jay.Your first inkling that you have been illuminated by phased controlled light in merely a 'heads up' that you will soon have to stop and chat with someone. The only way to detect laser light in advance (read: when it is not trained on you) is in the odd case of reflection. Laser light just does not scatter like a radio frequency emission used for radar. And in most places, a radar jammer, er, 'altered light alternative emitter' is perfectly legal.

That said, common sense says that it will annoy a LEO to no end if you have defeated his, er, measurement system. If you think detectors make them cranky, wait 'till you meet one while wearing an emitter. So think long and hard about just where and how you are going to mount it (them). Just because the LEO's device will not read does not mean you will not get pulled over and once made put off, an officer can probably find all manner of things you have / continue to do incorrectly.

Caveat Emptor never applied any more than it does here.


The reason for the jammer is that once you are "tagged" as you mention above it would typically be too late, what the jammer does is block (error) that first tag reading, allowing you to see the laser tagged light go off and slow down (this jammer from TPX also has an auto off function so once it jams the first tagging it turns off) then when the LEO tags you again it works for him but by then you've hopefully already slowed down...

When LEO's tag you with laser they have to hit it off a license plate or headlight in order to get a reading back, it won't work if they tag you from the side etc. The jammer mounts directly below your headlight, which blocks the signal on the first reading.

Here's some more info, pics, and vids, etc... It's a pretty cool product IMO.  8)

http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer (http://www.adaptivtechnologies.com/gear/gallery/tpx-laser-jammer)

http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/ (http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/kawasaki/)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on September 25, 2013, 01:10:26 PM
I'm not trying to poo poo on your post, but radar detectors and jammers offer very little protection against speeding tickets unless you're following other vehicles. Most modern day radar and laser guns are instant on/off. Typically the only warning you receive from a detector is after you've been tagged. Radar and laser signals travel at the speed of light (or thereabouts); it takes miliseconds to compute your speed on modern equipment. Also, jammers are only effective in 100% ideal conditions. They need to be positioned so that the frequency they emit is sent directly back to the laser gun. If the angle is slightly off, the frequency is slightly different or the officer targets an alternate portion of your vehicle (side, top or back), you are basically screwed.

I owned a nice radar detector once. The officer that pulled me over let me know that I would have received a warning if I didn't have a detector in my windshield.

I haven't had any speeding tickets in 12 years. Not because I don't speed, but because I'm smart about where I speed...   

True dat. Which is about 90% of the time.

And agree completely about good judgment on when and where to speed.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on September 25, 2013, 01:19:36 PM
Myth is they need the radar, fact is officers write the ticket and electronic assistance is not required.  Yes, a good lawyer will in all likelyhood beat the charge on some technicality, but that would be some weakness on the officers part.

What I would like is a current LEO to chime in, give their experience first hand.

I would be very interested to hear if anyone has ever gotten a ticket based on the officers estimate of speed. I'm not talking about aggressive riding including improper passing, dangerous lane changing, etc. I'm talking pure speeding such as 82 in a 70 (my last ticket on a deserted back road in Texas). Has anyone ever gotten a ticket like that without radar, laser or stop watch? And as Chet said, would love to hear a LEO chime in.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 01:50:01 PM

That said, common sense says that it will annoy a LEO to no end if you have defeated his, er, measurement system. If you think detectors make them cranky, wait 'till you meet one while wearing an emitter. So think long and hard about just where and how you are going to mount it (them). Just because the LEO's device will not read does not mean you will not get pulled over and once made put off, an officer can probably find all manner of things you have / continue to do incorrectly.

Yep, I hear ya Brian, and that's a valid point. But I think I like my chances better having a conversation with the LEO if I did get pulled over vs them having hard evidence in hand like a validated laser reading... :-\
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 01:54:04 PM
I would be very interested to hear if anyone has ever gotten a ticket based on the officers estimate of speed. I'm not talking about aggressive riding including improper passing, dangerous lane changing, etc. I'm talking pure speeding such as 82 in a 70 (my last ticket on a deserted back road in Texas). Has anyone ever gotten a ticket like that without radar, laser or stop watch?

+1...   :goodpost:

I'm not a hooligan rider (ok maybe when i was younger) weaving in/out of cages acting a fool, but there are many isolated places that if you come over a hill or around a corner and get tagged could be a hefty ticket... Coming home from the National last month on HWY 20 I think the flow of traffic was at least 90 mph...

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: gPink on September 25, 2013, 02:05:59 PM
If KIPASS was really intelligent we wouldn't be having this conversation. We got two fobs, one for front and one for back. All the protection we need.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: mvjr1904 on September 25, 2013, 02:32:23 PM
Get some of these items while your at it!
http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm (http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm)
http://www.marcparnes.com/Visual_Alert.htm (http://www.marcparnes.com/Visual_Alert.htm)
http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detector-accessories/laser-veil/laserveil.cfm?alt=results (http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detector-accessories/laser-veil/laserveil.cfm?alt=results)

Good excuse..... " but officer, sure I was doing 90, but I was going consistent with the flow of traffic"
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Conrad on September 25, 2013, 02:36:00 PM
Get some of these items while your at it!
http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm (http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm)
http://www.marcparnes.com/Visual_Alert.htm (http://www.marcparnes.com/Visual_Alert.htm)
http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detector-accessories/laser-veil/laserveil.cfm?alt=results (http://www.radarbusters.com/radar-detector-accessories/laser-veil/laserveil.cfm?alt=results)

Good excuse..... " but officer, sure I was doing 90, but I was going consistent with the flow of traffic"

I'm pretty sure that J already has all of those things.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on September 25, 2013, 02:39:20 PM
Where exactly are you putting the second fob.... and I am a little scared waiting for the answer.  :yikes:


If KIPASS was really intelligent we wouldn't be having this conversation. We got two fobs, one for front and one for back. All the protection we need.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 03:03:34 PM

Get some of these items while your at it!
http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm (http://www.legalspeeding.com/HARD-System.htm)

I'm pretty sure that J already has all of those things.

Yep, I already have the H.A.R.D. 5 setup, it's awesome and connects automatically to the TPX 2.0  :) :thumbs:
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 03:05:19 PM
The TPX pinterest page also has some other pics you guys might like...  :P ;D

http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/adaptiv-girls/ (http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/adaptiv-girls/)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Gumby on September 25, 2013, 03:13:54 PM
Coming home from the National last month on HWY 20 I think the flow of traffic was at least 90 mph...
How would you know what the flow of traffic was on 20? Oh ya, that one time you had to slow down and wait for a few cars before passing.  :rotflmao:

The TPX pinterest page also has some other pics you guys might like...  :P ;D
http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/adaptiv-girls/ (http://www.pinterest.com/adaptivtech/adaptiv-girls/)
Yep, I like.  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 25, 2013, 08:45:40 PM
How would you know what the flow of traffic was on 20? Oh ya, that one time you had to slow down and wait for a few cars before passing.  :rotflmao:

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ropjohns on September 26, 2013, 06:04:21 AM
Myth is they need the radar, fact is officers write the ticket and electronic assistance is not required.  Yes, a good lawyer will in all likelyhood beat the charge on some technicality, but that would be some weakness on the officers part.

I'm confused.  What ever happened to needing proof in a court of law?  If verdicts were won on he said she said, this country would be f*cked up. 

Officer:"Yes judge, it looked to me like he was doing 13 over the speed limit exactly.  I have great vision and my brain works faster then an Intel processor."

Judge:"Do you have any hard evidence"?

Officer:"Nope, just my word."

Judge:"Defendant is guilty.  Take his motorcycle!!!!"

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ropjohns on September 26, 2013, 06:05:42 AM
Oops, messed up on the quote.  That second line and down is mine....I'm sure silverdammit doesn't want to take credit for that great piece of literary genius!
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 26, 2013, 05:05:52 PM

Well, I seem to be on a roll lately with the FAILS...  :banghead:

The jammer arrived this morning, went in for install and it's not gonna fit for my bike, the forward mounting sensor that mounts under the nose of the bike it won't leave enough room for clearance between the sensor and the front fender.  :-\

In talking with TPX on the phone today it sounds like it's because I had my bike lowered 1", and therefor when my forks compress it will hit my front fender...  :(

I'm bummed and now am back to feeling ticket vulnerable...  :'(

I did get the new TPX 2.0 radar/laser detector all hard wired up though, pretty slick unit, so the day is not totally ruined..  :) :thumbs:
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: freebird6 on September 26, 2013, 08:58:18 PM
How big is that sucka? Won't leave room? LEO's gonna see that in a minute. Need a pic if you have time before you pack it up.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 26, 2013, 09:00:39 PM
How big is that sucka? Won't leave room? LEO's gonna see that in a minute. Need a pic if you have time before you pack it up.

I have about 2.75" from top of fender to bottom of nose, the sensor is about 1" thick mounted. 1.75" is not enough gap for the way I compress my Ohlins forks riding...  :-\
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: stevewfl on September 26, 2013, 09:03:13 PM
i ride the  :censored: out of my C14 and so far KiPass has provided 100% protection against any form of ticket or po-po harassment   ;D
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Gumby on September 26, 2013, 09:08:38 PM
My bike is not lowered. That means the jammer is mine now right? Thanks brotha, you're a great guinea pig.  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Conrad on September 27, 2013, 04:40:19 AM
My bike is not lowered. That means the jammer is mine now right? Thanks brotha, you're a great guinea pig.  ;D


I wonder what else J 'needs' that will fit your bike but not his?     ;)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Conrad on September 27, 2013, 04:41:18 AM
i ride the  :censored: out of my C14 and so far KiPass has provided 100% protection against any form of ticket or po-po harassment   ;D

Me too! The one time that I did get pulled over (70 in a 55) the cop ran outta tickets and had to let me off.    ;D
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on September 27, 2013, 08:29:14 AM

My bike is not lowered. That means the jammer is mine now right? Thanks brotha, you're a great guinea pig.  ;D


I wonder what else J 'needs' that will fit your bike but not his?     ;)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: twowheeladdict on October 07, 2014, 11:45:14 AM
ZG.  Now that you have had the system for a year, how about a report on it's function and longevity?
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 08, 2014, 06:48:24 AM
ZG.  Now that you have had the system for a year, how about a report on it's function and longevity?

Working great TWA! I fully recommend it!  :thumbs: :thumbs:
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on October 08, 2014, 09:57:00 AM

Working great TWA! I fully recommend it!  :thumbs: :thumbs:

Do you think it has saved you from a ticket or 2?
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on October 08, 2014, 10:10:43 AM
But that is just the detector, not the jammer part, is that correct?


Working great TWA! I fully recommend it!  :thumbs: :thumbs:
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 08, 2014, 10:34:21 AM
But that is just the detector, not the jammer part, is that correct?


Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 08, 2014, 10:35:02 AM
Do you think it has saved you from a ticket or 2?

Daily.  :)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: wally_games on October 08, 2014, 11:15:14 AM
Detectors ok (possibly necessary), but I'm pretty sure that jammers are illegal in TX.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on October 08, 2014, 11:35:17 AM
Radar jammers are illegal everywhere in the US because the FCC controls radio broadcast and we (non LEO) cannot possibly get a license to broadcast in that band.

Laser on the other hand, is merely light and that is not regulated by any gummit agency.... at least so far. That said, quite a few states have specifically made laser emitters meant for and used to jam laser speed detectors illegal. If you go to a site that sells the jammers, there is a list of the states they cannot and will not ship to.

All of that said, I still think a significant problem is annoying the LEO that stops you because his / her laser either 1) will not show a speed at all (what the good jammers do) or 2) shows an 'error' (what the fair jammers do) when pointed at you (us). Even if it is done in a state where it is legal, methinks it would propel the LEO onward and upward to look for any..... irregularities, anywhere on the vehicle or the person riding (driving) it.

Here in southern New England, laser seems to have supplanted radar for most speed checking done by stopped LEO's. Moving, they still use radar but stopped, laser is the preferred tool apparently. I have no knowledge other than that is what I see them using on the side of the highway virtually every single time I see an LEO out hunting for lunch.  ;)


Detectors ok (possibly necessary), but I'm pretty sure that jammers are illegal in TX.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on October 08, 2014, 12:00:19 PM

Daily.  :)

But how does a detector only help with laser? My understanding is that laser being very directional, you don't get a squawk until your specifically targeted. And then your toast. My passport 9500 detects laser but it is rare that I ever get a ping from laser. They just don't use it that much in Colorado and Texas yet.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 08, 2014, 12:14:28 PM
But how does a detector only help with laser? My understanding is that laser being very directional, you don't get a squawk until your specifically targeted. And then your toast. My passport 9500 detects laser but it is rare that I ever get a ping from laser. They just don't use it that much in Colorado and Texas yet.

Same here in Oregon RN, most of the LEO's still drive around with their radar on in these parts too.  :thumbs: :)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 08, 2014, 12:20:03 PM
Radar jammers are illegal everywhere in the US because the FCC controls radio broadcast and we (non LEO) cannot possibly get a license to broadcast in that band.

Laser on the other hand, is merely light and that is not regulated by any gummit agency.... at least so far. That said, quite a few states have specifically made laser emitters meant for and used to jam laser speed detectors illegal. If you go to a site that sells the jammers, there is a list of the states they cannot and will not ship to.

All of that said, I still think a significant problem is annoying the LEO that stops you because his / her laser either 1) will not show a speed at all (what the good jammers do) or 2) shows an 'error' (what the fair jammers do) when pointed at you (us). Even if it is done in a state where it is legal, methinks it would propel the LEO onward and upward to look for any..... irregularities, anywhere on the vehicle or the person riding (driving) it.

Here in southern New England, laser seems to have supplanted radar for most speed checking done by stopped LEO's. Moving, they still use radar but stopped, laser is the preferred tool apparently. I have no knowledge other than that is what I see them using on the side of the highway virtually every single time I see an LEO out hunting for lunch.  ;)


Dark tinted windows, not using a hands free phone, and no front license plate on a car are also illegal (at least here), but yet I see all of those daily more than I can count... It's a risk for sure, but it really comes down to how bad a LEO want's to get you, which is probably somewhat based on your driving record after they run your plate, and if you're being a knucklehead or not, 85 in a residential riding a wheelie vs 85 on a highway in the middle of no-where...  ;)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on October 08, 2014, 12:37:05 PM
I am only talking about a laser jammer, not any kind of detector.

Hey, I agree with you Jay but to me, there would be a big difference between detecting my speed detection equipment and jamming same. If I was an LEO (and I am not BTW) out soliciting 'donations' for speeding and had my laser fail to read, I would pull that vehicle (the vehicle that I was sighting when the readout..... didn't readout) over and have a chat with the driver. I would also walk around the vehicle at least once and check for anything out of compliance (within reasonable bounds though- let's not get ridiculous here).

Talk to an LEO and I believe you will find just the detectors annoy them. It is like we are 'cheating' when playing the game of speeding / catching speeders. I believe most of them would be much more annoyed if they though they had actually been blocked from taking the 'prize'.

Think of it like hunting: hunters take to the woods in the hope of 1) spotting game and 2) taking said game. The game, on the other hand, tries to avoid both of those things. They each use their tools, cleverness and wiles to try to outwit the other and "win the game". Hunters understand and accept that they may, and often will, come home empty handed. On the other side of the coin, taking a clean heart / lung shot at a deer, standing broadside to you at a distance almost too good to be true only to find the deer was projecting her image with a hologram..... well, now that would just make the hunter cranky.  ;) :rotflmao:


Dark tinted windows, not using a hands free phone, and no front license plate on a car are also illegal (at least here), but yet I see all of those daily more than I can count... It's a risk for sure, but it really comes down to how bad a LEO want's to get you, which is probably somewhat based on your driving record after they run your plate, and if you're being a knucklehead or not, 85 in a residential riding a wheelie vs 85 on a highway in the middle of no-where...  ;)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: freebird6 on October 08, 2014, 01:15:14 PM
and all this talk of "hunting" begs the question.....why are they so obsessed with speed. Drove a hundred miles an hour all week long when I was in the UK. Speed did not kill anyone in those long lines of cars going the same speed nor did it kill the drivers giving way to the cars going that speed.

Every officer I have ever met talks about speed being unsafe. Brock yates pointed out the unsafe behaviour of many left lane bandits http://www.thedetroitbureau.com/2011/02/opinion-left-lane-bandits-causing-congestion/ (http://www.thedetroitbureau.com/2011/02/opinion-left-lane-bandits-causing-congestion/) years back BEFORE Cell phones. I remember getting pulled over in 1979 for having an earphone from a transistor radio in my ear in Lisle IL. Cop said anything in my ear was unsafe....wonder what he thinks now that Bluetooth is here to stay.

Speed is not unsafe. If they really wanted to fill their coffers AND make the roads safer forget speed up to 20 mph over as the NHSTA already published several articles saying that speeds in America are set artificially low on most roads and INSTEAD pass a hands free law and enforce it. Enforce the left lane and other distracted behaviours. Enforce the aftermarket taillights that are blacked out and can't be seen. Enforce cars with trailer lights not hooked up. Enforce Deisel truck that delight in spewing black smoke effectively limiting vision of following cars while laughing at the cloud behind them

Plenty of laws on the books to enforce that would inevitably lead to more arrests for illicit activity than pulling over speeders.....but then the insurance industry could not raise rates as easily...... No doubt in my mind that enforcing the other stuff would clean up the roads and result in much safer travel for all
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on October 08, 2014, 01:22:29 PM
I am only talking about a laser jammer, not any kind of detector.

Hey, I agree with you Jay but to me, there would be a big difference between detecting my speed detection equipment and jamming same. If I was an LEO (and I am not BTW) out soliciting 'donations' for speeding and had my laser fail to read, I would pull that vehicle (the vehicle that I was sighting when the readout..... didn't readout) over and have a chat with the driver. I would also walk around the vehicle at least once and check for anything out of compliance (within reasonable bounds though- let's not get ridiculous here).

Talk to an LEO and I believe you will find just the detectors annoy them. It is like we are 'cheating' when playing the game of speeding / catching speeders. I believe most of them would be much more annoyed if they though they had actually been blocked from taking the 'prize'.

Think of it like hunting: hunters take to the woods in the hope of 1) spotting game and 2) taking said game. The game, on the other hand, tries to avoid both of those things. They each use their tools, cleverness and wiles to try to outwit the other and "win the game". Hunters understand and accept that they may, and often will, come home empty handed. On the other side of the coin, taking a clean heart / lung shot at a deer, standing broadside to you at a distance almost too good to be true only to find the deer was projecting her image with a hologram..... well, now that would just make the hunter cranky.  ;) :rotflmao:


If that ever happens I will definitely give up hunting deer. Then I'd want to have a conversation about hologram's and such with said deer.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: B.D.F. on October 08, 2014, 01:24:19 PM
Exactly my point because let's face it, there is little difference between [meat] hunters (Easy Boys!) and [speeding vehicle] hunters. Both want the game played according to the rules, imaginary or not.


If that ever happens I will definitely give up hunting deer. Then I'd want to have a conversation about hologram's and such with said deer.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: twowheeladdict on October 08, 2014, 03:51:50 PM
I believe that "following too closely" is the real culprit in many daily wrecks.  If people actually drove in the right lane except to pass and when they did move to the left lane to pass, actually speed up to complete the pass, the interstates would be a lot safer.

Glad to see that Texas upped the limits on their roads in the middle of nowhere. 

I also think that the speed limits in traffic prone locations should be adjusted based on the time of day and/or day of the week. 

Most LEOs I have talked with will allow up to 15 over the limit unless they are assigned a special duty at a location because of complaints.  Then they write ticket after ticket.

My little country road with no one on it is cruised by a state trooper on a regular basis.  Even though there are sections with open fields the entire road is 45 mph.  Both my wife and I have been pulled over and we were not being 'unsafe'.  Of course I was the only one who got a ticket.  Blond and breasts work wonders on male LEOs.  LOL!

The Concours is just too easy to speed without realizing it.  Having some type of alert will be nice.  Going to order that detector soon.  Not going to try the laser jammer.  I'll just try and make sure I am not in the lead.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: gPink on October 08, 2014, 04:10:39 PM
Blond and breasts work wonders on male LEOs.  LOL!

Bald and moobs don't cut it?  :)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: twowheeladdict on October 09, 2014, 05:46:15 AM
Blond and breasts work wonders on male LEOs.  LOL!

Bald and moobs don't cut it?  :)

Out of that entire rant, that is all you took away?   ???   ::)   :)
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: gPink on October 09, 2014, 07:02:21 AM
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on October 09, 2014, 09:51:13 AM
I believe that "following too closely" is the real culprit in many daily wrecks.  If people actually drove in the right lane except to pass and when they did move to the left lane to pass, actually speed up to complete the pass, the interstates would be a lot safer.

Glad to see that Texas upped the limits on their roads in the middle of nowhere. 

I also think that the speed limits in traffic prone locations should be adjusted based on the time of day and/or day of the week. 

Most LEOs I have talked with will allow up to 15 over the limit unless they are assigned a special duty at a location because of complaints.  Then they write ticket after ticket.

My little country road with no one on it is cruised by a state trooper on a regular basis.  Even though there are sections with open fields the entire road is 45 mph.  Both my wife and I have been pulled over and we were not being 'unsafe'.  Of course I was the only one who got a ticket.  Blond and breasts work wonders on male LEOs.  LOL!

The Concours is just too easy to speed without realizing it.  Having some type of alert will be nice.  Going to order that detector soon.  Not going to try the laser jammer.  I'll just try and make sure I am not in the lead.

What you have described is exactly where my Passport 9500 works best.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: ZG on October 09, 2014, 10:25:20 AM
What you have described is exactly where my Passport 9500 works best.

But the TPX 2.0 is designed specifically for a motorcycle and is shock proof and water proof, I use to run an escort radar detector but found the removing it in rain to be a pain in the a$$ here in the moist PNW, I love being able to just run this TPX on the bike no matter what the conditions are doing and the LED warning light is bright as all getup, no problem at all with it not catching my attention even in bright sunshine.  :)

Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Gsun on October 09, 2014, 10:32:02 PM
I was just on the road for a week and my TPX saved me once. Other than that, I only saw two LEO's in 2500 miles! And they were not trapping speeders.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: Rhino on October 10, 2014, 06:27:50 AM

But the TPX 2.0 is designed specifically for a motorcycle and is shock proof and water proof, I use to run an escort radar detector but found the removing it in rain to be a pain in the a$$ here in the moist PNW, I love being able to just run this TPX on the bike no matter what the conditions are doing and the LED warning light is bright as all getup, no problem at all with it not catching my attention even in bright sunshine.  :)

+1 and +1 It works for me in CO and TX cuz we don't get nearly as much rain as you do. I'm using a Marc Parnes visual alert LED. Makes all the difference, immediately catches my eye and alerts me to slow down. What I really want is a more discreet installation. Right now it's just sitting up on top of the front brake reservoir.
Title: Re: Anyone using the TPX laser jammer?
Post by: jwolffie on October 18, 2014, 11:52:57 AM
Jammers are illegal here in California and in this area they mostly use Lidar so what I did was make my bike as anti-reflective as possible from the front. the Bike and my helmet are black and the giant reflective headlights are now as small as possible. It does seem to have reduced my reflection because they don't stop pointing the Lidar gun at me until I am very close to them now. I have actually had time to slow down several times now and avoid a ticket.