Kawasaki Concours Forum

The C-14, aka Kawasaki Concours-14, the new one :) => The Bike - C14/GTR 1400 => Topic started by: Tenderloin694 on August 13, 2013, 08:04:45 PM

Title: Steering problem
Post by: Tenderloin694 on August 13, 2013, 08:04:45 PM
Today arriving home from work. I got inside my garage and I usually U-turn the bike in the garage so I can go straight out in the early morning.

While turning left I noticed it only turned half way to the left but fully when turning right. I checked the forks. Nothing seems to be binding ie: cable or wires. This is a hard bind. Almost like the wheel lock is semi engaged.

So now I'm stuck. Moves freely to the right, but only moves half way to the left?

Any idea's or similar problems reported?

Who is responsible to tow the bike to the shop? Me or Kawi? I would think this is a huge safety hazard and potentially could of hurt me badly or killed me if the bike had locked up on the freeway. I feel like Kawi should come and pick up the bike. It feels like they are being callus and should show responsibility for their product.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: G-Mazz on August 13, 2013, 09:36:04 PM
Put the bike on the center stand.  Then use a floor jack or have someone lift the weight off the front wheel.  Turn the handlebars to determine if there is binding or shake in the steering tube.  Some bikes needed to have the headset bearings tightened.    Add enough tension so the bars turn freely but are stiff enough that they won't flop to one side when turned slightly off center.  There is a special tool to tighten the adjusting cone.
Looks like this:


I hope you find this useful.  Good luck, Gary

Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: ARS on August 13, 2013, 10:08:14 PM
What? You can U-turn in your garage?  What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: kwakrider on August 14, 2013, 03:24:58 AM
Check that the retainer bolts that secure the main fairing bracket have not come loose and one is maybe fouling with the steering! Noticed any amount of play or movement with the fairing lately?
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Conrad on August 14, 2013, 04:39:43 AM
Check that the retainer bolts that secure the main fairing bracket have not come loose and one is maybe fouling with the steering! Noticed any amount of play or movement with the fairing lately?

+1 A while back someone reported a similar problem and it was from some bolt or the other backing out.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Conrad on August 14, 2013, 04:42:20 AM
Who is responsible to tow the bike to the shop? Me or Kawi? I would think this is a huge safety hazard and potentially could of hurt me badly or killed me if the bike had locked up on the freeway. I feel like Kawi should come and pick up the bike. It feels like they are being callus and should show responsibility for their product.

Why are you ripping on Kawasaki before you even find out if they'll cover the tow or not?
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: gPink on August 14, 2013, 04:51:32 AM
I'd have to look for myself I think.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 14, 2013, 05:22:25 AM
Why are you ripping on Kawasaki before you even find out if they'll cover the tow or not?

Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Shoe on August 14, 2013, 08:43:56 AM
I see the problem. You don't have enough bikes in your garage. When your garage is full you will have to back out.   ;)
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Rhino on August 14, 2013, 09:09:23 AM
I see the problem. You don't have enough bikes in your garage. When your garage is full you will have to back out.   ;)

+1  :thumbs:
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Tenderloin694 on August 16, 2013, 09:09:06 AM
kwakrider, You were right. Brought it over to the dealer. That's exactly what he said. One retainer bolt came loose and fell into a pocket near the steering causing a 1/2 block turning left.

I rip on Kawi because IMO they should have to cover the tow. This scenario was completely their fault from poor craftsmanship and I or someone else could have been hurt or killed. Not all of us are able to afford or have our own tow devices. My neighbor a Harley rider had AAA premier and offered to have my bike towed. I asked my local Kawi service center if they would tow and they said no. It was not their responsibility. But had I been hurt and the cause revealed. A lawsuit would have shown that it was their responsibility. Their customer service lacks!

Thanks to all for your positive input. To the rest.  :-X
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Daytona_Mike on August 16, 2013, 09:34:50 AM
Could you post a picture or someone show us exactly where this occurs.
I want to check mine right away. This potentially is a serious issue to watch out for.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 09:58:31 AM
Steering stem nut can fall off as well if not tightened properly.

Did the OP take it in for the 600 mile service.  They're supposed to check the nuts and bolts for tightness at that time, I think.  Even if they don't then I would think they'd still be on the hook for that..
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Conrad on August 16, 2013, 10:11:26 AM
kwakrider, You were right. Brought it over to the dealer. That's exactly what he said. One retainer bolt came loose and fell into a pocket near the steering causing a 1/2 block turning left.

I rip on Kawi because IMO they should have to cover the tow. This scenario was completely their fault from poor craftsmanship and I or someone else could have been hurt or killed. Not all of us are able to afford or have our own tow devices. My neighbor a Harley rider had AAA premier and offered to have my bike towed. I asked my local Kawi service center if they would tow and they said no. It was not their responsibility. But had I been hurt and the cause revealed. A lawsuit would have shown that it was their responsibility. Their customer service lacks!

Thanks to all for your positive input. To the rest.  :-X

From the tone of your first post it seemed that you were ripping on Kaw before you even found out if the tow was covered or not. I now see that it wasn't.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 11:49:21 AM
Thanks to all for your positive input. To the rest.  :-X

I sincerely hope that tongue out is 'tongue and cheek' and not an insult to the rest of the group here.  The tone of this thread is typical of what happens in our threads.  Some good information and some cheekiness and some humor abounds.  If you can deal with it like that and have a thick skin then we'll all get along fine.  If I misinterpreted  the tongue out then I apologise, if not......you may not do so well here, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Tenderloin694 on August 16, 2013, 12:38:06 PM
VirginiaJim, You did misread the smiley face. It was with a zipper across his mouth. I'll hold my tongue in other words.

In every day life along with your coworker's. You don't expect to get slammed the first several months till you get to know the people. I'm one of the biggest pranksters at work. But. I know those people well. The new people I try and show respect to until I can gauge that person.

I'm on this website to gather information from others. Good and bad. So I can apply that to my bike and know what to expect. But when I get useless posts to my potentially unsafe bike. You can keep those comments. I'm here to try and fix the problem and share with others that may also have a future similar problem.

I respect and see that you have over 5500 posts. And I'm sure most with good information. But I don't need you referring to me as having thin skin.   
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Conrad on August 16, 2013, 01:31:03 PM
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 01:34:12 PM
hApologies then on the smiley, my bad. Sounded like to me and a few others that you were slamming the dealer before you even contacted them.  I'm assuming that you did, now.  I can understand your frustration with the dealer, but maybe they had no way to pick up the bike (I'm guessing here).  You may even want to report this to the NHTSA as you are quite correct if it locked up whilst riding severe results could have happened.  This isn't the first time we've seen reports of this issue.

For myself, I have towing coverage on all my vehicles and the C14.  Never used it on the bike, though.  I've only called a car dealer once to come pick up a vehicle under warranty and that was when my 2000 Dodge Dakota crapped out after driving it off the lot to my local town.  I think that there was less than 10 miles on the odo.

http://www.nhtsa.gov/ (http://www.nhtsa.gov/)

Sounds like you do have thin skin...  Good luck here.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 01:34:50 PM

Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: B.D.F. on August 16, 2013, 02:15:13 PM
Just my take on this but there are a lot of us who have been around here a long time and think of this place as a sort of social meeting place. We josh and kid and it seems like we are picking on people at times but really, this is a very kind and gentle forum overall. I agree with you about the new folks getting some slack but again, I think some of the longer term folks think of this place as a friendly neighborhood gathering and so the 'new guy' just gets thrown into the mix.

Hang around a while and I think you will find there is occasionally some useful information posted here, perhaps by mistake but useful nevertheless. And most of the people are fine other than Pokey, Conrad, VirginiaJim and Kirby.... especially Kirby- watch out for dem guies.


Edited to correct speeeling error kindly pointed out to my by one o' dem guies.

VirginiaJim, You did misread the smiley face. It was with a zipper across his mouth. I'll hold my tongue in other words.

In every day life along with your coworker's. You don't expect to get slammed the first several months till you get to know the people. I'm one of the biggest pranksters at work. But. I know those people well. The new people I try and show respect to until I can gauge that person.

I'm on this website to gather information from others. Good and bad. So I can apply that to my bike and know what to expect. But when I get useless posts to my potentially unsafe bike. You can keep those comments. I'm here to try and fix the problem and share with others that may also have a future similar problem.

I respect and see that you have over 5500 posts. And I'm sure most with good information. But I don't need you referring to me as having thin skin.   
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 02:57:06 PM
 :battle:   I just like this smiley set.  Makes me smile.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Conrad on August 16, 2013, 02:58:35 PM
:battle:   I just like this smiley set.  Makes me smile.

Wrong thread for that, pal.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 16, 2013, 03:10:03 PM
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: Cuda on August 16, 2013, 03:27:04 PM
Hey last friday I had a tie rod end snap OFF 2009 Ram diesel 4x4 a $60,000 truck new , I called everyone I could and they would NOT pay my tow , this was a safety recall for just what It did , they told me the former owner should have had it replaced  ::)
Then they charged me $ 125.00 for a front end aligment and $  27.00 for shop **** ??
I could have died , the front tires were both turned in words would not go forward or back
EVERONE is out to screw the little guy. :censored:

Don't be SO tender  :grouphug: loin.
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: maxtog on August 16, 2013, 04:13:51 PM
You may even want to report this to the NHTSA as you are quite correct if it locked up whilst riding severe results could have happened.  This isn't the first time we've seen reports of this issue.

http://www.nhtsa.gov/ (http://www.nhtsa.gov/)

We still don't know if the bike had any service prior to this.   I see four possible cases:

Case #1- it was not taken in for the proper prior 600 mile service- owner's fault, reporting to nhtsa.gov not appropriate.  Towing and costs are owner's problem.

Case #2- owner decided to perform prior 600 mile service himself and did not follow all service requirements to check and tighten the bolts- owner's fault, reporting to nhtsa.gov not appropriate.  Towing and costs are owner's problem.

Case #3- it WAS taken in for the proper prior 600 mile service- shop's fault for not checking and tightening as required by the manual- reporting to nhtsa.gov STILL not appropriate.  Shop should be liable for towing and any repairs- it is not even a warranty claim.

Case #4- it has not been 600 miles yet.  In THAT case it is appropriate to report to nhtsa.gov AND it is a warranty claim.  Towing might not be covered under warranty (I am not quite sure how that works).

To original poster- without all the information, other posters won't know how to respond, and some might make assumptions that lead to wrong conclusions.  Most everyone on these forums are extremely helpful and kind. 
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: B.D.F. on August 16, 2013, 05:42:35 PM
This actually happened on my '08 and several others have reported the same thing. There is a projection going straight forward off the frame of the bike, and the front fairing mounts directly to this via two fairly long bolts and nuts. In something like the first year I had the bike, I noticed at one point that it seemed I had to keep raising the headlight aim but did not really think about this too much.

One day I was doing something around the handlebars and noticed when looking down behind the fairing there was a bolt head and part of a stud sticking out of what seemed like nowhere. Looking further, the end of the bolt was caught in the frame mounting block but the fairing part that also mounted to it was hanging free. After looking at the parts fiche it was apparent that there were supposed to be two bolts in that block; one was missing entirely. So I put a couple of new bolts through both blocks but had to jack the front fairing up to get them to go through (hence the source of the headlights drooping). Put nuts and washers on the other side and something like five years later, no more problem nor have the nuts ever loosened. Just a wild guess on my part but I suspect that those bolts may not ever had nuts put on them when the bike was assembled at the factory.

Glad to hear you found the problem and it is all set.


kwakrider, You were right. Brought it over to the dealer. That's exactly what he said. One retainer bolt came loose and fell into a pocket near the steering causing a 1/2 block turning left.


Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: kwakrider on August 19, 2013, 02:29:00 AM
kwakrider, You were right. Brought it over to the dealer. That's exactly what he said. One retainer bolt came loose and fell into a pocket near the steering causing a 1/2 block turning left.

Glad you got that soted out mate...without having an incident because of it. Loctite is your friend!!  :)
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: TallyRex on August 19, 2013, 03:20:49 AM
Would someone please post a pic of the area where the bolt gets loose?
Title: Re: Steering problem
Post by: VirginiaJim on August 24, 2013, 01:54:52 PM
It's been posted before, just tryin to think if it was in this incarnation of the forum....  If I find it, I'll post a link.