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Mish mash => Open Forum => Topic started by: ZG on December 07, 2012, 11:37:37 PM

Title: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: ZG on December 07, 2012, 11:37:37 PM
Looks pretty cool...  :popcorn:
Star Trek Into Darkness - Extra Footage Japanese Teaser (HD) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrHlQUXFzfw#ws)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: C1xRider on December 08, 2012, 01:05:00 AM
I think something was lost in the translation.  ::)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: twowheeladdict on December 08, 2012, 04:56:20 AM
The last Star Trek movie was pretty cool for fans of the original series due to all the mannerisms that were captured by the current actors and the hidden gems.

This new movie will have to stand on it's own merit.  Will be interesting to see how it does.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Rhino on December 08, 2012, 11:54:09 AM
I'm in. I will definitely be going to this movie.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Pokey on December 08, 2012, 01:00:26 PM
I thought the first installment was excellent, looking forward to seeing this as well.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: C14PAINKILLER on December 09, 2012, 12:52:00 AM
If it follows true Star Trek form, this being a even numbered film (2), should be awesome!
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: sherob on December 09, 2012, 11:13:56 AM
All the trailers... much better.  8)

http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrekintodarkness/ (http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrekintodarkness/)

http://www.startrekmovie.com/ (http://www.startrekmovie.com/)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Ron Dawg on December 09, 2012, 04:52:47 PM
ALWAYS been a Trekkie, but this looks like the Dark Knight meets Independence Day. But, I'll see it and take the family. Thanks for the trailer.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: GeeBeav on December 09, 2012, 05:10:17 PM
Office Depot is getting a new shipment of pocket protectors  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Pfloydgad on December 09, 2012, 06:46:06 PM
I'm in. Live Long and Prosper.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Nosmo on December 09, 2012, 08:43:53 PM
I'm waiting for Star Trek CXXVIII, where-in Kirk's great-grandfather undergoes sexual re-assignment surgery and becomes Nurse Chapel, then travels into the future, murders Spock's parents, and replaces them with disguised Romulans, who then travel back in time and lead the Borg to attack Earth five years after "First Contact", so that Kirk's illegitimate son, who has travelled back in time from the Genesis planet, has to travel through a worm-hole into the Delta Quadrant and bring back the Voyager and Captain Janeway (with whom he has an affair that produces Scotty's grandfather, who turns out to be "Q").  Once back in the Alpha Quadrant, Voyager gets too close to the Sun while chasing a Klingon War Bird  (which is actually a cloaked Romulan Bird-of-Prey) and has to accelerate to trans-warp velocity to slingshot around the Sun, which sends them too far forward in time, where they encounter Wesley Crusher and The Traveler having fun placing millions of Data android copies all over the galaxy, so they can be discovered and reassembled into a robot army that comes back in time and fights the Borg once again, at which time we find out that the Borg Queen is actually Kirk's ex-lover and the mother of his son, which makes Kirk the step-father of the Borg.  Jean-Luc Picard, having defeated his nemesis and retired from Starfleet, gets called back to active service, because his mind contains a hologram that contains Kirk's personality which was downloaded into his brain just before Kirk died the last time in the Nexus. Star Fleet tries to extract Kirk from Picard's brain, but fails and the result is an unbreakable mind-meld, which creates Admiral Pickirk, a super-intelligent, ultra-bombastic, autocrat who speaks only Latin with a French accent and is subject to intense crying jags in the midst of interstellar combat.  As a result of which, Pickirk loses a star-battle against an overwhelming enemy force, (which becomes the basis for the "Kobayashi Maru" scenario at Starfleet Academy, the knowledge of which was given to Starfleet by Gary Seven because he was pissed that Kirk got in the way of his illicit romance with Miss Roberta Lincoln (portrayed by the lovely and tempting Teri Garr).  The off-spring of this relationship, a nova-hot babe called Seven-of-Nine, who joined the Borg out of revenge after her father rejected her, came back on the Voyager also, hoping to find a human husband, but instead married a Ferengi and settled on Deep Space 9, where she lived under deep cover as an agent for the Cardassians, who are bent on taking over the galaxy by breeding a race of big-ass female impersonators who cause humans to commit suicide by the millions after watching them on the Holo-screen.  This sets up the plot-line for the NEXT Star Trek movie, in which things get really interesting.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: julianop on December 09, 2012, 11:48:52 PM
Jeepers, Nosmo... is there anything you can take to tame that ballistic imagination? ;-)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: ManWorkinghere on December 10, 2012, 07:00:42 AM
Jeepers, Nosmo... is there anything you can take to tame that ballistic imagination? ;-)

Wow!  Nosmo must have had wayyyy too much Caffeine in his morning coffee.

Clever, clever story, N.  The 'trailer' will be longer than the movie.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: MrPepsi on December 10, 2012, 12:30:19 PM
Ok, who's the bad guy returning? He said he's returned for vengance, I didn't recognize him unless this is the sequel to Avengers as he looked like Loki.

EDIT: I think this is KHAN.

Secondly, who knew the Enterprise was a submarine too.

Sorry, watched the official trailer on You Tube if anyone is confused.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Conrad on December 10, 2012, 12:44:29 PM
I'm waiting for Star Trek CXXVIII, where-in Kirk's great-grandfather undergoes sexual re-assignment surgery and becomes Nurse Chapel, then travels into the future, murders Spock's parents, and replaces them with disguised Romulans, who then travel back in time and lead the Borg to attack Earth five years after "First Contact", so that Kirk's illegitimate son, who has travelled back in time from the Genesis planet, has to travel through a worm-hole into the Delta Quadrant and bring back the Voyager and Captain Janeway (with whom he has an affair that produces Scotty's grandfather, who turns out to be "Q").  Once back in the Alpha Quadrant, Voyager gets too close to the Sun while chasing a Klingon War Bird  (which is actually a cloaked Romulan Bird-of-Prey) and has to accelerate to trans-warp velocity to slingshot around the Sun, which sends them too far forward in time, where they encounter Wesley Crusher and The Traveler having fun placing millions of Data android copies all over the galaxy, so they can be discovered and reassembled into a robot army that comes back in time and fights the Borg once again, at which time we find out that the Borg Queen is actually Kirk's ex-lover and the mother of his son, which makes Kirk the step-father of the Borg.  Jean-Luc Picard, having defeated his nemesis and retired from Starfleet, gets called back to active service, because his mind contains a hologram that contains Kirk's personality which was downloaded into his brain just before Kirk died the last time in the Nexus. Star Fleet tries to extract Kirk from Picard's brain, but fails and the result is an unbreakable mind-meld, which creates Admiral Pickirk, a super-intelligent, ultra-bombastic, autocrat who speaks only Latin with a French accent and is subject to intense crying jags in the midst of interstellar combat.  As a result of which, Pickirk loses a star-battle against an overwhelming enemy force, (which becomes the basis for the "Kobayashi Maru" scenario at Starfleet Academy, the knowledge of which was given to Starfleet by Gary Seven because he was pissed that Kirk got in the way of his illicit romance with Miss Roberta Lincoln (portrayed by the lovely and tempting Teri Garr).  The off-spring of this relationship, a nova-hot babe called Seven-of-Nine, who joined the Borg out of revenge after her father rejected her, came back on the Voyager also, hoping to find a human husband, but instead married a Ferengi and settled on Deep Space 9, where she lived under deep cover as an agent for the Cardassians, who are bent on taking over the galaxy by breeding a race of big-ass female impersonators who cause humans to commit suicide by the millions after watching them on the Holo-screen.  This sets up the plot-line for the NEXT Star Trek movie, in which things get really interesting.

Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Two Skies on December 10, 2012, 12:49:55 PM
Have fun guys!  The last movie was two hours of my life I won't get back, and I see no need to throw another 2 hours away in the vain hope that this one might be OK.

After the beer factory/engineering sequence in the first JJ Abrams outing, why yes I am quite skeptical.  Previous directors understood the need to portray engineering and such in a meaningful way; Abrams repurposed a beer factory instead... great for beer connoisseurs, bad for geekdom.  Green screening some rendition of engineering would have been preferable to THAT, seeing he wasn't willing to build a set.

Don't even get me started on the health risks involved from being submerged in radioactive coolant...

Abrams turned his back on many of the engineering/technology aspects that made Star Trek accessible to tech types, in favor of the gee whiz/plot device laziness that we see in a lot of sci fi today.  Star Trek boldly crossed from Sci Fi to Sci Fantasy in one script.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Conrad on December 10, 2012, 12:58:18 PM
Have fun guys!  The last movie was two hours of my life I won't get back, and I see no need to throw another 2 hours away in the vain hope that this one might be OK.

After the beer factory/engineering sequence in the first JJ Abrams outing, why yes I am quite skeptical.  Previous directors understood the need to portray engineering and such in a meaningful way; Abrams repurposed a beer factory instead... great for beer connoisseurs, bad for geekdom.  Green screening some rendition of engineering would have been preferable to THAT, seeing he wasn't willing to build a set.

Don't even get me started on the health risks involved from being submerged in radioactive coolant...

Abrams turned his back on many of the engineering/technology aspects that made Star Trek accessible to tech types, in favor of the gee whiz/plot device laziness that we see in a lot of sci fi today.  Star Trek boldly crossed from Sci Fi to Sci Fantasy in one script.

Is that a bad thing?
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Bryn on December 10, 2012, 01:09:32 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed the last one.... and I'm sure this new one will be worth watching too   8)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: MrPepsi on December 10, 2012, 01:47:33 PM
Abrams turned his back on many of the engineering/technology aspects that made Star Trek accessible to tech types, in favor of the gee whiz/plot device laziness that we see in a lot of sci fi today.  Star Trek boldly crossed from Sci Fi to Sci Fantasy in one script.

Yeah because movies nowadays are so true to Physics. I mean really, its fiction, its getting away from life. To judge a movie on how accurate it is, that's crazy. May as well stick to documentaries.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: ZG on December 10, 2012, 01:49:08 PM
The last movie was two hours of my life I won't get back, and I see no need to throw another 2 hours away in the vain hope that this one might be OK.

I liked the last one...  :)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Conrad on December 10, 2012, 01:55:40 PM
Yeah because movies nowadays are so true to Physics. I mean really, its fiction, its getting away from life. To judge a movie on how accurate it is, that's crazy. May as well stick to documentaries.

You mean that there's no holosex on the holodeck?  :o

Now you tell me...
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Rhino on December 10, 2012, 02:13:29 PM

Abrams turned his back on many of the engineering/technology aspects that made Star Trek accessible to tech types, in favor of the gee whiz/plot device laziness that we see in a lot of sci fi today.  Star Trek boldly crossed from Sci Fi to Sci Fantasy in one script.

Yeah because crawling through the Jeffries tubes to modify the deflector dish to emit a tachyon pulse to stop a kreger wave is just so technically accurate.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Outback_Jon on December 10, 2012, 02:52:58 PM
Don't even get me started on the health risks involved from being submerged in radioactive coolant...
Maybe someone will develop super powers!
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: sherob on December 10, 2012, 03:19:04 PM
Yeah because crawling through the Jeffries tubes to modify the deflector dish to emit a tachyon pulse to stop a kreger wave is just so technically accurate.

Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Rhino on December 10, 2012, 03:25:45 PM
Don't even get me started on the health risks involved from being submerged in radioactive coolant...

I have to admit that the Scotty in the coolant tube scene was pretty dumb.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Nosmo on December 10, 2012, 04:08:39 PM
Yeah because crawling through the Jeffries tubes to modify the deflector dish to emit a tachyon pulse to stop a kreger wave is just so technically accurate.

Heck, who among us hasn't done that?  it's no big deal, as long as you pay attention to the barion particle emission threshold and keep your phase-generator in synch with the Tri-corder's plasma sensor, so the Heisenberg buffer doesn't overflow. 

Piece of pie, as Data would say.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Ron Dawg on December 10, 2012, 04:53:26 PM
Doesn't that stop hydrolock? :o

(I liked the last one, too.)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Nosmo on December 10, 2012, 04:57:57 PM
Doesn't that stop hydrolock? :o

(I liked the last one, too.)

No, the only known cure for hydrolock in this galaxy is to install graviton drain tubes in the warp nacelles.  Steve In Sunny Florida has the engineering worked out, he can kick Scotty's ass any day.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: timsatx on December 10, 2012, 07:24:19 PM
Man, get a grip. It is called SCI-FI for a reason, it is FICTION. In other words it ain't real. I go to movies for the escapism and joy of watching it, not to critique how real it is. I will even go see the Jack Reacher movie with the smallish Tom Cruise playing the part of a 6'5" tall 250 lb man. Why? Not because it is true to the novels but for the action.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: Two Skies on December 10, 2012, 11:58:43 PM
My point is that Star Trek at least used to try to ground itself in science a bit.  Hence Science Fiction (Fiction based on Science).  The last movie forgot it's roots in that respect.

Previous designs of the Enterprise have some design basis.  This is why in the first 6 Star Trek movies (not counting 4, they had the bird of prey in that one) you see the matter intermix chamber, which has a vertical component as well as the horizontal component (vertical terminates in the dome above the impulse engine, horizontal travels backwards to the engine struts, where it then splits upwards to the warp engine nacelles).  This convention continued even through the Enterprise series (note that the NX 01 didn't have the neck, but note the section in the back which is removed from the main saucer).

And Jeffries tubes were named after the guy who designed the original Enterprise model, back in the '60s.
http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/jefferies.htm (http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/articles/jefferies.htm).

Incidentally, full deck plans and other literature are available for various Enterprise designs, again adding to the mystique of the setting.  Franz Joseph's Star Fleet Technical Manual was one of the first in this veign.

This is part of the mystique that science types loved to see in the show.  Sure, we have no way of knowing what a warp driven starship should look like, but nonetheless tech minded modeling types tried to portray that as best they could.  On a related note, this is one reason Star Trek: The Next Generation is credited often for inspiring the IPad, but I digress.

This is also one reason why Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan is so compelling to watch; that is because they utilized the lore/ship designs to reinforce plot points.  Star Trek II and Star Wars both made space battles hella cool things to watch.  But with Star Trek, you could 'peek under the hood' and be fascinated by what you saw.

I'll say again, Abrams chose to turn his back on this tradition, in favor of just making plot points, and liberally borrowing from the genre as it suited him.  This is lazy directing, and probably one reason I never got into Lost either. 

So again, have fun at the next Star Trek movie guys.  I get that many of you liked the last one, just understand that not all of us enjoyed what Abrams did to the franchise.

And yes, I hated Episode III of Star Wars as well.  Mostly for bad/lazy writing (see Abrams, above).  After the first few dozen or so sci fi movies, your expectations tend to be higher, but then this is true of any genre.  How many people have you heard lamenting about how they don't make good movies anymore?  Sure, there are some gems out there, but remakes and recycling of old stories gets old after a while...
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: MrPepsi on December 11, 2012, 09:40:36 AM
Since the horizontal tubes made everything else totally plausible. Once they removed those, all bets were off.

I understand being upset over the removal of a tradition, but to say it made the science of the movie unwatchable?

An no, even after a few dozen dozen sci fi movies, my expectations are not higher. They are fiction, and they blow things up.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: turbojoe78 on December 11, 2012, 02:16:36 PM
I like when things blow up.   :o ;D
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: sherob on December 12, 2012, 04:33:51 PM
More goodies about the movie...

http://news.yahoo.com/benedict-cumberbatch-im-not-playing-khan-star-trek-212619493.html (http://news.yahoo.com/benedict-cumberbatch-im-not-playing-khan-star-trek-212619493.html)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: MrPepsi on December 12, 2012, 04:47:32 PM
I'm just worried when I learn who this bad guy is, I'm not enough of a Trekie to know who he is.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: sherob on December 13, 2012, 11:09:17 AM
Mas Mas goodies...

http://news.yahoo.com/star-trek-chris-pine-zachary-quinto-j-j-220110865.html (http://news.yahoo.com/star-trek-chris-pine-zachary-quinto-j-j-220110865.html)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: MrPepsi on December 13, 2012, 11:30:54 AM
Looks to me like this John Harrison is a new character, not a known Star Trek Villian from the TV series.
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: ZG on December 14, 2012, 03:10:24 PM
Star Trek - Into Darkness TRAILER HD [2013] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvEce6sz2xM#ws)
Title: Re: Another Star Trek movie coming out
Post by: timsatx on December 14, 2012, 03:42:10 PM
That's the first movie.