Introductions - Tell us a bit about yourself > Introductions

I'm game.


Ok, I'm game.

I'm in north central Texas and ride a 2011 Black Connie. I've been an "official" fourm member since March 2011 when I bought the bike.

I've been a fan of the Concours since about the time they came out, but never was able to pull the trigger on getting one.

I started riding motorcycles in 1977 when I was in college. A Kawi, KZ400. Moved to a Honda Magna (700) in 1984 and also had a Goldwing Aspencade in 1987. I got out of riding in the early 90's until about four or five years ago. I rode a couple of friend's bikes (BMW & Harleys) and got the itch again. Borrowed a buddy's son's FZ6 and went for a weekend ride that ended up with me catching a ride in a yellow ambulance on Hwy 4 south of Palo Pinto. Nothing too major, but I did get to buy a crashed FZ6 at a non-crashed price. :'( Fixed that up and rode it for a year before trading it in on my Concours.

Because I live out west of the DFW area, I have easy access to ride down to the Hill Country multiple times a year. The Three Sisters are a fun place to ride, especially during the week when the Harley guys aren't there. There are also quite a number of good roads in the area where I live.

I'm currently gainfully employed in the DFW area for a major oilfield related company, but my area is in manufacturing products for the military (Navy). Hope to retire early in a year or two, but we'll see how that goes. I need to get my farkling done first.

Welcome, sir!

WG!  :chugbeer:


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