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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3460 on: October 29, 2020, 04:47:44 PM »
Youse guize have me thinking that your toilets end in a 4 inch pipe hanging out of the sides of your houses and are shooting turds onto the lawn..... ?  ;) :o

First of all, sea going vessels have holding tanks and do not just drop their waste into the body of water they sail in. Second there are laws preventing the dumping of waste close to the shore, and especially when in port or a harbor. When tied up, they off- load that waste to a processing facility.

But now that you have steered the thread into the proverbial cesspool, how about some colon- related trivia?

Two towns over, there is a sewage treatment plant for a reasonably large city. They treat the waste until there is nothing but dry, odorless material left over, which they layer in holding fields to dry. The public is let into these areas and lots of people pick up this dried material and use it for fertilizer. As fertilizer this material is excellent with one caveat: there is only one organic thing that makes its way entirely through our systems as well as entirely through the treatment facility's system without being affected..... tomato seeds. In the springtime one can tell who is using this stuff for lawn fertilizer 'cause the entire lawn turns into baby tomato plants. Seriously. Although amusing at the same time. It is not really a problem though 'cause the first two times the lawn is mowed the tomato plants go away. And before you ask, no, I do not use the stuff myself. I use liquid fertilizer and an electric bar sprayer to both feed the stuff I want and kill the stuff I do not, and sometimes kill the stuff I want but now where it has chosen to grow.

Trusting ships and crews to do the right thing....LOL.  I guess they're so clean that they dump before they get to the canal..  Hmm I wonder where that overabundance of oil came from on the Delaware and MD beaches came from....Space Aliens!  Most likely.  Either that or law abiding ships I guess.
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3461 on: October 30, 2020, 05:45:04 AM »
There's many farm fields in my area that use the 'organic' waste from sewage plants.  They post signs when it is applied.
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3462 on: October 30, 2020, 12:29:09 PM »

But now that you have steered the thread into the proverbial cesspool, .....


I guess my work here is done.  8) ;D

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3463 on: October 31, 2020, 06:04:12 AM »
Are you saying Jim that human waste is being used on farm fields? The farms around here have waste ponds from the animal areas that are pumped out a few times a year and sprayed on fields with huge sprayers as opposed to older method of mechanical spreading of solids, do NOT fall into that pond. But, back in the 80's I started seeing tanker trucks marked "Agri-Sludge" smeared with nasty looking stuff and smelling awful and leaving horrible, slippery, nasty looking stuff on the street.......
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3464 on: October 31, 2020, 08:39:02 PM »
Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, a very well- known person, is probably better known by his nickname, The Red Baron due to him painting his plane red so he could be recognized in combat by the enemy. A fighter pilot in WWI, he is credited with 80 air victories before being shot down himself and killed in 1918. He won much acclaim and many decorations, including the Prussian Pour le Mérite, better known to English speakers as The Blue Max. He was the commanding officer of Jagdgeschwader 1, again better known to English speakers as The Flying Circus.

Most casual accounts and I think memories of the man and the squadron end with Richthofen but he was not the last, or even the next- to- last commander of that squadron. He was simply the last famous commander, at least in his own time. As Richthofen died in April 1918, and the war did not end until Nov. 1918, there would be time for two more officers to command that group, both aces in their own rights with 20 kills each. But it is the second and final commander that I think surprises most people- he started WWI in the infantry and did not even learn to fly until 1916 and was then wounded so badly that he was hospitalized for nearly a year before again returning to the war. He would be awarded the Iron Cross, First Class as well as the coveted Blue Max in addition to gaining 20 air victories. He survived the war and went onto.... oh, I guess politics, broadly speaking. His name was Herman Goering, eventually Reichsmarschall of the Luftwaffe, a morphine addict after 1923, second in the command structure only to Adolf Hitler and would end up being the highest ranking Nazi to be tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. Found guilty, he was sentenced to death by hanging but cheated the hangman by committing suicide using cyanide the night before his scheduled execution. Goering was instrumental in bringing the National Socialist or Nazi party to power, as well as moving Hitler from the chancellor of a republic to the dictator of the nation.

At least this provides us a small break from the hectic political discussions going on now, Sat., 31 Oct. 2020..... three days before the US election.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3465 on: November 01, 2020, 06:35:15 AM »
Are you saying Jim that human waste is being used on farm fields? The farms around here have waste ponds from the animal areas that are pumped out a few times a year and sprayed on fields with huge sprayers as opposed to older method of mechanical spreading of solids, do NOT fall into that pond. But, back in the 80's I started seeing tanker trucks marked "Agri-Sludge" smeared with nasty looking stuff and smelling awful and leaving horrible, slippery, nasty looking stuff on the street.......

Indeed, I am.  But this is not spread as slippery sludge farm waste (however, as far as I know that is still used by some farmers).
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3466 on: November 01, 2020, 06:36:05 AM »
Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, a very well- known person, is probably better known by his nickname, The Red Baron due to him painting his plane red so he could be recognized in combat by the enemy. A fighter pilot in WWI, he is credited with 80 air victories before being shot down himself and killed in 1918. He won much acclaim and many decorations, including the Prussian Pour le Mérite, better known to English speakers as The Blue Max. He was the commanding officer of Jagdgeschwader 1, again better known to English speakers as The Flying Circus.

Most casual accounts and I think memories of the man and the squadron end with Richthofen but he was not the last, or even the next- to- last commander of that squadron. He was simply the last famous commander, at least in his own time. As Richthofen died in April 1918, and the war did not end until Nov. 1918, there would be time for two more officers to command that group, both aces in their own rights with 20 kills each. But it is the second and final commander that I think surprises most people- he started WWI in the infantry and did not even learn to fly until 1916 and was then wounded so badly that he was hospitalized for nearly a year before again returning to the war. He would be awarded the Iron Cross, First Class as well as the coveted Blue Max in addition to gaining 20 air victories. He survived the war and went onto.... oh, I guess politics, broadly speaking. His name was Herman Goering, eventually Reichsmarschall of the Luftwaffe, a morphine addict after 1923, second in the command structure only to Adolf Hitler and would end up being the highest ranking Nazi to be tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. Found guilty, he was sentenced to death by hanging but cheated the hangman by committing suicide using cyanide the night before his scheduled execution. Goering was instrumental in bringing the National Socialist or Nazi party to power, as well as moving Hitler from the chancellor of a republic to the dictator of the nation.

At least this provides us a small break from the hectic political discussions going on now, Sat., 31 Oct. 2020..... three days before the US election.

"LOCTITE®"  The original thread locker...  #11  2020 Indian Roadmaster, ABS, Cruise control, heated grips and seats/w/AC 46 Monitoring with cutting edge technology U.N.I.T is Back! Member in good standing with the Knights of MEH.

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3467 on: November 02, 2020, 07:48:16 PM »
But whatever happened to Gary Powers? Everybody must know of Francis Gary Powers, the pilot of the 'untouchable' U2 on a weather mission, or spying on Soviet nuclear missle sites, when a Soviet missle struck and shot down the aircraft, which the US then denied existed, only to have the Soviets produce the aircraft wreckage but then stick to their 'he was off course by mistake on a weather observation mission' only to find the Soviets also had the camera and film of their launch bases, only to have the US keep denying it until the Soviets brought Gary Powers in front of a Soviet court. Yeah, that 'he is alive and has been captured' part was hard to deny..... So of course they tried him, found him guilty and sentenced him to ten years in a Soviet prison after he admitted guilt and threw himself on the mercy of the court. Yeah.....

Well, after a couple of years, he was traded for a Soviet spy, across a bridge in Berlin, real cold- war stuff and was brought back to the US. Met with a cool reception, the US gov't went on a hard campaign to bring him back into the good graces of Joe Q. Public and was pretty successful really. He then went to work for Lockheed, the manufacturer of the U2 that he flew but was really working for the CIA of course and things went along pretty well for quite a while. But then he wrote a book, Operation Overflight, than rubbed some fur the wrong way and was fired. So what is a ejected (moderate pun intended) CIA pilot to do once out of the gov't's good graces? Why learn to fly helicopters and get a job flying one for a Los Angeles television station of course. And it was doing that, in 1975, that Francis Gary Powers suffered a major failure in a helicopter and died in the resulting crash. Well not quite.... he was actually successfully autorotating back to the ground when he saw children playing in the area he was going to land in and it was his turning sharply to avoid them that most probably caused the crash. So really Mr. Powers died doing what he loved, flying, and doing what he was supposed to have done way back in 1960 and sacrificed his life for others. That was the cause of his poor character view in the US when he returned- he was supposed to commit suicide using the CIA supplied 'coin' containing a needle and poison instead of being captured. I find it amazing how many people have told me he was evil personified for not doing that and how they would have done so instantly.... while lounging in their favorite chair in the living room. And yeah, the Soviets captured his suicide 'coin' also.

And it was not only Mr. Powers the Soviets shot down that day. They also managed to hit a MIG 19, sent to intercept Powers but unable to do so. The pilot of the MIG ejected the plane wreckage but died of injuries sustained.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3468 on: November 03, 2020, 03:49:07 AM »
And that's the rest of the story...
"LOCTITE®"  The original thread locker...  #11  2020 Indian Roadmaster, ABS, Cruise control, heated grips and seats/w/AC 46 Monitoring with cutting edge technology U.N.I.T is Back! Member in good standing with the Knights of MEH.

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3469 on: January 23, 2021, 09:25:12 AM »
For those of you dating Barbie dolls....

Looking just above the butt on the back of the torso, there is a date stamp.  Most of the Barbies we have at the house have 1966 on that.  That is not an indicator of when it was produced.  Look at the back of the head or around the neck for the true date of manufacture.  Mattel has used the 1966 torsos for many years after that.

This has been a Word to the Wise Public Service Announcement.
"LOCTITE®"  The original thread locker...  #11  2020 Indian Roadmaster, ABS, Cruise control, heated grips and seats/w/AC 46 Monitoring with cutting edge technology U.N.I.T is Back! Member in good standing with the Knights of MEH.

Offline Strawboss

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3470 on: January 23, 2021, 11:43:29 AM »
All my wife's Barbie stuff was left at her parents house when they sold it a few years ago. She was heartbroken as there were some really nice things and it was her childhood toys and memories. It's a long story. I went on a mission this past Christmas to find a few dolls to cheer her a bit. Forget Goodwill, Salvation Army, and most all second hand stores unless you want to pay outrageous money for essentially used junk. It is impossible to find a basic, run of the mill, no frills, Barbie only item. Anyway, I found a couple and gave them to her on Christmas Day, it was nice. Thanks for the info too.
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3471 on: January 24, 2021, 07:43:33 AM »
For those of you dating Barbie dolls....

Looking just above the butt on the back of the torso, there is a date stamp.  Most of the Barbies we have at the house have 1966 on that.  That is not an indicator of when it was produced.  Look at the back of the head or around the neck for the true date of manufacture.  Mattel has used the 1966 torsos for many years after that.

This has been a Word to the Wise Public Service Announcement.

Dating a Barbie doll? What if one marries one?   lol

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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3472 on: January 24, 2021, 06:24:10 PM »

Well, after a couple of years, he [Francis Gary Powers] was traded for a Soviet spy, across a bridge in Berlin, real cold- war stuff ...

Ah-yup. That bridge you mentioned (it's located on the way out to Potsdam from the former West Berlin, where I was stationed from 1983-91) was the scene of several spy/prisoner exchanges throughout the Cold War. Commonly called "Freedom Bridge" for obvious reasons, the Germans call it Glienicke Brücke. Powers was one, I think actually the first, of the spy transfers though technically he was a prisoner.

Greville Wynne in April 1964,  Marian Zacharski in June 1985, Anatoly Shcharansky in February 1986. These were spy exchanges.

Another exchange wasn't prisoner or spy at all. The remains of Major Arthur Nicholson were released to U.S. custody also via Freedom Bridge. Major Nicholson was shot and allowed to bleed to death while he was conducting observations in association with his position as an officer with the U.S. Military Liaison Mission, stationed in Potsdam.

I was in Berlin at that time and as a member of the 298th Army Band, was called on several times to play funerals and dedications under his name; we also performed while his body was loaded on an aircraft to take him first to Frankfurt, and then to the U.S. for interment at Arlington National Cemetery. I can tell you that things were very tense from a Cold War perspective at that time. Nicholson was shot by a trigger-happy Soviet sentry which was bad enough, but medical care to him was refused and he bled to death. He was arguably the last Cold War casualty on that date in March 1985.
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3473 on: January 26, 2021, 11:33:09 AM »
I got a flat tire yesterday, I think we picked it up at a lumber yard we went to. A wood screw in the tread causing a slow leak. I was amazed when I took it to the local Goodyear distributor that they patched/plugged it from inside and rebalanced it for free. I didn't think anybody did that anymore, especially on a snow tire with 2000 miles on it that cost $75 originally.
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3474 on: January 26, 2021, 11:48:43 AM »
Why would they do that for free?  Did you have road hazard ins?
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Re: A thread about nothing at all....
« Reply #3475 on: January 26, 2021, 12:06:18 PM »
Oh yeah, sorry, yes, roadhazard insurance which I never had use of before, well, like a gun, you don't need it till you need it. But what amazed me was the fact they did it at all with what I would have thought to be a big liability, I know, different on bike tires, but still...
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