Author Topic: Had this really bizarre dream about my Concours....  (Read 1319 times)

Offline Mister Tee

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Had this really bizarre dream about my Concours....
« on: October 28, 2011, 11:20:31 AM »
One of those things you wake up from, and you are SO relieved it's only just a dream.

So I'm over in a shop/warehouse type deal, maybe an hour away from the house and I'm about to leave on a long trip for a month, and I decide to do some maintenance work on the Concours, like tighten the header bolts.

I strip off all the fairings, and the radiator, and decide that since the headers and exhaust are dirty, I might as well remove them, so I do, and I wash them in the sink basin, and go over them with Brasso to bring out that nice polished copper color (okay this is a dream).  While that's off the bike, I decide to remove the engine and wash it too.

To make a long story short, it's approaching 6:00 p.m. and I really need to get home.  But, my bike is in pieces and I can't even remember exactly what goes where.  I put the motor on, and the exhaust, and then ride home.  I'm nearly home, and it occurs to me, did I tighten the headers?  I get off the bike.  Nope, never even put the nuts on!  Did I put oil in the bike?  I want to ride back to the shop to do the job right but it's soooo late in the day.  I ride home, and in my hand is some rotary ball bearing thing from the carburator, and the bearings fall on the floor, and the bearing races are thin metal things that are all bent out of shape.

MY BIKE IS NOT WHOLE, I don't even know if it's fixable.  The fairings and half the bike are still at the shop, I've got pieces that I don't even know will go back together properly, I'll be gone for a month and I don't even have time to round everything up and give it to the shop, why did I bother to do something so stupid?

That's when I woke up, I had to keep telling myself "The bike is in the garage, I didn't take it apart.  The bike is in the garage.  I didn't take it apart."