Author Topic: What are you watching?  (Read 399496 times)

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #900 on: June 28, 2017, 06:10:48 PM »
Well, as one- half of all the doctor jokes on the planet start.... I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you watched an OK series..... but you already knew that. The bad news is that IMO, it is a very sharply pitched ride down from there; season 2 is a big drop in quality, season 3 is a bigger drop than season 2 was and so on. By season 3 the true 'horror' is sitting down and trying to choke that series down. All in my opinion of course.


Just finished the first season of "American Horror Story."  It was OK.  Had some great acting and neat twists.  I am a bit disappointed in the ending, though.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #901 on: June 28, 2017, 07:17:22 PM »
We have to tread lightly here 'cause I kinda' like this thread and this subject could get it locked or moved to the arena, which is a place just off the edge of the world for me (not a participant in that section).

I can give you a couple of hints, as well as the fact that there is more than one 'crazy channel'; there seem to be two predominant ones but one of the 'teams' has more 'crazy' channels, or at least it seems so to me.

Hints, in no particular order:

1) It is loud; because:
    a) People are usually screaming at each other and
    b) People is plural, so there is more than one person screaming at once
    c) the people talking will not stop talking because they have apparently not quite gotten the concept of 'taking turns' or conversing with other people and must be interrupted by the host(s) but they will still not stop so.... the 'opposing force' starts talking, as well as the primary speaker and the host....  all at once.
2) It makes no sense. If something starts to make sense, someone instantly re- directs the screaming in a new, nonsensical, direction.
3) It makes no sense. The contestants in the struggle for loud and obnoxious do not want to talk about a topic or subject, they want to take their own dogma and either pound it into the person(s) on the 'other team's' faces or defend it against the people trying to pound it into their faces.
4) There are only two, extremely rigid (Easy Boys, not one of those crazy channels....) points of view and they are: "fer me" and "agin me".
5) There is no possibility of anyone on any side gaining any new ideas, thoughts, perspectives for the reasons listed above.

That should be enough to identify the genre that I am speaking about. My suggestion would be that no one mention a specific channel but rather allude to one and I will reply with 'cold, cool, warm, hot, bingo' and we will have to leave it at that. If the actual 'Crazy Channel' were to get out, it is going to make 1/2 of the population cranky that I called it the 'Crazy Channel' because they know it is not 'Crazy' at all but evil, well organized and plotting to overthrow.... well, everything I guess. And it will make the other 1/2 of the population cranky because they know it is not 'Crazy' but a perfectly reasonable response to the other team, which is evil, well organized and plotting to overthrow.... well, everything I guess.

And of course if my wife stumbles across this post (not sure if she ever skims this forum or not), there will be some hollerin' at Kirby's house 'cause the 'Crazy Channel' is not crazy at all but a perfectly reasonable and desperately needed response to the evil ones, who are on the other 'Crazy Channel', which is really the 'Evil Channel' and they are well organized and plotting.... well, you know.

WAY OFFTOPIC: I have been getting involved state- level politics lately due to some very specific legislation being proposed in my state. I go to support 'my side', wave the proverbial flag, and sign in an be counted as an 'us' or a 'them' as well as to testify before the judicial committees. I wear one of 'the pins' to mark me as an 'us' (or is it a 'them'?) but I cannot speak with anyone, including my brother, because they are all well and truly insane. I am an American, born and bred, and I truly believe in our basic system, or at least the fundamental rules put in place first in England (our 'revolutionary' ideas were mostly English revolutionary ideas of the 17th century in England before we 'invented' them here) and then in the US when the US became the US. Our Constitution is short yet wise and cunning at the same time. It is as good or better than any other 'rule book' I am aware of, and it even has some really clever and I think superb methods to adapt and change with the times and needs of our society. We have had and continue to have some truly brilliant, gifted and able people helping to guide us and the entire system along; some true giants among men (an expression, of course there have been female giants as well.... this is not a gender thing). And yet we try our best to decide our most serious social issues by.... who can scream the loudest and longest. I think sometimes the last statesman we might have had was (shields up!) Richard Milhous Nixon. Seriously. Sure he was a criminal and yeah, he was going to be impeached, virtually certainly convicted and very likely criminally charged. But look past or through that and see what he actually did: disentangled us from Viet Nam, opened relations (Boys! I am not going to tell you again!) with China (and while that resulted in what we call Taiwan getting tossed as a legitimate 'state' but hey, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet....) either put in or greatly strengthened the Clean Water Act (we used to have rivers catch on fire, now I think that one both teams have to admit is a bit too much), the Clean Air Act, created a good and truly beneficial financial change by introducing IRA's (bolstering a sagging S.S. system and actually significantly changing the earning to saving ratio in the US) and so on. Lots of truly good stuff. Really. Sure he was a putz and a criminal, and fairly annoying to watch / listen to but overall, I would give him pretty good marks for a post- WWII American President regarding achievements as opposed to an emotional only reaction.

BACK ONTOPIC.... sort of:

And I am typing all this junk because tonight is the night Fargo is on and Fargo has ended for the entire year! A whole Earth year!!! And I am left with..... the 'Crazy Channel', which was just getting loud behind me (guess who is watching TV....).

 :rotflmao: and  :'(  a little bit all at the same time.


Now we need another thread to guess Brian's "Crazy Channel". I'll even supply a prize. A set of OEM rear brake pads still in the original package (I forgot to give them to the guy who bought my C14).
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline Rhino

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #902 on: June 29, 2017, 08:29:57 AM »
How do I reply without naming anything specific? Hmmmm... ok my guess is that the crazy channel is a "current events" channel. That has "journalists" talking 2% of the time about some fact and then 98% of the time about opinions of said fact. Am I warm?

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #903 on: June 29, 2017, 08:39:47 AM »
maybe...except the facts are fake

Offline B.D.F.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #904 on: June 29, 2017, 09:03:52 AM »
Meh, not quite. Let's see..... replace 'journalists' with 'hosts' (in one- hour formats).

Facts, some facts and opinions are not important, dogma is all that matters. And the best dogma is loud dogma.


How do I reply without naming anything specific? Hmmmm... ok my guess is that the crazy channel is a "current events" channel. That has "journalists" talking 2% of the time about some fact and then 98% of the time about opinions of said fact. Am I warm?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #905 on: June 29, 2017, 09:30:44 AM »
Wrong channel..... the 'Crazy Channel' is the only source of the truth. And by that I mean the REAL truth, not the truth as it is. :-)

Remember, reality is often based on where and when you happen to be: if in Germany in 1935, for example, the REAL truth was presented by Herr Goebbels, all else was distorted, wrong or simply lies. Same time in the Soviet Union, it was Mr. Molotov who had cornered the market on the truth, all others, such as Herr Goebbels were presenting distorted, incorrect facts or simply lying. In 2017, in the US of A, the 'Crazy Channel' has a lock on reality, while all other sources of information lie and distort the facts but even more so, apparently, is that the others suppress the 'real' news.

One lesson I always found to be especially interesting is that William Shirer, an American correspondent in Berlin before the US entry in WWII (one of 'Murrow's Boys'), wrote in 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' that as a foreign journalist, he had all forms of world journalism available to him that the average German citizen did not due to censorship. So while he was actually quite well informed on world events, the Nazi propaganda was so intense that he actually found himself wondering if what he had gathered from outside sources such as the American wire services, the BBS, etc. was really correct or if the German 'news' was correct. The point being that even a well informed, intelligent and knowledgeable person, hearing, actually bombarded, with the same well formed, continuous lies would start to question whether they might be correct, how could a person given ONLY that propaganda believe anything else? Perhaps the Poles really did start WWII by attacking the Germans per the German party line? And therein lies the lesson of the 'Crazy Channel': do not just say it but pound it in, pound it in often, weave it all into a story and keep pounding and they will believe...... We have seen this before, again and again, at home (Joseph McCarthy and the 'Red Scare' and all the communist infiltrators in the US Dept. of State and afterward, all over the US Gov't) and abroad and yet we cannot seem to develop any resistance to it. The current 'XXXXX scare' is merely the latest rendition of the party line.


maybe...except the facts are fake
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #906 on: June 29, 2017, 09:47:49 AM »
Are you saying that McCarthy was wrong?

Offline Rhino

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #907 on: June 29, 2017, 10:32:17 AM »
It is quite possible that I have never watched this crazy channel and therefor will never know what it is. I'm quite happy about this possibility.  :)

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #908 on: June 29, 2017, 10:49:45 AM »
I had a recent work trip to San Antonio and downloaded "The 100" season 1 on netflix.
It's not terrible, reminds me a lot of Falling Skies which I could not finish by the way.
I'm on season 2 of the 100
Apparently it's been renewed for Season 5.
Brent Johnson 
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #909 on: June 29, 2017, 11:03:14 AM »
No. I am saying that anyone and everyone who was listening to, thinking about and possibly believing his line of garbage was wrong. Exactly  the same way those watching the 'Crazy Channel' and nodding are wrong. Spewing his particular 'party line' was the only thing Joseph McCarthy had going for him and like far too many 'horror show' acts, it made him visible, politically powerful and important in his society. The way to stop such idiocy is for everyone else to think clearly and react properly: he claimed to have 'lists' of 'communists' working for the US Gov't. My response would be OK, let me see them and let us discuss this and decide what we (all of us) want to do about it, if anything. But I am not going to react and certainly not going to follow while you scream about what facts you claim to know, what lists you claim to have, shake handfuls of paper at the cameras while screaming your rhetoric, but DO NOT SHOW ME THE LISTS.

The owners, producers, and hosts of the 'Crazy Channel' are making a lot of dough, far, far more than I do when I get up and go to work, so it is difficult to say that they are wrong. But I think taking up whatever the 'Crazy Channel' spews out and reacting to it and worse yet, supporting it without any evidence or real investigation is idiocy. And yet, our entire country is basically driven by two sets of people, each with their own 'Crazy Channel' behind them, demanding what must be / cannot be done (depending on which side a person is on), is a truly terrible state of affairs.

Brian (fending off the party line since 1958)

Are you saying that McCarthy was wrong?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #910 on: June 29, 2017, 11:10:02 AM »
No, you have seen it. It is extremely popular and even its detractors are well aware of it and have seen it, or at least snippets. Also, a lot of items are taken directly from the 'Crazy Channel' and shown elsewhere as well as published all over the place.

Perhaps you watch it and like it and that is both well w/in your rights and fine with me, although of course my opinion certainly does not mean anything.

The only thing I would hope for is that you think about and evaluate what is being screamed on the 'Crazy Channel' before reacting to it and passing it on to others. That is the real danger IMO, not the virus itself (the 'Crazy Channel' itself) but the results it has after infecting the herd.

Wanna' buy a vowel?



It is quite possible that I have never watched this crazy channel and therefor will never know what it is. I'm quite happy about this possibility.  :)
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Offline maxtog

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #911 on: June 29, 2017, 03:39:48 PM »
I can't imagine what this mystery crazy channel is, except I probably really have not seen it before (except many accidentally).  I stick to about 6 channels, and only through a TiVo recording what I want to see, and none of them include news, talk shows, reality TV, politics, or anything like that.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #912 on: June 29, 2017, 05:54:05 PM »

"Alex, I will take news, politics, and interactive political channels for $2,000".

You too have seen this channel, everyone who watches 'broadcast' TV has. The difficulty now is that some of those following this thread actually LIKE that channel, and it is a bit scary that I am calling it the 'Crazy Channel'. No offense meant but really, it is illogical, nonsensical TV, appealing to the internal hatred of far too many people IMO. One of whom is my wife, which is what started me on this path......

C'mon people, what popular, common, TV network regularly broadcasts screaming, arguing, between 3 and 19 people talking at one time and preaches a 'party line' constantly. I am not going to specify the network, nor will I confirm it if someone guesses which one it is (DUH!) because I like this thread and do not want it locked. Still, you gotta' KNOW which network I am addressing!

Let's leave it at that and get back to what we are watching, especially good TV such as Breaking Bad, Fargo and similar, 'cause I am desperately looking for some quality, decent programming in this vast wasteland that is television.....

West world: slow but really pretty good if one sticks with the whole season. Starring Anthony Hopkins, who is on a plane by himself IMo, but he will not be back in season 2.... as everyone knows who watched season 1.

Game of Thrones: meh for me but miles above the usual trash. Plus nekkid wimmins (says his 12 year old inner self).  ;D

Ray Donovan: fantastic cast, great show. A little uneven over the seasons but still extremely good IMO. Jon Voight is utterly superb as a Boston life- criminal, right down to an excellent accent IMO (and I am not far from Boston). Plus the occasional nekkid wimmins.

Star Trek Discovery. Premier episode of a new series in the Star Trek universe. Withholding judgement; I grew up with Star Trek TOS and everything else is an 'also ran' IMO.

Law and Order True Crime: The Mendez Murders. Hmmmm. I kinda' liked the original Law and Order, not so much the spin- offs but hey, they were not awful. New series by Dick Wolf- it might be worth checking out....?

Otherwise, not seeing too much on the horizon worth watching as far as I can tell. PBS Nova can be ok, and PBS The American Experience is often outstanding but there is no consistency to the frequency; an episode here, and episode there. But still, most of them are truly excellent and more than worth watching IMO. I especially liked The bombing of Germany and Death and the Civil War, neither of which are about what the titles would imply.

Brian (trying to find the diamonds in a mine full of rocks)

I can't imagine what this mystery crazy channel is, except I probably really have not seen it before (except many accidentally).  I stick to about 6 channels, and only through a TiVo recording what I want to see, and none of them include news, talk shows, reality TV, politics, or anything like that.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #913 on: June 30, 2017, 07:16:17 AM »
You too have seen this channel, everyone who watches 'broadcast' TV has.

I haven't watched broadcast TV in 4 years. If its not on netflix, amazon prime or youtube, I haven't seen it.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #914 on: June 30, 2017, 07:24:34 AM »
I haven't watched broadcast TV in 4 years. If its not on netflix, amazon prime or youtube, I haven't seen it.

And I haven't watched "channels" in probably 17 years due to TiVo.  I watch shows.  That means I see only programs I specifically tell it to record, or those it thinks I will like based on my previous ratings.  So most of the time, I have no idea what channel something is on, nor do I care to know.  Based on what little I see of the guide data, just about every channel has junk available; very few channels have anything worth watching at all.

Also have Netflix streaming.  Unlike cable, looking their THEIR listings, it seems difficult to find anything that is junk.  There might be some things that are not quite the genre I want to watch, but not just outright stupid.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #915 on: June 30, 2017, 09:41:08 AM »
Then you gentleman may well have missed the 'Crazy Channel' because it is a cable network and may not even be available via the sources you use. ?? At any rate, I am SURE you are better off using your methods than I am, using Cox cable. I do have Netflix streaming via Apple TV but frankly find it difficult to get concise listings of what is what. In other words, clunky to 'scan' and see what movies or other shows might be on, and what programming I find to be of known good quality, such as PBS's 'The American Experience' is just not available via Netflix- maybe two episodes available.

Both of my sons have given up on any form of 'delivered TV', be it broadcast, cable, satellite, whatever, and use other methods to watch what they want, some on the 'up and up', some not so much but both ways, they pick and choose what they watch without wading into the cesspool that is general TV programming to get it. Also, they do not watch episodic TV over time but wait for the entire season to be over, grab the entire season and then watch it. Both my youngest son and I are huge fans of Fargo (TV series) but while I was watching it on DVR, he just waited for it to end then grabbed it and binge- watched it pretty much straight- through. Makes our conversations about it odd because I might mention interesting things that happen in an episode, I cannot describe it 'cause he has not seen any of it. Then when he is done, we catch up on the whole season.

Once things settle down here, I will make some changes that include better selection of what I watch and probably different methods of watching it.... maybe chucking COX entirely, although having a bundle package (internet, TV, landline- yep, the last guy on planet Earth with a 'house phone'), they make it pretty painful, price- wise, to buy only two services. Sometimes it is MORE expensive than all three.


I haven't watched broadcast TV in 4 years. If its not on netflix, amazon prime or youtube, I haven't seen it.

And I haven't watched "channels" in probably 17 years due to TiVo.  I watch shows.  That means I see only programs I specifically tell it to record, or those it thinks I will like based on my previous ratings.  So most of the time, I have no idea what channel something is on, nor do I care to know.  Based on what little I see of the guide data, just about every channel has junk available; very few channels have anything worth watching at all.

Also have Netflix streaming.  Unlike cable, looking their THEIR listings, it seems difficult to find anything that is junk.  There might be some things that are not quite the genre I want to watch, but not just outright stupid.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens and just a tad of Neanderthal but it usually does not show....  My Private mail is blocked; it is not you, it is me, just like that dating partner said all those years ago. Please send an e-mail if you want to contact me privately.

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #916 on: June 30, 2017, 10:45:17 AM »
At any rate, I am SURE you are better off using your methods than I am, using Cox cable.

That is what I use- Cox cable.  But with a TiVo.

I do have Netflix streaming via Apple TV but frankly find it difficult to get concise listings of what is what. In other words, clunky to 'scan' and see what movies or other shows might be on, and what programming I find to be of known good quality, such as PBS's 'The American Experience' is just not available via Netflix- maybe two episodes available.

The Neflix streaming interface is *horrible* on ANY device.  They made sure that no matter which device, the interface is similar and horrible.  So it isn't just you, many people find it extremely difficult to navigate or find what they want on Netflix.  Quite frankly, I think it is intentional to help hide what is missing.

Once things settle down here, I will make some changes that include better selection of what I watch and probably different methods of watching it.... maybe chucking COX entirely,

I don't do commercials and will watch what I want when I want.  You can keep Cox as a source, just make sure you get a DVR/PVR of some sort, which makes it usable.  I have thousands of recorded programs, often several seasons of programs, that are just sitting there on the multi-terabyte hard drive waiting for me to watch when the mood hits me.  Going the TiVo route is more expensive and complex than a cable-company DVR, but it has a vastly superior interface, greatly better remote control, usually much larger storage space, has more features and options, and records proactively (something no other DVR does, because I think TiVo still holds a patent on it).  My current model, the Roamio Pro, can record 6 programs as the same time and will stream those to tablets/phones or cheap "mini" units, in addition to the main TV to which it is connected.
Shoodaben (was Guhl) Mountain Runner ECU flash, Canyon Cages front/rear, Helibars risers, Phil's wedges, Grip Puppies, Sargent World seat-low & heated & pod, Muzzy lowering links, Soupy's stand, Nautilus air horn, Admore lightbar, Ronnie's highway pegs, front running lights, all LED, helmet locks, RAM Xgrip, Sena SMH10, Throttle Tamer, MRA X-Creen, BearingUp Shifter, PR4-GT, Scorpion EXO-T1200,etc

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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #917 on: June 30, 2017, 12:22:03 PM »
I do not do commercials and use a DVR (from Cox and it works extremely well) but I still have to fast- forward through the commercial recorded with the programming content. If the same programming is procured through other means, the commercials have almost always been removed with nothing left but a fade- to- black- fade- to- screenshot where they were inserted.

Have not tried TiVo but as I said the Cox DVR is excellent, RF rather than IR, and can be voice activated. And the voice recognition is nothing short of superb IMO.

As I said, I am just looking for reasonably priced content delivery. Especially if the content available can be scanned or searched through the 'Net (through a browser) as well as whatever interface is provided at the viewing point.

What is unfortunate is that at this moment in time, the easiest and fastest way to access virtually all video content is also a method that bypasses commercial delivery entirely. The best scheme I am aware of that would address a whole host of problems regarding content delivery via Internet is also interesting and unusual, while preserving property rights and still using the free market (capitalism) fully and it is basically the opposite of the way things work now. Currently, we, at least most of us, pay a fixed price for unlimited bandwidth and access to the 'Net, and then we pay for content such as TV programs, movies, books, etc., etc.. If that content was made available without restriction or any <direct> charge but we paid for 'Net access based on the bandwidth used, the ISPs could then charge the 'correct' amount and in turn, distribute some pre- agreed to fees to the providers of that bandwidth used (and charged for) that was copyrighted. It is what is already happening with cable services; we pay a fixed fee for a 'package', and the cable company in turn pays fees to content owners, say such as Warner Bros., based on the number of customers they have using a 'package' using that particular content. So what this proposed system works on is the identical principle but is much wider in scope of content, and there are no prearranged billing amounts, the content owners simply get a fee for not only a viewing of, say, 'Gone with the Wind' but would also get a partial fee if you only watched a portion of the movie and shut it off. Not my idea, I read the proposal written by someone but I think it has real potential to provide a fair and workable mechanism to deliver content to everyone and anyone. And as a plus, it would absolutely eliminate piracy because that would simply not be an option: try to steal a movie? Fine, do it. But it cannot be done because first you will be charged for the bandwidth used to 'steal' it and then, your ISP would pay the provider without your consent or even knowledge. Not unlike how long distance service used to be: talk to someone far away for an hour? No one cares how many words you got in or what they were, or even if you were asleep with the receiver in your hand, you pay for one hour of LD phone use.

Anyway, here is to better programming and our ability to find it. This very thread has helped me find some good programming.



I don't do commercials and will watch what I want when I want.  You can keep Cox as a source, just make sure you get a DVR/PVR of some sort, which makes it usable.  I have thousands of recorded programs, often several seasons of programs, that are just sitting there on the multi-terabyte hard drive waiting for me to watch when the mood hits me.  Going the TiVo route is more expensive and complex than a cable-company DVR, but it has a vastly superior interface, greatly better remote control, usually much larger storage space, has more features and options, and records proactively (something no other DVR does, because I think TiVo still holds a patent on it).  My current model, the Roamio Pro, can record 6 programs as the same time and will stream those to tablets/phones or cheap "mini" units, in addition to the main TV to which it is connected.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #918 on: June 30, 2017, 01:13:20 PM »
I am a fan of pay-as-you-go or pay-as-you-use where one pays for time of entertainment, perhaps modified as to how old it is.  For example pay something like $0.75/hr for newer content and $0.50/hr for 5 to 10-year-old content and $0.25/hr for anything older.  This would reward good and/or popular content and still pay for and encourage reruns and re-watching of older content.  If one watched an even mix of the three levels on average of 4 hours/day, that would be about $90/month... which I am guessing is about the average cable bill.  Those who watch more and get more, pay more.  Those who don't, pay less.

I don't expect that to happen anytime soon, though.  Many companies seem to despise such models; they want the consumer to pay continuously whether the service is used or not.  "What a value!  1,000 channels [of crap] for unlimited TV's in your house for one price!!!"  They depend on initial excitement and then laziness but guaranteeing the company a continuous revenue stream.  Gym memberships, on-star, alarm system contracts, cable bills, typical land-lines, and flat-rate Internet are good examples.  Those plans do work out well as long as there is competition and/or the prices stay relatively low.   And in a way, like Netflix, it encourages them to keep buying quality content so the consumer doesn't get bored and suspend or drop the service.

I just know the value of what I pay for cable for what I watch is VERY low compared to something like Netflix streaming, and the value of my Internet service and cell service seems about right.  Yet there is no workable/reasonable alternative to Cable to get the things I *do* watch.  Even if I did sign up for a dozen separate little providers bundling a few things here and there, that wouldn't be economical either- and many embrace a streaming-only with forced commercials model, and I will NEVER accept that model.  A perfect example is the disaster that is going to be the new Star Trek Discovery.  Many are not going to cough up $10 a month for a single show [of unknown quality] on a service that won't even work on most boxes.... I know I won't.  If CBS won't offer it in some other reasonable way, the darker Internet will work around it and most people won't pay anything for it.
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Re: What are you watching?
« Reply #919 on: July 01, 2017, 01:40:12 PM »
Me neither and yes all of the current infrastructure that is generating revenue will generally resist such an idea.

Hey, it may not actually be a workable idea. But I do find it interesting and think it <may> be a useful step forward, preserving what we have and improving it while eliminating some of the things we would like to get rid of. More of a thought than a plan.

But thanks to you folks who are telling us about some of the newer, different ways to get programming. I am ignorant of just about all of them so all of it is of interest to me.



I don't expect that to happen anytime soon, though.  Many companies seem to despise such models; they want the consumer to pay continuously whether the service is used or not. 


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