The C10, aka Kawasaki Concours - The Original > Accessories and Modifications - C10

Windshield height

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I've had my C10 less than a year. The trim has come off the lexan, which isn't' a big deal, but I noticed the edge looks like it has tool marks on it like it may have been shortened at one point.  I'm 6'2 and the wind blast hits my helmet just above the visor.

My questions:
What is the stock height of the windshield? Can someone throw a tape measure on theirs?
Would a taller windshield or adjustable deflector make the ride quieter for a tall rider?
Is there a Canadian seller for this sort of thing?

Thanks in advance

Don't have a C-10 anymore to measure. Sounds like the curved section of your windshield was removed?
If so, you might try one of these to see if it helps.
I use a MRA Vario windshield on my bike {C-14}, and it has one of these.
Really helps control the wind.
I liked it so much that I installed a deflector on a cut down windshield on my C-10.
(That was marginally successful as I cut it too short).. {OOps} But the deflector itself did work..

Ride safe, Ted

George R. Young:


--- Quote ---Would a taller windshield or adjustable deflector make the ride quieter for a tall rider?
--- End quote ---

Yes but one size doesn't fit all.

I tried multiple aftermarket and home made windshields.  None really met my needs.  The quietest ones were also the hottest in summer.

I ended up with a Madstad which is adjustable and is the quietest overall that I tried.  I like it a lot.

Some helmets are significantly noisier than others.  When I made a helmet change from an HJC C12 to a GMax dual sport (which I really like) any remaining buffeting and noise with the Madstad windshield all the way down was much less.

The difference between helmets was also very noticeable on the dual sport, with or without a its windshield.

I've tried the deflectors and one GTR with a Laminar Lip fitted and the quietest was my Rifle base with a tall screen fitted.
I choose screen height for touring such that I look over it, but if I hunch up, I'm looking through it.
For me that resulted in the 5" Rifle base plus a 25.5" screen on top, but I am tall and have a Russell DayLong saddle that is higher than OEM as well as 2" bar risers.

However, whatever screen you choose needs a vent of some kind to reduce the low pressure behind the screen.

CalSci have a good method of getting the right screen height for you here


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