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Introductions / Re: Greetings!
« Last post by Big Red on September 04, 2024, 08:04:36 AM »
Give it time. You will. I don't even have peg feeler left, and I'm a wuss. There's a couple ways to reshape the seat. You can pull the staples on the cover, shave the foam parts where your legs contact when you're standing on the bike, and re-staple. This will allow your legs to rotate a little further and give you more space to plant your feet. Or you could have an upholstery guy do it.
The Bike - C14/GTR 1400 / Re: Gas Tank Cap / Latch Corrosion, Cleaning, and Modification
« Last post by Boomer on September 04, 2024, 02:06:04 AM »
If you are near the ocean, can't you get "boat" gas that is Ethanol free?
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by Strawboss on September 03, 2024, 09:16:46 PM »
2 lane, I'm the only one on the road, maybe 50mph, rolling hills, turkey runs across road, I hit the brakes even though he's across, always others, here comes the other one, like in the movies, slow motion, I'm braking, he kinda running, then he takes off seeing he ain't gonna make it, I duck, he flies between me and the windshield and his claws scratch my helmet.
Go for it you will love the Connie!! Send some pics once you have it.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by gPink on September 03, 2024, 07:21:22 PM »
And buzzards..  One nearly took us out yesterday flying out of the bushes.  Those birds are huge when they are coming at you.
Never trust a buzzard.
Introductions / Re: Greetings!
« Last post by zach54880 on September 03, 2024, 07:11:59 PM »
Welcome aboard! I'd recommend having the seat re-shaped prior to lowering the bike. It's easy enough to scrape in corners without lowering the bike.

How would I go about that? I haven't scraped in any corners yet, I must be a wuss!  :rotflmao:
Introductions / Re: Greetings!
« Last post by zach54880 on September 03, 2024, 07:03:39 PM »

I already looked at the soupy's lowering kit, I think that'll be this winter's project for sure. Right now I'm just riding the bejeebers out of it as much as I can.
Introductions / Re: Greetings!
« Last post by Big Red on September 03, 2024, 10:47:00 AM »
Welcome aboard! I'd recommend having the seat re-shaped prior to lowering the bike. It's easy enough to scrape in corners without lowering the bike.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by VirginiaJim on September 03, 2024, 09:51:46 AM »
And buzzards..  One nearly took us out yesterday flying out of the bushes.  Those birds are huge when they are coming at you.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by Boomer on September 03, 2024, 08:22:17 AM »
That's the problem, too many oblivious idiots on the road.
Please all remember the above statement when out on your bikes.  :goodpost:

I went for a ride on Sunday, and quite apart from the usual assortment of f***wits failing to signal, incapable of staying in their lane, etc-etc-etc. I saw the aftermath of one crash (car on wrong side of road head on with motorcycle, rider survived but needed Ambulance), and actually witnessed another crash. The motorcycle stopped at crossing to let a pedestrian across (required by law in the UK) and the car behind hit him hard enough to total the bike and car and the motorcycle rider was thrown nearly 40'. He was bruised and badly shaken but otherwise OK. Good rider gear helped with that. Car driver was arrested when the Police arrived. I was 400yds away travelling the other way and saw it all so stuck around to give my statement to the Police.
There are so many incompetents out there driving with no consideration for any other road users, or mostly with no thought of any kind what so ever, so far as I can tell.  >:(
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