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The Bike - C14/GTR 1400 / Re: So after her winter nap I go to start and have nothing.
« Last post by Bagger John on September 18, 2024, 01:13:59 PM »
Heading back to Don's place this Saturday for more testing. The last couple weeks were tied up preparing for a new concrete driveway then letting it cure to the point I could get a bike out on the surface.

Money well spent; I finally have a nice surface on which to wash my bikes and roll them out.

Phase II and III are getting a 24x32 pole building garage off the lower (still gravel) driveway area then concreting both the inside of the new garage and the remainder of the driveway.

Must. Resist. Temptation. To. Lay. Burnout...

Back to our scheduled troubleshooting.
The Bike - C14/GTR 1400 / Re: So after her winter nap I go to start and have nothing.
« Last post by Freddy on September 18, 2024, 05:54:42 AM »
BJ or dl - any updates?
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by maxtog on September 17, 2024, 03:25:24 PM »
Max, have you driven in Fredericksburg lately?

It has been many years since I was there.

I've nearly been hit twice in crosswalks there.  It's to the point I park somewhere else on the side of the street I'm going to be on rather than use a crosswalk on a semi busy street there.

I hear ya.  There are crazies everywhere.  And like you said, most of them are glued to a phone.  It isn't just drivers.  PEDESTRIANS are also just walking out in front of me, usually not in a crosswalk, LOOKING AT DAMN PHONES, who apparently have a death wish.  I even see people BICYCLING while looking at phones.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by Strawboss on September 17, 2024, 08:04:39 AM »
On a related note, my wife once worked with a woman who was late for work, her excuse? Well, turns out that when she was on her way to work, the road was blocked and since she only knew one way to get to work, she drove all the way home and started again back to work using another way.

Our roads, signs, laws and traffic patterns are designed and built with the lowest driver intelligence in mind.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by VirginiaJim on September 17, 2024, 06:15:22 AM »
Max, have you driven in Fredericksburg lately?  I've nearly been hit twice in crosswalks there.  It's to the point I park somewhere else on the side of the street I'm going to be on rather than use a crosswalk on a semi busy street there.
For Sale / corbin modular "2 pc seat"
« Last post by hank on September 17, 2024, 05:49:23 AM »
Corbin modular seat $485 + shipping used message me for pics
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by Boomer on September 17, 2024, 01:31:11 AM »
Plenty of idiot drivers here too.  :(

In 2017 I bounced off the side of a Semi-trailer when he turned in front of me without signalling. Thankfully I didn't go under the trailer.
During the 45 mins I was laid in the road waiting for the ambulance, one narcissistic asswhole came over to where the paramedic was helping me stay on my left side to protect my damaged right-shoulder and started complaining that he was late for work and couldn't they move me so he could get past. The paramedic tried to reason politely with the asswhole but he was adamant until I finally told him to "f*** off and ******* with a ****** up his ****** and die" (my excuse for my lack of patience with the asswhole was that I was in considerable pain due to an AC Separation (Grade2) of my right shoulder). The paramedic nearly dropped me he laughed so hard, and the asswhole slunk off back to his car.
Some people can't seem to consider anyone else's needs above their own. At the time I know I couldn't.  :rotflmao:

I agree that stopping to clear dangerous junk from the road has risk, but it can be mitigated like the guy in the car did, by stopping and putting your emergency signals on. Personally I would have reversed a bit further and would have kept a close eye on vehicles coming whilst I was clearing the junk. Driving over the wreckage is just plain stupid. All they had to do was wait a few seconds and then drive around it, or get out and clear it from the road.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by Strawboss on September 16, 2024, 06:08:08 PM »
It's already illegal to leave trash on the road.

I agree about the police but it would be a very low priority for them right now.

 I drove a 110 foot ladder truck with enough flashing lights to blind an eyeless dog and it never really helped much, I would just block the road, and even then they would try to go around me.

Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by maxtog on September 16, 2024, 03:15:57 PM »
You got that right, Boomer.  We have no shortage of fidiots over here.

In fairness, there are fidiots all over the world.  There are far worse places to try and drive than the USA :)  But we certainly have our share, for sure.

It's dangerous as hell getting out of a vehicle and removing the debris.  They'll run you over in the road as they are usually on their damn cell phones.  Someone should have called the cops and let them sort it out.  At least they have cars with flashy lights and things.

That is what I would do.  I wouldn't dare try to remove it myself unless it was daytime, clear, low-traffic, dry, and easy/quick to remove.  Even then, I would put the vehicle well behind me with the emergency flashers on.  Otherwise, I would just call and hope nobody hits it.
Open Forum / Re: 11foot8
« Last post by VirginiaJim on September 16, 2024, 04:04:58 AM »
You got that right, Boomer.  We have no shortage of fidiots over here.  Agree totally that they should be prosecuted when they leave debris in the road.  As for the brave souls getting the debris out..  It's dangerous as hell getting out of a vehicle and removing the debris.  They'll run you over in the road as they are usually on their damn cell phones.  Someone should have called the cops and let them sort it out.  At least they have cars with flashy lights and things.
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