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Huge lottery jackpot

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DC Concours:
I missed my opportunity to win the $1.5 Billion Powerball jackpot the last time around. Because I don't play the lottery. It won't happen again. I told myself that once the jackpot hits 3/4 of a billion I play one game per week till I win the jackpot.

Anyone else playing?

You can't lose if you don't play!  :)

DC Concours:
That was my philosophy. But someone told me I can't win if I don't play!

So I am torn between the two wisdoms.

Just play...

I have always found it funny that Lotto's are allowed in states that otherwise forbid gambling. Hypocrites!  ::)

I personally gamble on our EuroMillions Lotto which costs me £20 per month.
Other than that my only gambling is that occasionally I will assume that the driver of that SUV has actually seen me and doesn't want to kill me, but mostly I assume that they haven't seen me or do want to kill me.  8)

It's only a Lottery if ALL tickets are uniquely numbered and there is ALWAYS a jackpot winning ticket in every draw.
Almost all of the so-called "Lotteries" around the world are actually a Lotto where you can choose your numbers, so you end up with shared wins and more often nobody wins (rollover).
In the UK Lotto's they are limited to no more than 5 rollovers, so on the 6th draw, if nobody wins the jackpot, then it is distributed amongst the next tier down.
Whilst it still results in occasional stupid jackpots of £170+Million it rarely goes beyond that, and if you do win that amount, you get that amount, tax free!!!
$1.5Billion is just obscene and irrelevant as I am sure that you simply cannot claim the whole amount even if you do win.


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